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January 2006   -   December 2006

catholicCompliments for Mr. Odou's The Shell Game of Distributists  -  What People Are Commenting - December 30, 2006
catholicThe Shell Game of Distributists  - A Dishonest Tactic To Not Stop Spreading Bad Authors - Patrick Odou - December 28, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Cardinal Poupard Visits a Hindu Temple - December 26, 2006
catholicRiu, Riu, Chiu  -  A Spanish Christmas Carol in honor of Our Lady - Hymns: Old & New - December 25, 2006
catholicThe Dark Portrayal of The Nativity Story  -  What People Are Commenting - December 23, 2006
catholicOur Cordial Christmas Greetings to Our Readers - December 22, 2006
catholicHush Little Babe – Carol of the Princeling  -  Sing this Christmas song with Fr. Somerville - Hymns: Old & New - December 21, 2006
catholicSt. Thomas the Apostle, December 21 - Prof. Plinio comments on the many miracles and spirit of penance of this great missionary apostle - December 20, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Was Msgr. Bugnini a Mason? - December 19, 2006
catholicDon’t Watch This Protestant Nativity  -  Movie review of The Nativity Story  by Marian T. Horvat - December 18, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Catholic-Buddhist Syncretism in France - December 17, 2006
catholicExpectation of Our Lady, December 18 - How the joy in anticipation of Christ's birth apply to our days - Prof. Plinio - December 16, 2006
catholicThe Pope at the Mosque – A Scandal - Benedict XVI humiliates the Papacy before the Muslim religion - Talks with Jan - Dr. Horvat - December 15, 2006
catholicSt. Eusebius of Vercelli, December 16 - Prof. Plinio comments on his moral sufferings that earned him the title of martyr - December 14, 2006
catholicRepercussions on Diverse Articles  -  What People Are Commenting - December 13, 2006
catholicMarie Antoinette - Her Myth and an Attempt to Destroy It  -  Movie review of Marie Antoinette by Atila S. Guimarães - December 12, 2006
catholicAnimals Rights Gone Wild  -  What People Are Commenting - December 11, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Requiem for Judas - December 10, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - God Chastises the Good When They Do Not Fight Against Evil - St Bernard: To arms! Avenge the wrongs against God and His Church - December 9, 2006
catholicTheophilus: The Man Who Sold His Soul to the Devil  -  How Our Lady rescued him from his pact - Prof. Plinio - December 7, 2006
catholicHeated Reactions on Animals  -  What People Are Commenting - December 6, 2006
catholicVatican II Syllogism  -  On its failure to condemn Communism - What People Are Commenting - December 5, 2006
catholicSt. Peter Chrysologus, December 4 - Prof. Plinio comments on the golden-worded Doctor of the Church and the charism of oratory - December 4, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedict at the Mosque - December 3, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Cardinal Koenig often received money from the Masonry - December 2, 2006
catholicNEW PAGE! - Hymns: Old & New  -  Interpretations, Stanzas and Songs by Fr. Stephen Somerville - Learn how to sing traditional and new hymns - December 1, 2006
catholicPro and Con Our Article on Calvinists and Protestants  -  What People Are Commenting - November 30, 2006
catholicCan Catholics Use Weapons against Communism?  -  Guimarães responds - What People Are Asking - November 29, 2006
catholicMadame Royale and the Death of Innocence  -  Elena Maria Vidal comments on the cruelty of the French Revolution - November 28, 2006
catholicCatholic Weddings in Ecumenical Military Chapels?  - Is the Sacrament valid? Is it convenient to assist at such Masses? - What People Are Asking - November 27, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Missionary of Charity playing the drums - November 26, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Ratzinger: The Bible is not objective - November 25, 2006
catholicNEW! Poster of Our Lady of Good Success and Holycard of the Christ Child Crucified  -  Check out these low-priced items - Great Christmas gifts! - November 24, 2006
catholicAppreciation for Dr. Horvat's Articles  -  What Readers are Commenting - November 23, 2006
catholicThe First Thanksgivings Were Catholic  -  Almost 25 years before the Puritans, Spanish colonists celebrated a Thanksgiving - Horvat - November 22, 2006
catholicThe Medieval Fish  -  St. Anthony preaches on the banks at Rimini - Hugh O’Reilly - November 21, 2006
catholicCatholic Divorce Speeded Up / Only 6% of the Abuses Reported / JPII: Beatification Troubles - Bird's Eye View of the News - Guimarães - November 20, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Frankfurt Catholic Church promotes the musical Erotica - November 19, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - A Religious Order Can Wage War - St. Thomas: The military function is fitting for monks - November 18, 2006
catholicSt. Odo of Cluny, November 18 - Prof. Plinio comments on the medieval ambience of the life of the second Abbot of Cluny - November 18, 2006
catholicSt. Gregory Thaumaturgus, November 17 - Prof. Plinio comments on the astounding miracles of the Bishop of Neoceasarea and their significance - November 17, 2006
catholicCleanliness and Good Hygiene  -  Good customs keep one healthy of body and soul - A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat - November 16, 2006
catholicThe Abomination of Desolation in Machabees and in the Present - Interpreting the mystery of the great apostasy - Fr. Somerville - November 15, 2006
catholicLife and Death in a “Gay”Parish - Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at Most Holy Redeemer, San Francisco - Randy Engel - November 14, 2006
catholicGuidelines Support so-called Rights of Homosexuals - Ask Bishops now to vote down proposals for 'Gay' Ministry Guidelines - Randy Engel - November 13, 2006
catholicPope St. Martin I, November 15 - Prof. Plinio comments on the noble example of this Pope in face of public humiliation - November 13, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Holy Redeemer Parish marches in "gay" parade - November 12, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Pope Wojtyla rewarded by Freemasonry - November 11, 2006
catholicHow Are these Prophecies Being Fulfilled?  - The gates of Hell will not prevail, the faith preserved in Portugal, faithful nuns in Quito - November 10, 2006
catholicThe Lutheran and Calvinist Mentalities - Different vices of Protestantism for different types of persons - Prof. Plinio  - November 9, 2006
catholicReaders Comment on Recent Articles  - Lifting the Ban on the Mass, Our Lady Mediatrix, The Superman Priest, The Six Marks - November 8, 2006
catholicDistributism Is Fundamentally Wrong  -  What People Are Commenting - November 7, 2006
catholicOur Lady Mediatrix of All Graces, November 8 - How Our Lady continually increased in graces - Prof. Plinio - November 6, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - The Superman Priest - November 5, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Ratzinger: There is no difference between my work at Vatican II and now - November 4, 2006
catholicA New Congress –A New Vietnam? - Will the US in Iraq suffer a shame like the fall of Saigon? - Westerman  - November 3, 2006
catholicYou Should Have Compassion for Ducks  -  A covert eco-terroist explodes over our position on animals - Objection. Read TIA's reply - November 2, 2006
catholicThief, Thief! - The Bourgeois of Amiens  -  A charming tale from the Middle Ages edited by Hugh O’Reilly - November 1, 2006
catholicThe Eyes and the Gaze  -  Reading faces and maintaining custody of the eyes - A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat - October 31, 2006
catholicSt. Alfonso Rodriguez, October 31 - The magnificence of a simple Jesuit lay brother, doorkeeper for 45 years - Prof. Plinio - October 30, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - The Benedictine Sisters' ecological party - October 29, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - JPII praises Buddhism and Confucianism - October 28, 2006
catholicThe Six Marks of the Novus Ordo Mass - How theologians and liturgists describe the new Mass - Fr. Somerville - October 27, 2006
catholicBrother Roger Died a Protestant  - John Vennari responds to critics who claim Schutz converted - October 26, 2006
catholicLifting the Ban on the Tridentine Mass  - Guimarães examines reactions in the left and traditionalist circles - Bird's Eye View of the News - October 25, 2006
catholicThe Roses and the Rosary - The miracle of the Aves as Roses - Margaret Galitzin - October 24, 2006
catholicSt. Raphael the Archangel, October 24 - The significance of the Heavenly and earthly courts - Prof. Plinio - October 23, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Cardinal Lehmann passes on his title of Fool of the Year - October 22, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - JPII: Animism is particularly close to Christianity - October 21, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Popes Justify the Death Penalty: The Church consistently defended capital punishment - October 20, 2006
catholicChapters on Order in A Manual of Civility Hit the Mark  -  What People Are Commenting - October 19, 2006
catholicTime Magazine and Irresponsible Journalism - Playing down the threat posed by the "new Castro" Hugo Chavez - Westerman  - October 18, 2006
catholicThe Importance of Order in Professional Life  - From A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat - October 17, 2006
catholicAre We at the End Times?  - No, we are heading to the Reign of Mary. Rapture? A false solution - Guimarães - What People Are Asking - October 16, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - A moral-free Mass on the outskirts of Vienna - October 15, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Ratzinger: The Tridentine Mass is a dead liturgy - October 14, 2006
catholicThe Rosary: A Weapon against Progressivism - The special efficacy of the Rosary - Margaret Galitzin - October 13, 2006
catholicYou Can't Say that Mother Teresa Was Praying to Gandhi - One reader attacks us, another supports us - What People Are Saying - October 12, 2006
catholicSt. Edwin, King of Northumbria, October 12 - The significance of defeats in the life of the counter-revolutionary - Prof. Plinio - October 11, 2006
catholicCrisis in Catechesis - Fr. Stephen Somerville defends home-schooling to counter the errors of Vatican II - October 10, 2006
catholicDeparture for the First Crusade - How a desire for sublimity and grandeur moved the First Crusaders - Prof. Plinio - October 9, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Archbishop of Milan gives relics to the Russian Schismatics - October 8, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Ratzinger: Let the idea of Limbo drop - October 7, 2006
catholicInadmissible Concessions, Once Again - No return to tradition with Benedict XVI - Horvat's column Talks with Jan - October 6, 2006
catholicCriticism and Support of Close-Ups of the Charismatic Movement  -  What People Are Commenting - October 5, 2006
catholicWhy Did Our Lady Say that Portugal Will Preserve the Dogma of the Faith?  - What is different about Portugal? We offer some considerations - October 4, 2006,
catholicSt. Francis of Assisi, October 4 - What did the meeting of St. Francis and St. Dominic in a church of Rome represent? - Prof. Plinio - October 3, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - St. Augustine and St. Thomas in Favor of the Death Penalty: For the health of the social body, the putrid member must be cut off - October 2, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Poor Clares making Buddhist ceremonies - October 1, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Wojtyla: The Church must enter into the world's evolution to conserve her identity - September 30, 2006
catholicObjection: Blair is not Episcopalian and Judaism is not bad  - An English reader accuses TIA of imprecision in facts. We respond. - September 29, 2006
catholicOrder and the Spirit of Order  - From A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat - September 28, 2006
catholicA Manual of Civility Receives a Warm Welcome  -  What People Are Commenting - September 27, 2006
catholicA Self-Elected Pope?  - Did the Holy Ghost choose Ratzinger or did Ratzinger select himself? - Bird's Eye View of the News - Guimarães - September 26, 2006
catholicSt. Elzear, September 27 - How the Count of Ariano sanctified himself as a warrior, judge and governor of his fief - Prof. Plinio - September 25, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedict practicing "communicatio in sacris" in Warsaw - September 24, 2006
catholicKeep Up the Good Work!  -  What People Are Commenting - September 22, 2006
catholicMiracles of Fr. Margil - The history of the miraculous Tree of the Crosses - Margaret Galitzin   - September 21, 2006
catholicChavez and the New One-Party Terror State - Why does the West ignore the ever stronger Iran-Venezuela alliance? - Westerman   - September 20, 2006
catholic“The Rock”& Rock 'n' Roll: A Clarification and Some Objections  - Fr. Rick Stary: Dances are valid cultural expressions at Masses - TIA responds - September 19, 2006
catholicAbout the Latest “Revelation”on Fatima  -  What People Are Commenting - September 18, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - John Paul II stabilizing Communism in Poland - 1987 - September 17, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - JPII to Polish pilgrims in 1988: Communist authorities should be trusted not confronted - September 16, 2006
catholicThe Thirty Gregorian Masses  - Fr. Somerville: Their history and great value - September 15, 2006
catholicThe Seven Sorrows of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio on what they represent for us - September 14, 2006
catholicHow Does a Mother Teach Obedience to Young Children?  - A Reader asks. Dr. Horvat answers - September 13, 2006
catholicThe Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 - What it means to glorify the Cross - Prof. Plinio - September 12, 2006
catholicTIA Pays Tribute to Our Troops for Their Continuing Heroic Efforts in the War against Terrorism  -  September 11, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - JPII supporting the Communist regime in Poland - 1983 - September 10, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Glemp in 1987: Communism will continue indefinitely in Poland - September 9, 2006
catholicDid brother Schutz of Taizé convert from Protestantism?  - Guimarães responds: No Conversion - September 9, 2006
catholicThe Proper Way to Sit, Walk and Stand  - From A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat
- September 7, 2006
catholicFavors Granted by Our Lady of Good Success  -  Testimonies and comments on the last volume: The Admirable Life of Madre Mariana - II - September 6, 2006
catholicSpy-Priests Scandal in Poland Grows / Alexis II Supports Castro / Voodoo Priests in Africa  - Guimarães: Bird's Eye View of the News - September 5, 2006
catholicLeftist Bias in Vet's Sights - Effects of the leftist anti-war propaganda - Westerman interviews Colonel Buzz Patterson  - September 4, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - John Paul II greeting the voodoo "high priest" - September 3, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Wojtyla: Vatican II closed the Constantine era of the Church - September 2, 2006
catholicSt. Pius X –September 3 - How Divine Providence intervened unexpectedly to maintain the sanctity of the Church - Prof. Plinio - September 1, 2006
catholicBetter ICEL, Better Hope? - Fr. Stephen Somerville questions the optimism over new liturgy corrections - August 31, 2006
catholicPapal Preacher: Wives Should Not Obey Husbands - Fr. Cantalamessa calls St. Paul's words to women "unacceptable" and outdated - August 29, 2006
catholicSt. Rose of Lima –August 30 - Commentary on how God can choose a soul to change the path of a country and continent - Prof. Plinio - August 28, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedict XVI greeting Buddhists - August 27, 2006
catholicThe Battle for Cuba - Perspectives about the end of Fidel Castro - Westerman - August 25, 2006
catholicReactions to Hate Mail  -  Defending TIA regarding criticisms of our site - August 24, 2006
catholicA Dispute over the Rainbow  - Fr. Gabriel Burke: The vestments of Bishops at WYD 1997 had no homosexual connotations - Objections - August 23, 2006
catholicPraise and Hate  - What People Are Commenting - August 22, 2006
catholicIs the Photo of Benedict in a Suit Authentic? What about Fr. Margil's?   What People Are Asking - August 21, 2006,
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - A statue of Buddha over the Tabernacle in Assisi - August 20, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Suenens: The Bishops should name saints for their own countries, like the Schismatics - August 19, 2006
catholicSt. Bernard, August 20 - Commentary on his role as co-founder of the Knights Templar - Prof. Plinio - August 18, 2006
catholicThe Importance of the Greeting  - Reviving the counter-revolutionary custom of greeting our neighbor - Prof. Plinio - August 17, 2006
catholicStudents Confirm the Charismatic Excesses at Steubenville  - What People Are Commenting - August 16, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - St. Thomas against Distributism - Giving families equal properties destroys the Natural Order: August 15, 2006
catholicA Charismatic Weekend at Steubenville  - An eyewitness report of a Protestantism fused with some Catholicism - John Vennari - August 14, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Pope Benedict wearing a suit - August 13, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Pacelli: According to Fatima, it is suicidal for the Church to change her faith and liturgy - August 12, 2006
catholicSt. Clare of Assisi, August 12 - Commentary on her dedication to an ideal and application for our days - Prof. Plinio - August 11, 2006
catholicA Man's Bearing Reflects His Education and Virtue  - Comments on A Manual of Civility for Youth - Horvat - August 10, 2006
catholicAren't You Missing Something About Lebanon?  - Guimarães: Bird's Eye View of the News - August 8, 2006
catholicSt. Oswald of Northumbria, August 9 - Commentary on the importance of relying on the supernatural vs. the naturalism of our days - Prof. Plinio - August 8, 2006
catholicThe Perplexing Pontificate of Pope John Paul II  - Prof. Remi Amelunxen: Wojtyla's thinking was progressivist before and during his papacy - August 7, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedictine Sisters make a Buddhist appeal to attract vocations - August 6, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - La Civiltà Cattolica: Vatican II closed the Trent era - August 6, 2006
catholicMiscellaneous Eulogies  - What People Are Commenting - August 3, 2006
catholicOn the Closing of Churches and Schools  - What People Are Commenting - August 2, 2006
catholicDo I Owe Blind Obedience to the Pope?  - A reader asks. Fr. Somerville responds - August 1, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Papal Nuncio giving Communion to Senator John Kerry - July 30, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Schillebeeckx: Theology should stop justifying the Church and instead critique her - July 29, 2006
catholicThe Metamorphosis of Che Guevara - Che's revolutionary ideals still selling in the U.S. - Westerman - July 28, 2006
catholicA Manual of Civility for Youth  - A Catholic manual for the formation of young men
- July 27, 2006
catholicRegarding the Sin of Homosexuality   - What People Are Commenting - July 25, 2006
catholicSt. Anne, July 26 - Commentary on how God's plan for individuals often demands a long wait that seems to make no sense - Prof. Plinio - July 25, 2006
catholicThy Will Be Done, on Earth as It Is in Heaven  - Louis Siqueira Campos explains the past and present significance of the Swiss Guard - July 24, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedict XVI with Buddhist monks - July 23, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Homosexuals Cause Nausea to Our Lord and Are Despised by the Devil - Our Lord speaking to St. Catherine of Siena - July 22, 2006
catholicSt. Bridget of Sweden, July 23 - Commentary on a great trial God gave her toward the end of her life - Prof. Plinio - July 21, 2006
catholicObjection: There are exaggerations in your Pictures of the Week  - The attitudes of JPII and Benedict XVI are not revolutionary. Guimarães responds - July 20, 2006
catholicSt. Victor of Marseille –July 21 - Commentary on how the military life and spirit are allied with the Catholic spirit and sanctity - Prof. Plinio - July 19, 2006
catholicThe Prophetic Mission of Mother Mariana - An interview with Dr. Horvat on the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success - July 17, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Benedict XVI promoting women on the Altar - July 16, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Congar: The main theologians of Vatican II assumed the Modernist notion of Revelation - July 15, 2006
catholicSt. Henry II, Emperor, July 15 - Commentary on his role in supporting the Church and consolidating the Holy Roman German Empire - Prof. Plinio - July 14, 2006
catholicThe Pagan Mass in LA and Dishonoring the Flag   - What People Are Commenting - July 13, 2006
catholicThe Appeal of the Stones at San Juan Capistrano - The Catholic appeal of the early California missions - A photo tour by Hugh O'Reilly - July 12, 2006
catholicSlideshow on Good Sisters; Comment on Mother Teresa   - What People Are Commenting - July 11, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Indian Mass includes pagan symbols, songs, and blessing - July 9, 2006
catholicThe Sodomite Crisis in the Catholic Church  - Fr. Stephen Somerville reviews Guimaraes' book
Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia - July 6, 2006
catholicThe Debasement of the Flag and Man  - Horvat: On the desecration of the American flag - July 5, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Cardinal Wojtyla hiking in shorts - July 2, 2006
catholicCompliments, Comments and Criticisms   - What People Are Commenting - June 30, 2006
catholicSister Lucy at the Word Processor   - What People Are Commenting - June 29, 2006
catholicAre Tattoos Suitable for Catholics?   Fr. Stephen Somerville replies - What People Are Asking - June 28, 2006
catholicA New Red Pope / Failed Ostpolitik with China / Hispanic Catholics Reject Ecumenism with Protestants  - Guimarães: Bird's Eye View of the News - June 26, 2006
catholicCard. McCarrick’s Acceptance of Homosexual Civil Unions  - Kathleen Willett Redle - June 26, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Pope dons Tyrolean hat to make the crowds laugh - June 25, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Rahner: Divine Revelation is the message of human history and the world's evolution - June 24, 2006
catholicIs There a Canonization Prayer for Mother Marianna?   - What People Are Asking - June 23, 2006
catholicCyber Attack Aimed at U.S.? - Will an ailing Castro deliver on his promise to punish the US?  - Westerman - June 22, 2006
catholicSt. Etheldreda, June 23 - Commentary on the supernatural atmosphere of early medieval England - Prof. Plinio - June 21, 2006
catholicReaders comment on the militancy of St. Anthony of Padua   - What People Are Commenting - June 21, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Homosexual priests must be deprived of their clerical dignity and put to death - Teaching of Pope St. Pius V - June 19, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Revolution in the symbols of the Papal Monarchy -   June 18, 2006
catholicSt. Ephraem the Syrian, June 18 - Commentary on the hymns he wrote for the people to learn good doctrine - Prof. Plinio - June 17, 2006
catholicSt. Teresa of Portugal, June 17 - Commentary on the oblivion of counter-revolutionary saints - Prof. Plinio - June 15, 2006
catholicThe New Mass is not Protestant. You are wrong  - A convert objects to an article on TIA website. Fr. Stephen Somerville responds - June 15, 2006
catholicSpend a Holy Hour with Christ against the Da Vinci Code  - Kathleen Willett Redle - June 14, 2006
catholicSt. Eliseus, June 14 - Commentary on his role as successor of St. Elias - Prof. Plinio - June 13, 2006
catholicYou Gave No Evidence that Judaism Destroyed Christendom - A reader demands the proof. Guimarães offers it. Objections  - June 12, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - A Paulist priest teaches yoga in New York City -   June 11, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Von Balthasar: Ratzinger did not change - June 10, 2006
catholicThe Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart   to St. Margaret Mary for those devoted to His Sacred Heart - June 8, 2006
catholicLesbian Batwoman Comes ‘Out of the Closet’  - Kathleen Willett Redle - June 7, 2006
catholicA Sister Lucy Favorable to Judaism?  - Guimarães on a new book on the Message of Fatima - Bird's Eye View of the News - June 6, 2006
catholicReaders Raise More Questions on the Two Sister Lucys Controversy   - What People Are Commenting - June 5, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict, receiving rabbis at Castelgandolfo -  June 4, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Rahner: Theologians cannot be judged by traditional Catholic doctrine - June 3, 2006
catholicCould You Give Me Orientation? - A Reader requests guidance in the present day crisis of the Church - What People Are Commenting - June 1, 2006
catholicSomeone Is Listening - A Chinese spy base in Bejucal, Cuba, is listening to American telecommunications - Westerman - May 31, 2006
catholicAre Students Less Educated Today than 50 Years Ago?  -  Horvat answers - What People Are Asking - May 30, 2006
catholicReaders against John Grasmeier - What People Are Commenting  - May 29, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  A Catholic priest preaches in a Buddhist temple -  May 28, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Maximus IV: At the Council we cleared the road for the merging of Catholics and Schismatics - May 27, 2006
catholicSt. Phillip Neri, May 28 - Commentary on his vigilance against Protestantism and his zeal in conceiving a monumental work to oppose it - Prof. Plinio - May 26, 2006
catholicCompliments for Guimarães' Response to John Grasmeier - What People Are Commenting  - May 25, 2006
catholicThe Media is Willfully Ignoring the Islamic War against the U.S. - Toby Westerman interviews author Robert Spencer - May 24, 2006
catholicWhat to Think about Cremation  -  What People Are Asking - May 23, 2006
catholicBlessed Gerard Mecatti of Villamagna, May 23 - Commentary on this crusader Saint and the importance of warrior saints for the faithful - Prof. Plinio - May 22, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict, under the shadow of the menorah ... -  May 21, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Hans Kung: Vatican II was convened to adapt the Catholic Church to Protestants and Schismatics - May 21, 2006
catholicMore than Migrants … Drug Lords, Terrorists, and Russian Bombers Cross U.S. Territory - Westerman: Loose borders are weakening internal security  - May 19, 2006
catholicThe "Anathemas" of John Grasmeier - A multi-argument attack by two journalists against TIA. Guimarães refutes it  - May 18, 2006
catholicVatican Calls Church Sit-Ins a "Positive Sign" - Gary Morella: Muslim squatters invade Belgian churches  - May 17, 2006
catholicDecreed: The End of the High School Education - A California judge strikes down the exit exam as discriminatory  - May 16, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Mother Teresa praying to Gandhi - May 14, 2006
catholicSt. John Nepomucene –May 16 - Commentary on the Saint who was martyred for refusing to reveal the confession of a queen - Prof. Plinio - May 14, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Silvio Oddi: The Third Secret of Fatima Predicted the Revolution of Vatican II - May 13, 2006
catholicSt. John Baptist de la Salle –May 15 - Commentary on the founder of the Christian Brothers and the obstacles he faced to achieve his mission - May 12, 2006
catholicNobility and Accessibility: Keys of Catholic Charity - Alexis Reyes analyzes the attitude of Princess Mathilde of Belgium visiting children contaminated by AIDS  - May 10, 2006
catholicThe Two Sister Lucys Controversy - Should we leave the final verdict to forensic experts? - Readers ask different questions - Guimarães responds  - May 9, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - John Paul II as Showman at the Vatican - May 7, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Fr. Chenu: Traditional Catholic Theology was sterile and responsible for the vocations crisis - May 6, 2006
catholicA Reader compares the last Forgotten Truths with Cardinal's comments on Buddha’s teaching - What People Are Commenting  - May 4, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - One Should Speak Freely against Heretics and Schismatics - Teaching of St. Francis de Sales against false ecumenism - May 3, 2006
catholicMedia Ignores Infiltration Questions in Rallies - Westerman: Who was behind the May 1 demonstrations on immigration issues?  - May 3, 2006
catholicReaders Concur: There Are Two Sister Lucys - What People Are Commenting  - May 1, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Schillebeeckx: Vatican II Was a Reaction Against Monarchy in the Church - April 30, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - John Paul II as Showman in Canada - April 30, 2006
catholicIs Benedict Weakening the Papacy? One Year as Pontiff  -  Bird's Eye View - Guimarães - April 29, 2006
catholicPhotos and Facts - The Two Sister Lucys Controversy  -  Dr. Marian Horvat returns to the debate with a new article. Six sets of photos and many interesting questions  - April 27, 2006
catholicComments, Compliments and Criticisms - What People Are Commenting  - April 25, 2006
catholicAbout Card. Dias' Homage to a Hindu Deity - What People Are Commenting  - April 24, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - John Paul II promoted women on the Altar - April 23, 2006
catholicSt. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, April 24 - Comments on his virile fight against the Calvinist heresy - April 22, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Jean Guitton: Unlike John Paul II, his successor should not fear public opinion - April 22, 2006
catholicThe Controversy Grows on the Two Sister Lucys - What People Are Commenting  - April 21, 2006
catholicMedia Manipulation and Sacred Space in Mahonyville - What People Are Commenting  - April 20, 2006
catholicSt. Conrad of Parzham, April 21 - Commentary on the virtues of the Capuchin porter who held that post for 41 years at the Monastery of Altötting in Bavaria - April 19, 2006
catholicWhy Do Only Women Have to Dress Well?  -  How Catholic men can fight the egalitarian revolution in customs  - Horvat - April 18, 2006
catholicCardinal Ivan Dias Burns Incense to a Hindu Deity - Readers from India - What People Are Commenting  - April 17, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Cardinal Mahony's Female Acolytes Invade the Altar - April 16, 2006
catholicEaster Greetings  -  TIA wishes our Readers a Holy Easter  - April 15, 2006
catholicCardinal Mahony's 2006 Irreligious Education Conference  -  What People Are Commenting  - April 15, 2006
catholicThe Inside the Vatican photo is mislabeled - You are conspiracy maniacs - The Sr. Lucy controversy: A reader defends the magazine and attacks TIA. Guimarães responds - April 14, 2006
catholicLa Macarena - Our Hope  - Margaret Galitzin describes the most famous Holy Week procession in Seville - April 13, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - One Sins by Not Becoming Duly Irate - St. John Chrysostom and St. Thomas Aquinas on the need for ire - April 12, 2006
catholicWildfire Spreading over Sister Lucy's Photos  - Pros and cons on whether there are two Sister Lucys of Fatima - April 11, 2006
catholicThe Reproaches of the Passion - III  - How do we repay Our Lord for His goodness? - Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 10, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - The dancing girls of Cardinal Mahony - April 9, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Card. Dopfner: It is liberating for priests to be respected as men, rather than as consecrated persons - April 8, 2006
catholicThe Reproaches of the Passion - II  - Our Lord asked for water but they gave Him vinegar - Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 6, 2006
catholicTwo Sister Lucys of Fatima?  -  Dr. Horvat invites the reader to compare two sets of photographs  - April 5, 2006
catholicThe Reproaches of the Passion - I  -  Our Lord laments the ingratitude of the Jewish people - Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 3, 2006
catholicSt. Isidore of Seville, April 4 - Commentary on the Saint's advice to maintain a dignified appearance and keep good company - April 2, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  A caressing Benedict follows in the steps of JPII - April 2, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Chenu: To demand the acceptance of St. Thomas' theology is an exasperating abuse of power - April 1, 2006
catholicFalse Ecumenism and Pagan Temples  -  What People Are Commenting  - March 31, 2006
catholicSt. Mary of Egypt, April 2 - Comments on the perfect penitence of the former dissolute woman who lived 47 years in the desert - March 30, 2006
catholicOur Lady Did Not Ask for Fifteen Decades of the Rosary  - Objection. TIA responds: In Fatima she was preparing the children for that  - March 29, 2006
catholicTitles of Address and Comments on Modern Culture  -  What People Are Commenting  - March 28, 2006
catholicThe Three Falls of Our Lord and the Three Degrees of Exhaustion  -  Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 27, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Jesuit priest dances in front of the altar in Boston - March 26, 2006
catholicSt. John Damascene, March 27 - Comments on his courage in strongly condemning a heretic Emperor who spread the iconocast heresy - March 25, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Congar: The Catholic Church was tyrannical and oppressive - March 25, 2006
catholicHeroes of the Church and the North American Indians  -  Natasha Quijano comments on the lesson of St. Isaac Jogues for us  - March 24, 2006
catholicMerci beaucoup for recent articles  -  What People Are Commenting  - March 23, 2006
catholicA Paralyzed Ecumenism  -  Guimarães analyzes increasing problems in Catholic-Schismatic relations and Catholic-Anglican relations - Bird's Eye View - March 22, 2006
catholicThe Love of the Cross in Today’s Life  -  Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 20, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Maradiaga perfomring with jazz bands - March 19, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. von Balthasar: The sexual act is the model for the relations between Christ and the Church - March 18, 2006
catholicSt. Cyril of Jerusalem, March 18 - Comments on his opposition to heresy and its significance for History - March 17, 2006
catholicCommunist Mexico?  - Why isn't anyone paying attention to the red threat on our border? - Toby Westerman - March 16, 2006
catholicSt. Patrick, March 17 - Comments on the role of Ireland in Western Civilization and its fidelity - March 15, 2006
catholicHow Should We Follow the Passion of the Catholic Church?  -  Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 14, 2006
catholicThe Five Sins against Our Lady  -  Five increasingly grave blasphemies and the need for reparation - Guido del Rose - March 13, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The dancing girls of Archbishop Niederauer - March 12, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Congar: Theology must be turned toward man and not toward God - March 11, 2006
catholicAn Invitation for a Petition Against Vatican II  -  What People Are Commenting  - March 10, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - The Popes Must Be Militant Guardians of the Flock - Excerpt from the Apostolic Letter Quo graviora by Pope Leo XII - March 9, 2006
catholic"Sex Week" at Yale  -  A shocking week of immorality and hilarity - No protests? - Dr. Horvat - March 8, 2006
catholicParents Living in Immoral Situations; Treatment of Unwed Mothers  -  Fr. Sretenovic answer moral questions - March 7, 2006
catholicFrom France a Reader Critiques Benedict XVI's  Deus Caritas Est  -  What People Are Commenting  - March 6, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - Protestant and Schismatic sects venerated in a Catholic church - March 5, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. von Balthasar: The prostitute is the symbol of the Church - March 4, 2006
catholicA Reader's Good Resolution: To Dress Well All the Time  -  What People Are Commenting  -
March 3, 2006
catholicLatin: An Indispensable Factor of Unity - How the vernacular destroyed the unity of the Catholic liturgy - Talks with Jan - March 2, 2006
catholicMedia Blackout on China Threat  - Media ignores clashing views of experts on the China threat to the US - Toby Westerman - March 1, 2006
catholicBlessed Charles the Good, March 2 - Comments on the love of justice of the Count of Flanders - February 28, 2006
catholicDressing Well: Vanity or Virtue? - Reasons why it is good to present oneself well - Prof. Plinio - February 27, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  And the circus continues... Benedict receives clowns at the Vatican - February 26, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Küng: The apparitions of Fatima are comparable to 'Montanism' and 'Joachimism' - February 25, 2006
catholicLt. General Thomas McInerney on WMD  -  Interview with Bill O'Reilly on Saddam Hussein tapes. Listen to it - February 24, 2006
catholicWhat Are Your Rules on Rhetoric? Can You Give Classes of Catechism?  -  What People Are Asking - February 23, 2006
catholicHow Should Parents Respond to Modern Problems of Conscience?  -  Fr. Sretenovic answers questions on marriages, live-ins, and baby showers - What People Are Asking - February 22, 2006
catholicLiberals, Modernists and Progressivists  -  Confused about these titles? Guimarães explains how they differ - February 21, 2006
catholicNew ‘Grand Alliance’of Terror  - Iran courts South America's Communist countries - Westerman - February 20, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Another comic Pope: Ratzinger dons a military hat to make the soldiers laugh - February 19, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Leger: Devotion to Our Lady is a 'fruitless affection,' a 'futile naïveté' - February 18, 2006
catholicWhat Can I Do Facing the Crisis in the Church?  -  TIA points out the duty to resist - What People Are Asking - February 17, 2006
catholicThanks for Speaking Up!  - What People Are Commenting   - February 16, 2006
catholicStalin –Historically Incorrect  - BBC's Stalin Declassified promotes the myth of a "good Communism" - Westerman - February 15, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Ecumenism is synonymous with Religious Indifferentism - Excerpt from the Encyclical Singulari quidem by Pope Pius IX - February 14, 2006
catholicBlessed Jordan of Saxony, February 15 - Prof. Plinio comments on Blessed Jordan's strong rebuke of Emperor Frederic II - February 13, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict XVI rewarded by a rabbi for his support of Judaism - February 12, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. De Lubac points to Fr. Ratzinger as the one who destroyed the Holy Office - February 11, 2006
catholicPope St. Gregory II, February 13 - Prof. Plinio contrasts the Saint's censure of a heretical Emperor with the language of today's false ecumenism - February 11, 2006
catholicSeven Holy Founders of the Servites, February 12 - Prof. Plinio comments on the significance of the name Servants of Mary - February 10, 2006
catholicTV in the Dentist Chair  -  Joseph Sheppard continues his exploration of an American Idol   - February 9, 2006
catholicCindy - More Red than Red, White and Blue?  -  Westerman: "Peace mom" welcomed to the international Marxist Revolution - February 8, 2006
catholicHomosexuals in the Seminary: Why the Priesthood Will Continue To Become a 'Gay' Profession - Dale Vree shows the weakness of the latest Vatican document on homosexuality - February 7, 2006
catholicReaders Want to Help Spread Devotion to Our Lady of Good Success  - What People Are Commenting  - February 6, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Pagan divinities worshipped in a Catholic church - February 5, 2006
catholicThe Culture of Bratz Dolls  - Natasha Quijano presents the Bratz dolls as a sign of a decadent culture   - February 5, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Suenens: God as conceived by the Catholic Faith should die - February 4, 2006
catholicOn a Deal of SSPX with the Vatican - Opinion of a Reader  - What People Are Commenting  - February 4, 2006
catholicCould You Comment on the Supposed SSPX "Deal" with the Vatican?  -  What People Are Asking - February 3, 2006
catholicThe Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Good Success - TIA offers you a taste of the coming Volume II of The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - February 2, 2006
catholicPaul VI's Homosexuality: Rumor or Reality? - The Italian press revisits Paul VI's alleged homosexuality. Horvat transcibes other sources from the past affirming the same thing. - February 1, 2006
catholicIt's a Waste of Time to Study our Colonial History  -  Objection  -  You shouldn't report the anti-Catholicism in our history, but be concerned about today's crisis in the Church - January 31, 2006
catholicBenedict XVI's support of the New World Order  - What People Are Commenting  - January 31, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Nine - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 31, 2006
catholicSt. John Bosco, February 1 - Prof. Plinio comments on the pedagogy of Mamma Margherita and the writings of Don Bosco - January 30, 2006
catholicUS Bishops Wanted Delay on Vatican Document on Homosexuality - Morella points out reluctance to disturb homosexual seminarians - January 30, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Eight - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 30, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  - New devotees of Benedict XVI tattoo slogans on their lower backs - January 29, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Seven - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 29, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Paul VI encouraged the increase of disciplinary and theological abuses in the Church - January 28, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Co-Education Is a Condemned Method of Teaching - Excerpt from the Encyclical Divini Illius Magistri by Pope Pius XI - January 27, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Five, and  Day Six - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 27, 2006
catholicThe Miracle of Christendom - A Reason for Hope - Joseph Sheppard shows how internal and external threats were countered in the Middle Ages - January 26, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Four - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 26, 2006
catholicComments on the Documents of the Week and the Sacred Heart Article  - What People Are Commenting - January 26, 2005
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Three - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 25, 2006
catholicLet None Dare Call it Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America - Dr. Horvat shows the anti-Catholic roots of our history - January 25, 2006
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Two - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 24, 2006
catholicThe Conversion of St. Paul, January 25 - Prof. Plinio comments on how a Catholic should act in face of false teachers of doctrine - January 24, 2006
catholicPray the Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Invitation, Introduction and Day One - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day. Are you short on time? Pray the short novena - January 23, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict XVI introduces the use of sunglasses to the papal vestments - January 22, 2006
catholicSt. Raymond of Peñafort, January 23 - Prof. Plinio comments on how a city can be in the state of grace and correspond to God's plans - January 21, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  The Tablet: Wojtyla's book Catholic Social Ethics borrows fundamental concepts from Marxism - January 21, 2006
catholicPraying the Fifteen Decades of the Rosary  - Fr. Paul Sretenovic: The reason why we should say the full Rosary - January 20, 2006
catholicJudging by Appearances and Mr. Keating's Position on WYD  - What People Are Commenting  - January 19, 2006
catholicReaders Comment on the Miraculous Medal, St. Adelaide, and St. Philomena  - What People Are Commenting  - January 18, 2006
catholicWar and Peace in Perspective - 2006  - Guimarães responds to theatrical accusations against the war - Bird's Eye View of the News - January 17, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Ratzinger, the Herald of Judaism - January 15, 2006
catholicTestimony to the moral attitude of Catholics in the Philippines  - What People Are Commenting  - January 15, 2006
catholicA reader critiques the recent usage of "Mary our sister" at the Vatican  - What People Are Commenting  - January 14, 2006
catholicReaders on the articles Frankness and The Era of the Child  - What People Are Commenting 
- January 13, 2006
catholicTradition, Stagnation and Progress  - Prof. Plinio refutes the objection that tradition is synonymous of stagnation - January 12, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Four ways to discern a man's soul by his appearance - Quotes from many Saints and theologians - January 10, 2006
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  The Catacomb Pact against pomp and ceremony in the Church - January 9, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II endorsing the Communist revolution in Nicaragua - January 8, 2006
catholicTarget America - Communist Propaganda  -  Westerman: The "Venezuela Matters" tour in US cities builds support for the Marxist regime - January 6, 2006
catholicForgotten Truths  - Cornelius a Lapide commentary on Ecclesiasticus: The eyes are the mirror of the soul - January 4, 2006
catholicOn common property: Arthur Penty vs. St. Thomas Aquinas  -  Patrick Odou: Penty's interpretation of passages in the Acts of the Apostles clashes with Thomistic teaching  -  January 3, 2006
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The punk priest: An application of Vatican II's adaptation to the Modern World - January 1, 2006
catholicSt. Macarius of Alexandria, January 2 - Prof. Plinio comments on the need for solitude and contemplation in the modern day world - January 1, 2006
catholicFatima and the Last Times Remedies  -  As explained by Mr. Guido Del Rose - A special report for Tradition in Action - January 1, 2006
catholicCircumcision of Our Lord –January 1 - Prof. Plinio explains the significance of Our Lord's submission to the Law of the Old Covenant - December 31, 2005

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