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January 2005   -   December 2005

catholicCircumcision of Our Lord – January 1 - Prof. Plinio explains the significance of Our Lord's submission to the Law of the Old Covenant - December 31, 2005
catholicWhat about Pope Benedict's New Humanism?  -  What People Are Asking - December 29, 2005
catholicWill TIA make its articles available in Spanish?  -  What People Are Asking - December 28, 2005
catholicThat Eric Gill debate!  - A reader asks TIA to stop attacking Eric Gill's morality and consider principally his contribution to art - What People Are Asking - December 27, 2005
catholicSt. John the Evangelist, December 27 - Prof. Plinio comments on the purity and predilection of the Virgin Disciple of Our Lord - December 25, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  More young women being caressed by John Paul II - December 25, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Paul VI presents the theory of Teilhard de Chardin as a model to find God in the universe - December 24, 2005
catholicA Reader recommends the movie I Am David  - What People Are Commenting  - December 23, 2005
catholicTestimonies of Now-Traditionalist Catholics  - What People Are Commenting  - December 22, 2005
catholicThe Twelve Days of Christmas carol  - Alexis Reyes explains the symbolism of the song 
- December 21, 2005
catholicAren't abortions a greater chastisement than Tsunamis?  - What People Are Asking  - December 20, 2005
catholicYou cannot link Eric Gill and his sexual deviations to Distributism -  Objection  - TIA responds - December 19, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The Caressing Pope - December 18, 2005
catholicA military Mom comments on weighing the losses in Iraq  - What People Are Commenting  - December 18, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes took its notion of Christianity from Teilhard de Chardin - December 17, 2005
catholicWhy is the Octave of the Immaculate Conception no longer observed?  -  Fr. Sretenovic notes progressivist innovations even before Vatican II - December 16, 2005
catholicThe Growing Rejection of Vatican II  - Guimarães analyzes the public reaction to the Council on the 40th anniversary of its closing - Bird's Eye View of the News - December 15, 2005
catholicQuestions about Resisting the Pope  - When is it legitimate to resist the actions of a Pope? - What People Are Asking - December 14, 2005
catholicWhat is the end result of today’s ecumenism? - What People Are Asking - December 14, 2005
catholicOn the Vatican capitulation to the homosexual-dominated priesthood - What People Are Commenting - December 14, 2005
catholicCardinals Rampolla and Gasparri could not be bad, you are wrong  - Pope Pius X kept them in the Curia, so how could they be Masons? Readers object. Dr. Horvat responds. - December 13, 2005
catholicSt. John of the Cross, December 14 - Prof. Plinio comments on spiritual advices of the Carmelite mystic - December 12, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  More Young Women Being Kissed by JPII - December 11, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Teilhard de Chardin: The Heart of Christ is the Heart of the Cosmos - December 11, 2005
catholicComments on the recent Vatican Document on Homosexuals in the Seminaries - What People Are Commenting - December 10, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, December 12 - Prof. Plinio comments on the courtesy of Juan Diego in his dealings with Our Lady - December 9, 2005
catholicReader thinks there are two kinds of distributists  -  What People Are Commenting  -  December 9, 2005
catholicIraq: Weighing the Losses  -  Sheppard considers the loss of 2,000 American lives in light of the big picture - December 7, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Rahner: Christ descended into hell to substantially unite with the cosmos - December 5, 2005
catholicA Manual for Pedophiles by a Brazilian Priest  - More shocking evidence of widespread pedophilia in the clergy and the Hierarchy's cover-up - December 5, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The Kissing Pope - December 4, 2005
catholicSt. Francis Xavier, December 3 - Prof. Plinio comments on the stern way the Saint addresses the King of Portugal - December 3, 2005
catholicDon't Forget Sacramentals - Aids to the Spiritual Life  -  Christine Fitzgerald points out some important sacramentals for Catholics - December 3, 2005
catholicWhy don't you discuss the main authors of Distributism?  - TIA points out that it has done exactly that in a recent article posted on the topic - Objections - December 1, 2005
catholicThanks for your position on Distributism  -  What People Are Commenting  -  December 1, 2005
catholicSt. Andrew the Apostle, November 30 - Prof. Plinio comments on the death of St. Andrew and his love of the cross - November 29, 2005
catholicWhy Are Distributist Leaders Misleading their Audience About Capitalism?  -  Odou asks why the social papal Encyclicals are being partially presented  -  November 28, 2005
catholicFidel's Real Successor  -  Westerman: Chavez inherits Castro's hatred of the United States and love of Marxism  -  November 28, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II says Mass under a gigantic billboard of Che Guevara - November 27, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes is a "counter-Syllabus" - November 26, 2005
catholicForgotten Truths  - The truths essential to Catholic doctrine that Liberals and Progressivists deny: The face reveals the heart of the man - New Page - November 25, 2005
catholicShould Our Lady of Good Success Carry a Crosier?  - Yes, she should. TIA shows there is nothing unusual in this depiction of Our Lady. Objections  - November 23, 2005
catholicObjection to our Critique of a Dancing Bishop  - A reader sees nothing wrong with a Bishop dancing. TIA responds.  - November 22, 2005
catholicThe Imitation of Christ Collection: A Subversive Message in Fashion  - Dr. Horvat critiques the vulgar and blasphemous line of clothing  - November 21, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Onslaught of Ecumenism: John XXIII Receives Non-Catholic Observers at the Vatican - November 20, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Self-demolition: List of churches and schools closed in the Archdiocese of Boston - November 19, 2005
catholicSt. Felix of Valois, November 20 - Prof. Plinio comments on the Saint of the Day - November 18, 2005
catholicNo question, Saddam had WMD  - What People Are Commenting  - November 17, 2005
catholicMedia Bias Costs Soldiers' Lives  -  Westerman: The leftist media is a factor in prolonging the war in Iraq  -  November 15, 2005
catholicRevolution and Counter-Revolution in the Tendencies, Ideas and Facts  - Guimarães describes how the Secret Forces changed the mentality of the medieval man and made him a part of their process to destroy Christendom - November 14, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Wojtyla, in a knee-to-knee pose - November 13, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Ratzinger: The Church must raze her bastions and never return to the Syllabus - November 13, 2005
catholicPope St. Nicholas I, November 13 - Prof. Plinio comments on the hatred of Schismatics for the Catholic Church - November 11, 2005
catholicDiverting Attention from the Distributist Polemic ?  - A reader poses questions about TIA posting repercussions from Odou's articles about Eric Gill on our website  - November 10, 2005
catholicMore about the Keating-Horvat discussion on WYDs  - What People Are Commenting  - November 9, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Almudena, November 9 - Prof. Plinio comments on the meaning of the miraculous discovery of the Patroness of Madrid - November 8, 2005
catholicBuilding the Revolution - One Weapon at a Time  -  Westerman: The Marxist regime of Chavez receives assault rifles from Moscow and a license to make them  -  November 8, 2005
catholicKudos to your rebuttal of Karl Keating on WYDs  - What People Are Commenting  - November 7, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Wojtyla, founder of the "Catholic Woodstocks" - November 6, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Karl Rahner: Life after death reintegrates the soul in the cosmos - November 6, 2005
catholicPapal Knighthood Given to a Jewish Rabbi  - Morella: Kasper invests Rabbi Rosen in the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great - November 5, 2005
catholicGarcia Moreno –Model of a Catholic Statesman  -  Book review by Marian Horvat on Gabriel Garcia Moreno by Mary Maxwell-Scott  -  November 3, 2005
catholicA question about addressing deacons  - What People Are Asking  - November 2, 2005
catholicAfter 35 years, a Latin Mass in St. Mary's of Mount Carmel Church  - What People Are Commenting  - November 1, 2005
catholicChavez Regime Seeks A-Bomb  -  Westerman: The US should not ignore the Latin American Communist-Islamic terrorist threat  -  October 31, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Condoms distributed by the thousands at the WYDs - October 30, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Georges Cottier, papal theologian, approves the use of condoms against AIDS - October 29, 2005
catholicBlessed Angelo of Acri, October 30 - Prof. Plinio shows the counter-revolutionary mission of the Capuchin Order in the 18th century - October 29, 2005
catholicComments and News on the Vatican Ostpolitik with China  - What People Are Commenting  - October 28, 2005
catholicQuestion about JPII Kissing the Koran  - What People Are Asking  - October 28, 2005
catholicThe Subjective Morals of Mr. Karl Keating  - Karl Keating attacks a review by Dr. Horvat on WYD and captions of 2005 WYD photos posted on our site. Horvat responds  - October 27, 2005
catholicMore comments on Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia  - What People Are Commenting  - October 25, 2005
catholicWho Should Learn Etiquette First: The Parents or the Children?  - What People Are Asking   - October 24, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Hindu dances during John Paul II's Mass in New Delhi  -  October 23, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Suenens: Vatican II broke with the past of the Catholic Church - October 22, 2005
catholicDisastrous Cost of the Vatican Ostpolitik with Communist China  - Guimarães' Bird's Eye View - October 22, 2005
catholicKatrina Follow-Up - Archbishop Philip Hannan affirms Katrina was a chastisement of God
- October 21, 2005
catholicProblems and Solutions regarding Natural Marriage and Civil Marriage - Fr. Paul Sretenovic provides historical background for the Catholic position on civil marriages - October 19, 2005
catholicSt. Artemius, October 20 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 19, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Good Success, Catholic traditions, and Eric Gill  - What People Are Commenting  - October 18, 2005
catholicCan the "Chaste" Homosexual Priest Be an Asset to the Church?  -  Guimarães replies to sophisms about the homosexual crisis in the Catholic Church  -  October 17, 2005
catholicChe Guevara, Iran, and the Bomb  -  Westerman: Chavez turns to Iran in his plan to go nuclear  -  October 17, 2005
catholicSt. Luke the Evangelist, October 18 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 16, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  At the Mass of Juan Diego's canonization JPII admires bare-legged young women  -  October 16, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Louis Bouyer applauds "the end of Catholicism" - October 15, 2005
catholicEveryone Should Know these Statistics on Homosexuals  -  Dr. Frank Joseph reports reliable statistics to allow parents to raise their children well  -  October 15, 2005
catholicBattle of Titans and Bendell's Law  - What People Are Commenting  - October 14, 2005
catholicAbout the Gay Priest Imposture  -  Revelations of an anonymous "gay" priest in an interview with National Catholic Reporter  -  October 14, 2005
catholicThe Prince Dethroned: What Could Have Happened But Didn’t  -  Review by Fr. Stephen Somerville on Wolves Among the Ruins trilogy by A. J. West  -  October 13, 2005
catholicSt. Callistus of Huesca, October 15 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 13, 2005
catholicComments on the new Vatican document on homosexuality  - What People Are Commenting  - October 12, 2005
catholicComments on "What America Eats"  - What People Are Commenting  - October 11, 2005
catholic60 Minutes Assists Spies and Lies Through Elian Interview  -  Westerman: The well-prepared 11-year-old calls Castro "father" and "friend"  -  October 10, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II being "blessed" by a Hindu religious woman in New Delhi  -  October 9, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Koenig: Vatican II was good because it approved what the Syllabus and Pascendi condemned - October 8, 2005
catholicBishop J. Terry Steib - a False Shepherd  -  A new "gay and lesbian" ministry that praises homosexuals  -  October 7, 2005
catholicWhere Can I Find Stories that Teach Catechism?  - What People Are Asking  - October 6, 2005
catholicWhat about Boys and GI Joe Dolls?  - What People Are Asking  - October 6, 2005
catholicThanks for your efforts  - What People Are Commenting  - October 4, 2005
catholicMarxist Military Assistance Pact in Latin America  -  Westerman: The bond tightens between Venezuela and Cuba  -  October 3, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Is Pope Benedict XVI adopting a Buddhist agenda?  -  October 2, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  John Paul II praises Buddhist "wisdom" and "interior purification and liberation" - October 2, 2005
catholicReader Supports TIA's Position on Standards of Culture  - What People Are Commenting  - September 30, 2005
catholicWhat America Eats: A New Tendency Sprouts - Horvat: A general rejection of processed food ... - September 30, 2005
catholicA Refresher on Catholic Teaching about Marriage - Fr. Paul Sretenovic enters the polemic about the validity or invalidity of marriages - September 29, 2005
catholicSt. Jerome, September 30 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 28, 2005
catholicAgainst TIA's supposedly utopic standards of culture  - A reader from Zimbabwe objects to TIA's position on customs and says that nothing traditionalist can come from the U.S.   Read our response - September 27, 2005
catholicPro and con: Women in slacks  - Readers discuss  - September 26, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  WYD-2005: Free love under the Church's umbrella - September 25, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Bernard Lonergan cheers the end of an objective and deductive Catholic Theology - September 24, 2005
catholicAppreciation for the Saints of the Day  - Four commentaries  - September 23, 2005
catholicPope says Protestant Roger Schultz is in Heaven  -  A reader comments - September 23, 2005
catholicToday's Irresponsible Fathers  -  Horvat on egalitarianism in the modern father-son relationship - September 22, 2005
catholicThe book Previews of the New Papacy contains heresy  -  Strong and futile accusation by Salesian Fr. Robert Savage  -  September 21, 2005
catholicShocked by the New Church & The Root of Today's Crisis  -  Correspondence  -  September 20, 2005
catholicSt. Thomas of Villanova, September 22 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 20, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict XVI wears Hawaiian leis - September 18, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Chenu explains how the ends of the marriage were inverted at Vatican II - September 17, 2005
catholicSt. Joseph of Cupertino, September 18 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 16, 2005
catholicNew, Sophisticated Propaganda Campaign aimed at U.S.  -  Westerman: The offensive launched by Hugo Chavez includes the support of Jessie Jackson -  September 15, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Las Lajas, September 16 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 14, 2005
catholicCheers and Boos for "The Taste for the Macabre in Art"  -  September 13, 2005
catholicA comment: Good Work on the Exposé of Gramick  -  September 12, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  WYD-2005: Cultural Revolution under the Church's Umbrella - September 11, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Casaroli praises the work of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin - September 11, 2005
catholicA Social Volcano Ready to Erupt  -  Horvat: One symptom of an increasing barbarism in the U.S. - September 10, 2005
catholicComments on "The Punishment of Katrina"  -  September 9, 2005
catholicPope Benedict XVI named as a defendant in a Texas lawsuit  - Guimarães' Bird's Eye View of the News - September 7, 2005
catholicCongratulations on the Synagogue Visit Article  -  September 6, 2005
catholicThe Tears of Our Lady and the Punishment of Katrina  -  Horvat: The chastisement of Katrina fulfils the message of Fatima - September 5, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Card. Ratzinger gives Communion in the hand to Protestant brother Roger Schutz - September 4, 2005
catholicTears, a Miraculous Warning  -  Prof. Plinio comments on the meaning of the tears Our Lady shed in New Orleans in 1972 - September 4, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Greeley advocates more democratic ways to elect Bishops and choose the Pope - September 3, 2005
catholicWhy Are These Girls Screaming?  -  Dr. Horvat points out inappropriate behavior for Catholic youth - yesterday and today - August 31, 2005
catholicA Reader's admiration for Guimarães' books  -  August 30, 2005
catholicSt. Raymond Nonnatus, August 31 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 29, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Belgian nun dances with priest performing obscene poses at WYD - August 28, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Ratzinger takes a position against Scholasticism - August 27, 2005
catholicComment about Horvat's article on Our Lady, La Conquistadora  -  August 25, 2005
catholicThe Era of the Child  -  Marian Horvat critiques a hotel for adults geared toward children - August 24, 2005
catholicA Matrix poster to attract priestly vocations  -  A reader comments on a new tactic by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis - August 22, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Benedict XVI visits the Jewish synagogue - August 21, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Bernard Haring: Stop calling the Pope "His Holiness" - August 20, 2005
catholicComments on Horvat's article about Katherine Hepburn  -  What People Are Commenting - August 19, 2005
catholicRefuting the Anti-Catholic Lies of the e-pamphlet "Life in the 1500's"  -  Horvat:  The facts to counter widespread internet lies about the origins of sayings and life in the so-called Dark Ages - August 18, 2005
catholicSt. John Eudes, August 19 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 18, 2005
catholicRussia to nuke its neighbors?  -  Russia is making threats of preemptive strikes. Is anyone in the West listening? - August 17, 2005
catholicSt. Helena, August 18 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 16, 2005
catholicSt. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success  -  Dr. Horvat tells about the life of this indomitable missionary to America - August 15, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII transforms the 23rd Italian Eucharistic Congress into a rock concert - August 14, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Dopfner: the supreme power of the Church belongs to the Bishops - August 13, 2005
catholicIs the Catholic Church becoming a branch of the Synagogue?  -  An extensive analysis by Guimarães of John Paul II's visit to the synagogue of Rome - August 12, 2005
catholicOur Lady, Queen of the Angels - August 2 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira comments on the special role of the Angels for the counter-revolutionary fight - August 9, 2005
catholicReaders Thank Our Lady of Good Success for Favors Granted  -  What People Are Commenting - August 8, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II being 'exorcized' by a Indian priestess - August 7, 2005
catholicThe Transfiguration of Our Lord, August 6 - A commentary by Fr. Paul Sretenovic - August 5, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Suenens Rejects the Church as a Perfect Society - August 5, 2005
catholicAbout Guimarães' books on Vatican II  -  What People Are Commenting - August 4, 2005
catholicAppreciation for the TIA Website  -  What People Are Commenting - August 3, 2005
catholicWYD in Cologne: No Sign that the Tide Has Turned  -  Horvat comments on the doctrinal problems for traditionalist youth at WYD 2005 - August 1, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  1200 high school girls in revealing costumes perform for the Pope - July 31, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Chenu deliberately put contradictions in the documents of Vatican II - July 30, 2005
catholicWhat Does Canon Law Say about the Veil? -  Goodman shows the differences between the Code of 1917 and the Code of 1983 - July 30, 2005
catholicSt. Martha, July 29 - A commentary by Fr. Paul Sretenovic - July 29, 2005
catholicPope St. Innocent I - July 28 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira comments on the heroic intransigence of this Pope - July 26, 2005
catholicBenedict's Coming Visit to the Synagogue of Cologne  - Guimarães exposes the contradiction of the conciliar Popes with the previous Popes regarding Judaism - Bird's Eye View of the News - July 25, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII enjoying the performance of young women in skintight leotards - July 24, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Henri de Lubac borrows his notion of 'collective salvation' from Judaism - July 23, 2005
catholicA letter from an inmate on today's moral crisis  - From prison, Kirby comments on the same-sex marriage law in Spain - July 23, 2005
catholicThe Rosary and Scapular: Weapons against Pride and Sensuality  -  Father Paul Sretenovic's first column on the TIA website - July 21, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II receives a ritual "blessing" from an Indian shaman - July 17, 2005
catholicSt. Macrina - July 19 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira comments on the nature of women - July 16, 2005
catholicThe Blessed Carmelites of Compiègne –July 17 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 16, 2005
catholicEric Gill, a Precursor of Vatican II  -  Odou shows the radical progressivist agenda of Gill on liturgical reforms of the Mass - July 15, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Joseph Ratzinger defends Rahner's false theory of the 'anonymous Christian' - July 14, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Mahony allows a heretical mass at the main altar of the Los Angeles Cathedral - July 10, 2005
catholicThe China Threat.   Where is the Response?  -  Westerman on the arrogance and growing strength of Communist China  -  July 9, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Schillebeeckx explains the democratic essence of communio in the Church - July 7, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II poses in a clownish hat - July 3, 2005
catholicThe Visitation of Our Lady, July 2  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the verses of The Magnificat - July 2, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Yves Congar defends a 'collegial' Papacy and rejects the Pope as Vicar of Christ - June 30, 2005
catholicFinancing Our Own Destruction  -  Westerman questions US policy toward the Communist governments of China and Vietnam  -  June 29, 2005
catholicSs. Peter and Paul, June 29 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 28, 2005
catholicMost Admirable Advocate for Our Times  -  Cyndi Cain reviews The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - June 28, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II poses in a carnival mask - June 26, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the rich symbolism in the Byzantine painting - June 26, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Joseph Ratzinger defends a horizontal instead of vertical Papacy - June 24, 2005
catholicFirst Failure of Benedict XVI: Invitation for a Pan-Christian Ecumenical Council Rejected  - Guimarães - Bird's Eye View of the News - June 23, 2005
catholicWhat’s Wrong with World Youth Day?  -  Dr. Horvat reviews the book World Youth Day, From Catholicism to Counterchurch by Cornelia Ferreira and John Vennari - June 22, 2005
catholicSt. John Fisher, June 22 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 20, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  His Holiness Benedict XVI trying to be funny - June 19, 2005
catholicOther Moral "Pearls" of Eric Gill  -  Patrick Odou exposes a detailed profile of Gill's macabre sexual perversions - June 18, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Hans Kung applauds the semi-secret organization that prepared Vatican II - June 16, 2005
catholicSt. Germaine Cousin, June 15 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 13, 2005
catholicSt. Anthony of Padua, June 13 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the militancy of the "Hammer of Heretics" - June 11, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Karol Wojtyla Defends Nudism - June 9, 2005
catholicMoscow Would Silence U.S. Critics  -  Westerman notes that Russia permits no legitimate criticisms of past or present policies - June 8, 2005
catholicThe Veil in the Catholic Tradition  -  Goodman analyzes the Veil in St. Thomas' Commentary on the Corinthians - June 6, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Karl Lehmann has been chosen fool of the year in Aachen, Germany - June 5, 2005
catholicThe Canonization of Wojtyla, the Moral-Free Pope  - Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - June 4, 2005
catholicPresident of TIA receives award  -  Read the Tower of Trent homage Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
received from Daily Catholic - June 3, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Ratzinger denies the dogma "Extra Ecclesia nulla Salus" - June 2, 2005
catholicA Torrent of Pros and Cons on Eric Gill, a Distributist founder  -  Anonymous Gill admirers on a traditionalist list attack Patrick Odou's critique of Eric Gill - May 31, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Pope Ratzinger among schismatics yesterday and today - May 29, 2005
catholicQueenship of Our Lady, May 31 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on Our Lady's royalty in Heaven and on earth - May 28, 2005
catholicSt. Thomas Aquinas on the Veil  -  Donald Goodman III analyzes the teachings of Aquinas on the veil - May 27, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Avery Dulles on the Pan-Religion of Vatican II - May 26, 2005
catholicThe “Reconciliation”of the Two Benedicts  -  Benedict XV halted the fight against Modernism.  Will Benedict XVI try to smash the reaction against conciliar Progressivism? - May 25, 2005
catholic'Peoples War' and a Dangerous Foreign Policy  -  Communist Vietnam stimulates guerilla warfare in Iraq against the Americans - May 24, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Archbishop Levada with an altar girl, against a centuries-old teaching of the Catholic Church - May 22, 2005
catholicOur Lady Help of Christians, May 24  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the message for us in the victory Our Lady gave at Lepanto - May 21, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Ratzinger Agrees with Kung on Reforming Papal Infallibility - May 19, 2005
catholicWho Is Putin's God? Still Unknown After "60 Minutes"  -  Westerman points out Putin's strange notion of "god" - May 18, 2005
catholicSt. Ambrose and St. Augustine on the the Veil  -  Donald Goodman III tells what these Church Fathers said on head coverings for women - May 17, 2005
catholicThe True Colors of Benedict XVI  -  Talks With Jan: Time's up for withholding judgment on Ratzinger - May 16, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Prelates wear vestments with the rainbow colors of the homosexual movement - May 15, 2005
catholicEric Gill, the Pedophile Founder of Distributism  -  Patrick Odou makes an exposé of the morally corrupt character of one of the fathers of Distributism - May 14, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Wojtyla influenced by theosophist Helena Blavatsky - May 12, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Fatima, May 13  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the mystery surrounding the secret and what its contents might be - May 11, 2005
catholic Posthumous Tribute to the Most Rev. Father Gommar A. De Pauw  -  Founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement dies May 6, 2005 - May 10, 2005
catholicOur Lady of the Abandoned Ones, May 12  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the miraculous beginnings of the Virgen des los Desamparados - May 9, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Dancing nuns at Loyola University - May 8, 2005
catholic St. John Chrysostom on the Veil  -  What did the Church Fathers teach on the veil? Donald Goodman III responds - May 7, 2005
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Ratzinger's progressivist plan to change the face of the Church - May 5, 2005
catholicPutin's Lament: Don't Cry for Me Lubyanka  -  Westerman notes the rising pro-Soviet sentiments in Russia - May 3, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Protestant theologian Oscar Cullmann considered Ratzinger a radical - May 1, 2005
catholicSt. Catherine of Siena, April 29  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 28, 2005
catholicNew Page -  Progressivist Document of the Week  -  Ratzinger was under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office - April 27, 2005
catholicAssault on Faith: Fictitious 'History' as Weapon  -  Queen Noor rails against the Crusades on CNN as anti-Muslim. Westerman refutes - April 26, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The progressivist orientation of Pope Ratzinger - April 24, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano, April 25 - 26  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the miraculous painting - April 23, 2005
catholicFidel's Red Club  -  Westerman points out the value of Cuba's espionage war against the U.S. for its patron Russia - April 22, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Claudio Hummes instigates worker strikes in the early 1980's - April 17, 2005
catholicWhat Is the Mission of the Next Pope?  - Guimarães comments on the coming Conclave - Bird's Eye View - April 16, 2005
catholicSt. Stephen Harding, April 17  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 15, 2005
catholicSt. Peter Gonzalez, April 15  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 14, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Cardinal Claudio Hummes invites a Communist to speak from the pulpit at St. Bernard's Cathedral - April 11, 2005
catholicThe Veil in the Apostolic Age  -  Donald Goodman III analyzes the famous "Veil Text" of St. Paul (Cor 11:1–16) - April 8, 2005
catholicSomething Is Fishy about the Death of JPII  - A. S. Guimarães analyzes the omissions in the official death certificate - Bird's Eye View - April 6, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  A feminine looking Jesuit performs a Hindu dance - April 3, 2005
catholicA Study of the Veil in the Christian Tradition  -  Introduction to an 7-part series by Donald Goodman III on the tradition of the veil from apostolic times to present times - March 31, 2005
catholicTerri Schiavo and the Fight for Life - There is the Resurrection  -  Westerman denounces the culture of death mentality that promotes the death of the "inconvenient" - March 29, 2005
catholicScientific Data of Coming Earthquakes and Tsunamis  - Is this the chastisement? - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - March 28, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Mahony consecrates the wine in lemonade pitchers - March 27, 2005
catholicAnnunciation of Our Lady, March 25  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 24, 2005
catholicRussia, China and The New York Times  -  Westerman refutes the statement by The New York Times that the Russia-China alliance is just a mirage - March 23, 2005
catholicThe Prodigal Fathers  - Comments on the loss of prestige the Bishops have suffered - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - March 22, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  For the first time in History, a Pope meets a representative of the Soviet Union - March 20, 2005
catholic“Homosexually Oriented”Priests: If It Doesn't Sound Right, It Usually Isn't  - Gary Morella responds to a workshop at Cardinal Mahony's 2005 Religious Education Congress - March 18, 2005
catholicPrelude to Antichrist - Guerra’s Lesson for us All  - The best of Fr. Nicholas Gruner - March 14, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Catholic priests take part in a "Gay" Pride Parade - New York City - March 13, 2005
catholicSt. Gregory the Great, March 12  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 12, 2005
catholicSt. Eulogius, March 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 11, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Dancing Girls perform for Cardinal Mahony at Youth Day Congress - March 6, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Nazareth (Nazaré), March 6  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 5, 2005
catholicThe Taste for the Macabre in Today's Art  - Dr. Horvat analzes works in two exhibits to show how a taste for the perverse is being stimulated in modern man - March 3, 2005
catholicBush Goes to Moscow to Honor Red Army  -  Westerman shows the bad ideological consequences of Bush's scheduled visit to Moscow in May 2005 - March 2, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Bishop plays the drums in a nightclub - February 27, 2005
catholicForebodings about the Death of Sister Lucy  - The last seer of Fatima dies, her mission incomplete. What does it mean? - February 26, 2005
catholicSt. Leander of Seville, February 27  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 25, 2005
catholicSt. Peter Damian, February 23  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 21, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Paul VI posing with Protestants he invited to help write the New Mass - February 20, 2005
catholicSatanism in the Man's Domain  - Occult and demonic figures can be found on swords, knives, and office decor - February 15, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II lectured by the chief rabbi of Poland - February 13, 2005
catholic Russian Spies: Returning or Never Left?  -  Westerman denounces the infiltration of Russian spies in the U.S. - February 10, 2005
catholicOur Lady of Lourdes, February 11  -  The lesson Lourdes teaches us on suffering by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 9, 2005
catholicSt. John of Matha, February 8  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the founder of the Trinitarians - February 8, 2005
catholicThe Subtle Invasion of Satanism  - Dr. Horvat shows how devils and monsters are appearing in homes and gardens - February 8, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Conservative seminarians - following higher examples - dance to a samba in Brazil - February 6, 2005
catholicThe "New" Russia –Same Bear  - Westerman exposes the economic and political ties that bind Ukraine to Russia and the danger it represents - February 4, 2005
catholicThe Pope "Blessed" by the Rabbis  - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - February 3, 2005
catholicJohn Paul II, Cuba, and a Question of Conscience  -  Former Cuban political prisoner Armando Valladares questions JPII's praise of aspects of the Cuban communist revolution - February 2, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The Bishop Kevin M. Britt dancing with youth - January 30, 2005
catholicBlessed Sebastian Valfré, January 30  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 28, 2005
catholicGood Science, Bad Science  -  Sheppard compares the enlightened scientific method of St. Albert with the close-mindedness of evolution theorists - January 27, 2005
catholicThe Conversion of a Soldier - Part Four  - Novitiate and another change in vocation - January 25, 2005
catholicNovena to Our Lady of Good Success Begins Today  - and ends on the February 2, the Feast of the Purification - January 24, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Paul VI delivers to the Monophysites a precious relic of St. Athanasius - January 23, 2005
catholicMoscow - Off the Map?  - Westerman analyzes a recent CIA report that downplays the role of Russia and forecasts a rising Asia power - January 20, 2005
catholicThe "Supernatural" in Modern Society  -  Joseph Sheppard distinguishes between the true and the false supernatural today - January 19, 2005
catholicOur Lady of the Miracle, January 20  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 18, 2005
catholicThe Conversion of a Soldier - Part Three  - Taking leave of family and the mission to New Spain - January 18, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Paul VI delivers the head of the Evangelist St. Mark to heretics - January 16, 2005
catholicEating Alone  -  Have a pleasant and civilized dinner - Dr. Horvat - January 14, 2005
catholicSt. Paul the Hermit, January 15  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 13, 2005
catholicHow a Catholic Should Act in face of Bad Popes  - Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira answers giving examples of the Popes of the Renaissance - January 9, 2005
catholicThe Conversion of a Soldier - Part Two  - A Portuguese soldier joins the Order of St. Francis - January 9, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II sits on a throne with an inverted cross - January 9, 2005
catholicWhat's Old and New in Communism? / Uruguay Becomes Another Communist Country / Bolivia's Socialist Party Records Enormous Growth  - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - January 7, 2005
catholicTrends to Watch in 2005  - Toby Westerman predicts a growing Russian influence in China and Latin America - January 5, 2005
catholicThe Three Kings, January 6  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 4, 2005
catholicTV in the Waiting Room  - Joseph Sheppard points out another invasion of the television in the modern life - January 4, 2005
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II wears a mantle representing the Temple of Jerusalem. Another concession to Judaism - January 2, 2005
catholicThe Conversion of a Soldier - Part One  - 150 years after her death, Mother Mariana converts a soldier who becomes a Franciscan friar and writes her biography - January 1, 2005

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