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January 2008   -   December 2008

catholicPlease Say Children, Not Kids  -  Don't make concessions to revolutionary slang - Marian T. Horvat - December 31, 2008
catholicChristmas Greetings from Our Readers  -  What People Are Commenting - December 30, 2008
catholicBirth Control in the Spotlight / Licentious Priest Returns to Ministry  -  German and Austrian Bishops reword their documents accepting birth control - Atila Guimarães - December 29, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Balloon-rock Mass in Vienna - December 28, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Congar: In Vatican II the Church broke her ties to the past - December 27, 2008
catholicFake Global Warming Arguments  -  What People Are Commenting - December 26, 2008
catholicCordial Christmas Greetings to Our Readers - December 23, 2008
catholicThe New Kremlin Bridgehead in Latin America - A troubling future ahead as Russia strengthens alliances South America - André F. Garcia, Brazil - December 22, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Catholic dance classes in Belgium - December 21, 2008
catholicReligious Liberty, a 'Monstrous Right' - Pope Pius VI: His severe opposition to this principle of the French Revolution - Forgotten Truths - December 20, 2008
catholicThe Pregnant Man and the Bokanovsky Process  -  When the anti-natural is considered normal... - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - December 19, 2008
catholicPro-Life, Pre-Vatican II Documents & Miracle of the Sun  -  What People Are Commenting - December 18, 2008
catholicThe Glorification of Christmas through History - Important events that God desired to take place on Christmas - Margaret Galitzin - December 17, 2008
catholicFlamenco Nuns, Bad Books & Kissing Hands  -  What People Are Commenting - December 16, 2008
catholicLiving on the Edge of the Abyss  -  Catholic optimists and Bishops ignore Obama's pro-abortion past & promise - Jorge Zamora, Chile - December 15, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - The flamenco-dancing nuns - December 14, 2008
catholicHomage to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira -  TIA commemorates the centenary of his birth  -  December 12, 2008
catholicTwo Opposed Poles of Society: Prestige and Money - The mentality necessary for the restoration of a Catholic society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 11, 2008
catholicPagans, Regalia & Friendship  -  What People Are Commenting - December 10, 2008
catholicDecember 10, Translation of the Holy House to Loreto - Prof. Plinio comments on the proofs of the extraordinary miracle - December 9 , 2008
catholicIs the Council Suspect of Heresy? -  Exchange of opinions between Bishop Castro Mayer and Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira - December 8, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Catholic-Freudian meditation in German high schools - December 7, 2008
catholicThe Paternity of St. Gregory VII  - His letter to a humble Milan priest maimed by simoniacs - Hugh O’Reilly - December 6, 2008
catholicThe Socialist Perspective -  Is Socialism the solution for today's economic crisis? - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - December 5, 2008
catholicTraditionalist-Buddhists, The Alamo & ‘Gay Marriage’  -  What People Are Commenting - December 4, 2008
catholicThe Vatican Approves John Lennon: An Ill-timed Act -  As student faith declines, the Vatican commemorates the Beatles - Mark Stabinski - December 3, 2008
catholicPapal Dignity, Obama & Changing Masses  -  What People Are Commenting - December 2, 2008
catholicThe Nature of True Friendship - Can a Catholic have a true friendship with a non-Catholic? - Talks with Jan - Marian T. Horvat - December 1, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Is the Society of St. Pius X making concessions to Buddhism? - November 30, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Bishop Ablondi: Ecumenism must evolve from cooperation to communion - November 29, 2008
catholicThe Curé d'Ars and the Protestant  - An example of the Saint's charitable intolerance - Elaine M. Jordan - November 28, 2008
catholicConcordats, Social Work & Catholic Charity  -  What People Are Commenting - November 27, 2008
catholicNietzsche, Herald of the Revolution’s Pride  -  “God must die so the new man can live free” - Julio Alvear, Spain - November 26, 2008
catholicFrom the Prisons, Thanksgiving & Benedict’s Silence on Purgatory  -  What People Are Commenting - November 25, 2008
catholicThe Growing Russian Military Presence in Latin America  - UNASUL favors Russia to the detriment of the U.S - André F. Garcia, Brazil - November 24, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - A Pope on the path of democracy - November 23, 2008
catholicMoral Do’s and Don’ts for the Man of Commerce - St. Bernardine of Siena gives Ten Commandments for businessmen - Forgotten Truths - November 21, 2008
catholicChurches Opened by Communists - A Russian cchismatic cathedral is welcomed in Cuba - Jorge Zamora, Chile - November 21, 2008
catholicUseful Data to Understand the Catholic Situation in India  -  What People Are Commenting - November 20, 2008
catholicHillaire Belloc, the Liberal - Part IV -  “Louis XVI & the Queen Were Traitors: They Needed to be Executed” - Patrick Odou - November 19, 2008
catholicPoor Souls, inculturation & new endings for Masses  -  What People Are Commenting - November 18, 2008
catholic'Homosexual Marriage' & Democracy  -  Analysis of the scheme to undo Proposition 8 in California - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View of the News - November 17, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Pro-abortion politicians continue to receive Communion - November 16, 2008
catholic Sultan Saladin Describes the Crusaders  - In a letter to Arabian princes, Saladin praises the zeal of Catholics - Hugh O’Reilly - November 15, 2008
catholicThe Supernatural and the Preternatural  -  Signs and wonders are not indisputable proof of sanctity - Margaret Galitzin - November 14, 2008
catholicFr. Scott, Fr. Bisig & the Third Secret  -  What People Are Commenting - November 13, 2008
catholicNovember 13, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - Prof. Plinio comments on the reparatory life of the Italian missionary to the U.S. - November 12, 2008
catholicConsequences of the Election on Moral Issues  -  What People Are Commenting - November 11, 2008
catholicOrganic Society & Capitalism - Part III - What to do with the surplus of currency - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 10, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Catholic-Jewish syncretism in New Mexico - November 9, 2008
catholicThe Ignorant Will Perish in His Ignorance - St. Vincent de Paul: Catholics must learn the truth to fight the errors of their times - Forgotten Truths - November 8, 2008
catholicDo's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Not Stand on Tables  -  Mrs. Betty Ford poses on a White House meeting table - Alexis Reyes - November 7, 2008
catholicAn Apostate Pope & Newman, the Inspirer of Vatican II  -  What People Are Commenting - November 6, 2008
catholic Moscow’s New Onslaught - Communism is not dead, but strong and growing in Latin America - Jorge Zamora, Chile - November 5, 2008
catholicNovember 5, Blessed Frances d’Amboise - Prof. Plinio comments on the Duchess of Brittanny who ended her life as a Carmelite nun - November 4, 2008
catholicOn Tomorrow's Election - The Pro-Life Vote at Stake  -  What People Are Commenting - November 3, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Liberation Theology priest heads the UN - November 2, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Ratzinger: Orthodoxy is participation in the historic walk - November 1, 2008
catholicEcuador, a Nation that Is a Reliquary -  A small country with a grandiose religious architecture - Patricio Padilla, Ecuador  - October 31, 2008
catholicPapal Silence on the 91st Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions  - Why is Benedict XVI burying the Fatima message? - Talks with Jan - Marian Horvat - October 30, 2008
catholicA Socialist West? When?  -  American elections at the crossroads of the destiny of the West - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View of the News - October 29, 2008
catholicGoya's Ghost & the Homosexual Mafia  -  What People Are Commenting - October 28, 2008
catholicOctober 27, SS. Simon and Jude Thaddeus, Apostles - Prof. Plinio comments on the zeal and courage of the two Apostle-martyrs - October 27, 2008
catholicELECTION - Don't forget the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success to Prevent Communism and Socialism in the U.S. October 27, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - A Salesian mountain retreat - October 26, 2008
catholicDAY ONE:  Novena to Our Lady of Good Success to Prevent Communism and Socialism in the U.S. - October 26, 2008
catholicOctober 27, St. Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia - Prof. Plinio comments on the black warrior King of Ethiopia who ended his life as a hermit - October 25, 2008
catholicThe Prayers of a Knight  - How the medieval knight took his religious obligations seriously - Hugh O’Reilly - October 24, 2008
catholicNuns, Elections and Masses  -  What People Are Commenting - October 23, 2008
catholicThe Bishop and His ‘Prophetess’ - Progressivist Bishop stirs trouble after adopting a 26-year-old woman - Ranjit Morris, India - October 22, 2008
catholicEvidence of Error in Mother Teresa’s Life - She Cannot Be a Saint  -  Open Letter by Mark Zima to Benedict XVI - What People Are Commenting - October 21, 2008
catholicSacrality or Chaos? - Latin America faces a continental Communist-Tribalist onslaught - André F. Garcia, Brazil - October 20, 2008
catholicWashington State: Vote NO on Initiative 1000 that Legalizes Assisted Suicide - Key points on why Catholics cannot vote for assisted suicide - October 20, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - How long will it take to ordain woman priests? - October 19, 2008
catholicThe Importance of the Morning Offering -  A sermon of Fr. Cavanaugh, pastor of Knock at the time of the Apparition - Elaine Jordan  - October 18, 2008
catholicA Rabbi Who Rejects Christ Lectures the Church of Christ -  The Church - not the synagogue – has the mandate to interpret Scripture - Julio Alvear, Spain  - October 17, 2008
catholicReligious Persecutions, Courage & Virginity  -  What People Are Commenting - October 16, 2008
catholicOvert Indoctrination of Children for Homosexual ‘Marriage’  -  A kindergarten class required to attend the lesbian "wedding" of its teacher - Gary Morella - October 15, 2008
catholicNovena to Prevent Communism and Socialism in the U.S. & Travestite Nuns  -  What People Are Commenting - October 14, 2008
catholicHillaire Belloc, the Liberal - Part III - He tries to justify the Terror of the French Revolution - Patrick Odou - October 13, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The California surfing priest - October 12, 2008
catholicTo Die or Kill for Christ Is Not Criminal, but Glorious - St. Bernard: From his letter to the Templars In Praise of the New Knighthood - Forgotten Truths - October 11, 2008
catholicDedication of the Oakland Cathedral of Christ the Light -  A cold angry light pervades a building with no spirit of faith - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.  - October 10, 2008
catholicWhen Does a Heretical Pope Become an Invalid Pope?  - Guimarães discusses when the authority loses its effectiveness in a visible society - October 9, 2008
catholicBenedict’s Unprecedented Ecumenical Synod -  A rabbi and a Schismatic prelate address Bishops. It's time to say 'Enough!' - John Vennari  - October 8, 2008
catholicPharisees, New Age & a Pulverized Newman  -  What People Are Commenting - October 7, 2008
catholicSocial Relations between Married Persons and Friends of the Opposite Sex  -  Catholic Morals on kisses and embraces with relatives and friends - Fr. Paul Sretenovic - October 6, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  John Paul II participates in a Zoroastrian ritual - October 5, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Sesboüé: Dogmatic formulas change with the times - October 4, 2008
catholicMother Teresa and the Sultan; Papal Tiara to the UN?  -  What People Are Commenting - October 3, 2008
catholicThe Miracle of Ourique and the Birth of Portugal  -  Our Lord appears to Don Afonso before the decisive battle of 1139 - Hugh O’Reilly - October 2, 2008
catholicCrusade, Hippies & Manners  -  What People Are Commenting - October 1, 2008
catholicThe Papal Succession Begins  -  Important organs start to discuss the profile of the next Pope - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - September 30, 2008
catholicThe Latin Mass Is To Be “Tolerated,” Nothing More -  Benedict answers a question about the Motu Proprio en route to Paris - Margaret C. Galitzin - September 29, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Pope Ratzinger under the rainbow flag - September 28, 2008
catholicSt. Francis on Custody of the Eyes  - The story of the King and his two messengers - Elaine M. Jordan - September 27, 2008
catholicSeptember 28, King St. Wenceslas - Prof. Plinio comments on the Patron Saint of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland - September 26, 2008
catholicEgalitarian Hatred both Conservative & Sede-Vacantist  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - September 25, 2008
catholicThe Crusade of the 21st Century -  Resistance to Progressivism and the fight against chaos - André Garcia - September 24, 2008
catholicVatican II Turnaround on the Church-State Relationship - Benedict XVI praises laicism on his trip to France - Talks with Jan - Marian Horvat - September 23, 2008
catholicCounter-Revolution, Ossetia & Sede-Vacantism  -  What People Are Commenting - September 22, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Muddy Dominican nuns - September 21, 2008
catholicDecadent Flocks Are the Result of Corrupt Pastors - Pope Pius IX gives guidelines for the formation of good priests - Forgotten Truths - September 20, 2008
catholicThe Smiling Angel Hides the Tears of a Nation - Deceit and fraud "for the supreme interest" of Communist China - André Garcia - September 19 , 2008
catholicVatican II Broke with the Magisterium - Famous theologians admit a "new Church" was born at the Council - Juan Valdivieso - September 18, 2008
catholicSede-Vacantism? -  A colorful refutation of this position made with Irish verve - Dan O'Connell - September 17, 2008
catholicOrissa, Gaudi & Embalming  -  What People Are Commenting - September 16, 2008
catholicOrganic Society & Capitalism - Part II - The harmful mentality of borrowing money to buy things you don't need - Prof. Plinio - September 15, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  A man and a woman lying on an altar in Vienna - September 14, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Ratzinger: The Bishops have a fully democratic function - September 13, 2008
catholicThe Phenomenology of von Hildebrand and His Teaching on Marriage -  His influence on John Paul II's Theology of the Body - Randy Engel - September 12, 2008
catholicConvent Prisons - How Did They Work?  - Dr. Horvat answers questions about the convent prison mentioned in the Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - September 11, 2008
catholicSarah Palin: Alaska as Foreign Policy Experience  - She has direct experience with the threats of the Russian bear - Toby Westerman - September 10 , 2008
catholicIndia, Monks and Meat, Protests & Gratitude  -  What People Are Commenting - September 9, 2008
catholicWhat Is the Punishment for an Unwed Father?  -  The responsibilities of a man toward the woman and child - Fr. Paul Sretenovic - September 8, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Cardinal of Munich wearing an Indian headdress - September 7, 2008
catholicSt. Louis, Warrior and Saint  - Militancy harmonized with goodness in the greatest King of France - Hugh O'Reilly - September 6, 2008
catholicDo's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Keep Your Jacket Buttoned  -  Prince Charles of Wales sets good example at the farmers' market - Alexis Reyes - September 5, 2008
catholicBishops in Jail, Belloc & Prisoners  -  What People Are Commenting - September 4, 2008
catholicLiturgical Peace or Liturgical Apartheid? -  The unsustainable position of compromise of French traditionalists - André Garcia - September 3, 2008
catholicThe Fruits of Ecumenism in India  -  What People Are Commenting - September 2, 2008
catholicSeptember 2, St. Stephen, King of Hungary - Prof. Plinio defends his warrior activity and stern measures against rebellious nobles - September 1, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Pagan rituals introduced in a Los Angeles Mass - August 31, 2008
catholicThe Dignity of Women Lies in Moral and Physical Purity - Pope Pius XII counsels girls to practice exemplary purity in customs and dress - Forgotten Truths - August 30, 2008
catholicA Bishop’s Delicate Reproof of a Guest  -  From an Italian Treatise on Politeness addressed to a young nobleman - Judy Mead - August 29, 2008
catholicBreaking the Glass Ceiling in Italy  -  Increasing number of pedophile priests in prison - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - August 28, 2008
catholicMoscow Declares Change in the Global Balance of Power -  After Russian invasion of Georgia, U.S. is no longer undisputed world leader - Toby Westerman - August 27, 2008
catholicNewman, Guadalupe & EWTN  -  What People Are Commenting - August 26, 2008
catholicNEW BOOK!   The Great St. Joseph by Dr. Remi Amelunxen - The life of St. Joseph based on Scripture, Saints, Doctors and approved mystics. Pious and inspiring! - August 26, 2008
catholicReligious Beliefs against Homosexuality Must Be Respected  - An English example on how to fight for our religious rights - Margaret C. Galitzin - August 25, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The Church invades the Italian beaches - August 24, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Newman recognized as a homosexual - August 23, 2008
catholicActive versus Passive Resistance -  A call to heroism in the greatest fight of History: The crisis in the Church - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - August 22, 2008
catholicAugust 22, The Immaculate Heart of Mary - Prof. Plinio comments on how her Immaculate Heart will triumph - August 21, 2008
catholicA 'Gay' Newman & Manual of Manners for Girls  -  What People Are Commenting - August 20, 2008
catholicHow a Divorced Mother Should Act at Her Husband's Death  -  The correct position to take before and after his death - Fr. Paul Sretenovic - August 19, 2008
catholicRussian Tanks Roll in Soviet-Style Agression -  An overview of the situation up to the Russian invasion of Georgia - Toby Westerman - August 18, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Inflatable Catholic churches - August 17, 2008
catholicThe Harmonious Relations between Nobles and Monks  - The Duke of Aquitaine's solicitude for his monks - Hugh O'Reilly - Stories and Legends - August 15, 2008
catholicPrisoners React against Vatican II  -  What People Are Commenting - August 14, 2008
catholicSinging Yahweh Offends the Jews - Another concession of Benedict XVI on the progressivist pathway - Talks with Jan - Marian Horvat - August 13, 2008
catholicReaders React to the Hate Mail  -  What People Are Commenting - August 12, 2008
catholicCritique of Capitalism from an Organic Perspective - Part I - Defects of Capitalism that must be avoided in a Catholic society - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio - August 11, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Trappist monks living and praying Hindu-Buddhist style - August 10, 2008
catholicThe True Friends of the People Are Traditionalists - St. Pius X: Catholics should look to the Church's past to resolve today's problems - Forgotten Truths - August 9, 2008
catholicGramsci's Influence on Today’s Academia and Media - Multiculturalism leading to chaos and totalitarianism - Gary Morella - August 8, 2008
catholicJewish and Buddhist Anti-Catholic Ferocity  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - August 7, 2008
catholicCatholic Funeral Etiquette - Part III  -  The mourning period: Appropriate behavior and length of time - Dr. Marian Horvat - August 6, 2008
catholicBios, Book Reviews & the Sydney Way of the Cross  -  What People Are Commenting - August 5, 2008
catholicAugust 5, Our Lady of the Snow - Prof. Plinio comments on the marvelous story of the founding of St. Mary Major in Rome - August 4, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Benedict XVI initiated in a pagan ritual - August 3, 2008
catholicThe White and Yellow of the Papal Flag  -  A gesture of loyalty to Pope Pius VII when Napoleon occupied Rome - Elaine Jordan - August 2, 2008
catholic Disturbing Papal Statements at WYD 2008 -  Benedict warns "truth must not be divisive" and proposes a "common Eucharist" - Juan Valdivieso - August 1, 2008
catholicWhat's Left of the English Club?  -  Making sense of the confusing Anglican split - Atila S. Guimarães - Bird's Eye View of the News - July 31, 2008
catholicThe Sydney Outrage - Comments on the video of the Gospel Procession at the final Papal WYD Mass - Gary Morella - July 30, 2008
catholicRefinement, Liturgical Reform & Graces from Our Lady of Good Success  -  What People Are Commenting - July 29, 2008
catholicHillaire Belloc, the Liberal - Part II - His praise for the revolutionary and anti-Catholic Social Contract of Rousseau - Patrick Odou - July 28, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Woodstock style still present at the Sydney WYD - July 27, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Avery Dulles: The Faith can be relegated to a secondary plane - July 26, 2008
catholicWYD Miracles, the JPII Rosary & Communion in the Hand  -  What People Are Commenting - July 25, 2008
catholicCatholic Funeral Etiquette - Part II  - Courtesies paid to the family of the deceased - Marian Horvat - July 24, 2008
catholicAn Occult Spain Reborn from Paganism  -  Movie review of Pan's Labyrinth - Atila Guimarães - July 23, 2008
catholicSteubenville, the Medieval Cathedral & Mahony’s Warehouse  -  What People Are Commenting - July 22, 2008
catholicJuly 22, St. Lawrence of Brindisi - Prof. Plinio comments on the role the Capuchin General played in an important battle against the Turks - July 21, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Two miracles at the WYD-2008 - July 20, 2008
catholicWhen Even Wolves Kept Their Word…  - St. Francis and the wolf of Gubbio - Hugh O'Reilly - Stories and Legends - July 19, 2008
catholicBenedict on Anglican Unity & Ecology - More reasons for Catholics to resist - André Garcia  - July 18, 2008
catholicThe Progressivism of the First & Second Renaissances -  And parallels between the papacies of the first & second John XXIIIs - Lyle J. Arnold Jr. - July 17, 2007
catholicThe Luminous Mysteries: Novelty Clashes with Tradition  -  Adding a new set of mysteries opposes Our Lady's expressed wish - Atila Guimarães - July 16, 2008
catholicHomosexuals in the WYDs & Benedict's Prayer for Anglican Unity  -  What People Are Commenting - July 15, 2008
catholicCatholic Manual of Civility: A Noble Book for Young Men -  "A gift from the New World to the Old" - Review by Eric Hester  - July 14, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  First Communion in the hand - July 13, 2008
catholicGod the Father Wanted to Give Jesus Christ Nobility of Blood - St. Peter Julian Eymard: Our Lord desired to unite in Himself all grandeurs - Forgotten Truths - July 12, 2008
catholicHillaire Belloc, the Liberal - Part I - His open admiration for the French Revolution, condemned by the Popes - Patrick Odou - July 11, 2008
catholic550 Tons of Yellowcake  -  What this evidence represented for Saddam Hussein - Randall Hoven - July 10, 2008
catholicDisconfirmations Disconfirmed: Saddam Had Nuke Program  -  An Associated Press news report changes the tide on the WMDs - Randall Hoven - July 9, 2008
catholicGreat Apostasy, Civility & Girl Scouts  -  What People Are Commenting - July 8, 2008
catholicJuly 8, St. Elizabeth of Portugal - Prof. Plinio comments on how Progressivism would like to present this Queen - July 7, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Homosexuals greet Benedict at WYD-2005 - July 6, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Chenu: Vatican II lifted the anathema against the French Revolution - July 5, 2008
catholicTribute to Our Independence  -  TIA salutes a heroic act and a symbolic gesture - July 4, 2008
catholicThe Cathedral: Symbol of Paradise  -  What each part of the church represents - Hugh O'Reilly - July 3, 2008
catholicThe Role of Economy in the Decay of the Medieval Mentality - Envy and an artificial demand for products change the structure of local economies - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio - July 2, 2008
catholicEmbalming, Collection on Vatican II & the Chastisement  -  What People Are Commenting - July 1, 2008
catholicA Multi-Faceted Ecology: The New Ideal for Religious Orders  -  A preview of the eco-centered religious men and women of the future - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - June 30, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Did Pope Ratzinger ever reject his progressivist past? - June 29, 2008
catholicThe Church’s Rigor against Heresies - The Fourth Lateran Council imposes severe punishments on heretics - Forgotten Truths - June 28, 2008
catholicSame-Sex Marriage and the California Bishops  - Their weak reaction to the Supreme Court decision - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - June 27, 2008
catholicReactions to the Ultimatum & Code Dress in the Wisconsin Prisons  -  What People Are Commenting - June 26, 2008
catholicCatholic Funeral Etiquette - Part I  -  Condolences, the wake and the funeral Mass - Marian Horvat - June 25, 2008
catholicTestimony of Graces Received & A Vatican Ultimatum to SSPX  -  What People Are Commenting - June 24, 2008
catholicHow to Prevent Daughters from Dressing Immodestly  -  Fr. Paul Sretenovic offers guidelines to a father - June 23, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Benedict's affinities with Buddhism - June 22, 2008
catholicCharlemagne's Counsels to His Nobles - A magnificent example of the Catholic spirit by the founder of medieval Christendom - Hugh O'Reilly - June 21, 2008
catholicJune 21, St. Leutfridus - Prof. Plinio comments on the 7th century Abbot's harmonic virtues and hatred of the Devil - June 20, 2008
catholicDo's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Not Sit on the Steps  -  Richard Nixon takes a ridiculous position in the White House garden - Alexis Reyes - June 19, 2008
catholicWorking with Non-Catholics, Yves St. Laurent & Kissing Hands  -  What People Are Commenting - June 18, 2008
catholicJune 18, Blessed Osanna of Mantua - Prof. Plinio comments on the vision she received of an Angel inviting her to contemplate God in all created things - June 17, 2008
catholicModern Ecumenism Condemned by Sacred Scripture - Part II - Why Catholics must avoid all interfaith meetings and ecumenical events - Bishop George Hay  - June 16, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - An Italian boxing priest - June 15, 2008
catholicSt. Cyricus and His Mother St. Julitta  -  Mother and son are models of Catholic heroism for us in the present day crisis of the Church - Judy Mead - June 14, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Code of Canon Law favors annulments - Part III: Inability to assume the obligations of marriage - June 13, 2008
catholicIt Is Not According to the Gospels To Censure Unwed Mothers  - Fr. Sretenovic distinguishes between private and public sins and their social consequences - Objections - June 12, 2008
catholicCould You Recommend Good Medieval History Books?  - Suggestions for reading material on the Age of Faith - What People Are Asking - June 11, 2008
catholicZapatero, Martini's Anarchical Church & Gill  -  What People Are Commenting - June 10, 2008
catholicModern Ecumenism Condemned by Sacred Scripture - Part I - Bishop George Hay shows the prohibition of any religious intermingling between Catholics and non-Catholics -  June 9, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Dance festival in St. Gallen Cathedral - June 8, 2008
catholicTo Deny any Point of the Catholic Faith Is to Deny it Completely - Fr. Manoel Bernardes teaches why the Faith must be fully accepted - Forgotten Truths - June 7, 2008
catholicPriestly Pedophilia Concealed in Italy  -  A report in the bulletin Adista reveals a crisis similar to that in the U.S. - Atila Guimarães - June 6, 2008
catholicNEW DVD Available Now!   Our Lady of Good Success: History, Miracles & Prophecies - See the miraculous statue inside the cloister in Quito - Hear the story and prophecies - A moving and inspiring presentation - June 5, 2008
catholicWar, Trousers for Women & Beaches  -  What People Are Commenting - June 5, 2008
catholicStations of the Cross Changed for WYD 2008 - Altered Stations and text send the wrong message to the youth - Talks with Jan - Marian Horvat - June 4, 2008
catholicAnti-War Fanaticism & Schismatic Offenses  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - June 3, 2008
catholicThe Right Sprouts again in Bolivia -  Bolivia sends signs of its discontent with its Marxist government - Alberto Aprea - June 2, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - "Whipped cream orgy" in Vienna - June 1, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Code of Canon Law favors annulments - Part II: Lack of discretion of judgment - May 31, 2008
catholicA Glimpse of the Post-Modern Church  -  Card. Martini defines Postmodernism and says the Church should adapt to it - Atila S. Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - May 30, 2008
catholicSame-Sex Marriage & Matriarchate  -  What People Are Commenting - May 29, 2008
catholicThe Moral Education of the Future Knight  - The good counsel of noble parents to their son - Elaine Jordan - Stories and Legends - May 28, 2008
catholicPlease Provide More Data on Our Lady of Guadalupe  - Readers ask for sources confirming the slide-show on the miraculous tilma - What People Are Asking - May 27, 2008
catholicThe Decay of the Medieval Guilds - The seed of an unbridled Capitalism entered with a change in mentalities - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio - May 26, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Catholic Prelate at the installation of Episcopal woman 'bishop' - May 25, 2008
catholicInequalities Are the Base and Bond of Society - St. John Chrysostom: Inequality is a good desired by Divine Providence - Forgotten Truths - May 24, 2008
catholic The Absence of Rage  - Bishops show no indignation over even the most atrocious sexual abuses - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - May 23, 2008
catholicWhere Is the Holy Ghost in Today's Crisis in the Church?  -  He is assisting the reaction against the progressivist establishment - What People Are Asking - May 22, 2008
catholicA Pregnant, Pacifist Defense Minister for Spain  -  The ostentatious feminization of the Spanish government - Horvat - May 21, 2008
catholicFlowers, Order of the Garter & Skirts  -  What People Are Commenting - May 20, 2008
catholicGood Reactions against Priestly Homosexuality  - Public indignation in Texas ends in resignation of former St. Sebastian Angel priest - Margaret C. Galitzin - May 19, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Circus Mass in Monte Carlo - May 18, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Code of Canon Law favors annulments - Part I: Lack of sufficient use of reason for consent - May 17, 2008
catholicWhy the Inquisition Was Founded  -  To stop the spread of heresy, Pope Gregory IX calls on the Mendicant Orders - Hugh O’Reilly - May 16, 2008
catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect - Part V  -  The strange personality of Adolf Hitler - Cunha Alvarenga - May 15, 2008
catholicLeftist Summit in Montevideo  -  The Forum of São Paulo applies new tactics to revive Communism - Alexander Torres Mega - May 14, 2008
catholicAbuses, Hats & Distributism  -  What People Are Commenting - May 13, 2008
catholicAre Present Day Annulments To Be Taken Seriously?  -  Moral and juridical positions on today's flood of annulments - Fr. Paul Sretenovic - May 12, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - The Hamburg ecumenical blessing - May 11, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Dopfner: the Church of Christ includes Protestants and Schismatics - May 10, 2008
catholicWill the U.S. Become Communist?  -  What People Are Commenting - May 9, 2008
catholicMore Reports of Secrecy in the Oakland Diocese  -  Media uncovers many more pedophile priests hidden by Church authorities - Lyle Arnold, Jr. - May 8, 2008
catholicA Renewed Interest in the Mary Gardens  -  A garden of flowers that reminds us of Our Lady's qualities and virtues - Margaret C. Galitzin - May 7, 2008
catholicApostasy, Visit to the Synagogue & Warm Support  -  What People Are Commenting - May 6, 2008
catholicMay 5, Pope St. Pius V - Prof. Plinio comments on his letter to the Catholic King Philip II asking assistance for the Knights of Malta - May 5, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Buddhist medium honored by the Trappists of Gethsemani - May 4, 2008
catholicRanulf of Chester -  A charming case of Heaven's intervention in medieval life - Hugh O’Reilly - May 3, 2008
catholicOn the Sex Scandal: Ratzinger Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Beautiful Words, No Disciplinary Action - Talks with Jan - Horvat - May 2, 2008
catholicMay 2, St. Athanasius - Prof. Plinio comments on little known anecdotes from the life of the great Doctor who fought the Arian heresy - May 1, 2008
catholicDo's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Kiss the Hand of Ladies  -  A gallantry that is coming back in style - Alexis Reyes - April 30, 2008
catholicApril 30, St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo - Prof. Plinio comments on the Saint's remarkable reliance on Divine Providence for his great enterprise - April 29, 2008
catholicResistance, Conversion of Blair & Progressivist Ignatius Press  -  What People Are Commenting - April 29, 2008
catholicBenedict XVI's Visit to a New York Synagogue  -  Atila Guimarães analyzes the ceremonies, speeches and gestures at the visit to the Park East synagogue - Bird's Eye View - April 28, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Benedict receiving the Koran - April 27, 2008
catholicTo Abuse God’s Mercy Is Worse than Despair - St. Alphonsus of Liguori: God's mercy has a limit, and then He exercises His justice - Forgotten Truths - April 26, 2008
catholicJewish, Progressivist and Feminist Fury  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - April 25, 2008
catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect - Part IV  -  The new religion of the Swastika cross - Cunha Alvarenga - April 24, 2008
catholicHow and When to Use the Veil in Modern Times  -  Donald P. Goodman III discusses the ideal situation and practical solutions - April 23, 2008
catholicMother Teresa, Cuba & the Sign of the Cross  -  What People Are Commenting - April 22, 2008
catholicPlease Act on Evidence that Card. McCarrick Is a Homosexual  -  Open Letter of author Richard Sipe to Benedict XVI - April 22, 2008
catholicUnwed Mothers: the Calvinist and the Catholic Answers  -  Fr. Paul Sretenovic supports his previous counsels on single mothers with new evidence - April 21, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - When the Pope becomes the chaplain of Masonry - April 20, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Paul VI sees the UN in Dante's dream of a Universal Government - April 19, 2008
catholic Urban II Calls for the First Crusade  -  All of Europe raises up to free the Sepulcher of Christ - Hugh O’Reilly - April 18, 2008
catholicThe Pacifist Utopia of Paul VI and John Paul II & the United Nations  -  Pacifism is not a Catholic position - Lyle Arnold - April 17, 2008
catholicGetting the Ball Rolling on Hats  -  Dr. Horvat discusses hat etiquette. When should a man remove or tip his hat? - April 17, 2008
catholicHot Pros & Cons on Bishop Fellay's 'Recognition' of Vatican II  -  What People Are Commenting - April 15, 2008
catholicLeadership: Established by Generosity & Gratitude, Not a Social Contract - Critique of the modern conception of power - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio - April 14, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II paying homage to a Buddhist high priest - April 13, 2008
catholicCondemnation of Communion under Two Species - St. Pius V and Pius VI: it it is better to suffer martyrdom than accept this practice of heretics - Forgotten Truths - April 12, 2008
catholicNaivety or a Higher Understanding of Things?  -  The symbolism medievals found in all of nature, especially flowers - Elaine M. Jordan - April 11, 2008
catholicFellay to Guimarães: The SSPX Bishops Did Not Compromise; Your Critique Is a Delirium  -  Guimarães responds - Objections - April 10, 2008
catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect - Part III  -  What the Grail Represented for the Nazis - Cunha Alvarenga - April 9, 2008
catholicSSPX Compromise & Nature of Conscience  -  What People Are Commenting - April 8, 2008
catholicIs Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint? - Dr. Horvat reviews The Case for the Cause by Mark Michael Zima  - April 7, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Mother Teresa, a Eucharistic minister - April 6, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Fr. Ratzinger: Dogmatic formulas must always change - April 5, 2008
catholicCardinal Bertone and Castro's Fraudulent Religious Policy -  Armando Valladares challenges Bertone's statement that the Church in Cuba is "no longer persecuted" - April 4, 2008
catholicApril 3, St. Fara - Prof. Plinio comments on the marvelous medieval spirit in the life of the Abbess of Faremoutiers - April 3, 2008
catholicSubjectivism, American Communist Media, Rosary Attacked  -  What People Are Commenting - April 3, 2008
catholicLatin American Guerillas Coming to the U.S.? -  Communist guerillas enter U.S. to recruit and promote anti-American program - Toby Westerman - April 2, 2008
catholicWhat Are the Consequences of the SSPX Acceptance of Vatican II?  -  Request for orientation regarding Cardinal Hoyos recent interview to L'Osservatore Romano - Guimarães - April 1, 2008
catholicPraying with Heretics – Where is the Catholic Resistance?  - Benedict pushes forward the ecumenical agenda - Traditionalists almost silent  -  Margaret C. Galitzin  - March 31, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II blesses the United Nations - March 30, 2008
catholicPerpetual Condemnation of Masonry - Clement XII orders Catholics to stay clear of Masonry and similar associations - Forgotten Truths - March 29, 2008
catholicCardinal Ratzinger's Subjectivism  -  Lyle J. Arnold traces the trap of Lucifer - to turn man toward self instead of objective Truth - March 28, 2008
catholicDo's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Not Take off Your Shoes in Public  -  Princess Beatrix of York gives a bad public example - Alexis Reyes - March 27, 2008
catholicPapal States, Schools in Iraq and Monophysism  -  What People Are Commenting - March 26, 2008
catholicNew Saints - A Lack of Consistency  -  What does the Vatican Instruction mean for the future? - Bird's Eye View - Guimarães - March 25, 2007
catholicMarch 25, St. Dismas - Prof. Plinio comments on the Good Thief, a symbol of Divine Mercy for all times - March 24, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Nudism on a Paschal Candle - March 23, 2008
catholicCordial Easter Greetings to Our Readers -  March 22, 2008
catholicBenedict XVI and Cardinal Bertone’s Trip to Cuba -  Bertone leaves with shameful concessions and empty hands - Armando Valladares - March 20, 2008
catholicRead our HOLY WEEK MEDITATIONS on our Spotlight page -  March 19, 2008
catholicThe Web of Terror -  The guerilla FARC movement extends its presence and power in Latin America - Toby Westerman - March 19, 2008
catholicMy Experience in Convents  -  What People Are Commenting - March 18, 2008
catholicThe Grandeur of Pius IX in the Fight for the Papal States - Despite setbacks, the prestige of the Papacy grows worldwide at the end of his pontificate - Prof. Plinio - March 17, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Jews reward Benedict for his support - March 16, 2008
catholicThe Rooster of Barcelos  -  The story and miracle behind this national symbol of Portugal - Elaine M. Jordan - March 15, 2008
catholicHybrids, Androgynous Beings and Spiders -  Lyle J. Arnold analyzes the apparent concessions the Conciliar Church is making to traditionalists - March 14, 2008
catholicThe Feminization of the Church and Vatican II - The invasion of women into the sacred ministry changes the face of the Church - Talks with Jan - Horvat - March 13, 2008
catholicMarch 12, St. Theophanes, Abbot - Prof. Plinio comments on the purity that marked the life of the high-born Byzantium official who left the court for the monastery - March 12, 2008
catholicImprovements in Iraq, Demonic Influence on Children  -  What People Are Commenting - March 11, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - In Cuba Cardinal Bertone attacks the American embargo - March 9, 2008
catholicNEW BOOKS! - March 8, 2008
The long-awaited Catholic Manual of Civility
The timely return of a 2nd century classic - Tertullian's For the Conversion of the Jews.
Don't miss the re-edited In the Murky Waters of Vatican II with a word and subject index!
catholicParody of the Passion, Elections & Leptospirosis  -  What People Are Commenting - March 7, 2008
catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect - Part II  -  The Mission of Otto Rahn at Montségur - Cunha Alvarenga - March 6, 2008
catholicSome Essential Table Manners  -  General table rules for all times and all places - Manual of Civility - Horvat - March 5, 2008
catholicHybrid Mass, Good Customs & Phenomenology  -  What People Are Commenting - March 4, 2008
catholicFather Alfred Kunz: For the Love of God -  A tribute to Fr. Kunz on the 10th anniversary of his brutal murder - Toby Westerman - March 4, 2008
catholicWill He Find Faith? - Catholic Family News editor, John Vennari, interviews A. S. Guimarães on Volume 6 of his Vatican II Collection  -  March 3, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Niederauer silent on parody of the Passion - March 2, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Card. Congar: The unpardonable sin of 'Ecclesiocentrism' - March 1, 2008
catholicOur Lady of Médous, Fatima, and Vatican II -  How an early Marian apparition in France relates to the Fatima message - Lyle J. Arnold - February 29, 2008
catholicHeading to a Hybrid Mass - New Petition for Universal Mediatrix  -  Guimarães analyzes conservative moves coming from the Vatican - Bird's Eye View - February 27, 2007
catholicAustrian Priestess & the Phenomenologist Council  -  What People Are Commenting - February 26, 2008
catholicFebruary 25, Blessed Isabelle of France - Prof. Plinio comments on how the royal court of France generated the sanctity of both St. Louis IX and of his sister Blessed Isabelle - February 25, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - An Austrian priestess ... - February 24, 2008
catholicFebruary 23, St. Dositheus - Prof. Plinio shows how contemplation of Scripture was the key to understanding the grandeur of the life of this 6th century monk - February 23, 2008
catholicMuslim Symbol at the Offertory, Temperaments & Karl Rahner  -  What People Are Commenting - February 22, 2008
catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect - Part I  -  Pagan and Christian Gnosis - Cunha Alvarenga - February 20, 2008
catholicThe Death Penalty & Charismatic Love  -  What People Are Commenting - February 19, 2008
catholicTable Manners Reveal a Man’s Culture  -  Know how to recognize and handle the silverware and glasses at a formal dinner - Horvat - February 18, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Church welcomes British "gay pride parade" - February 17, 2008
catholicLiberty of Conscience: A "Delirium" - Pope Gregory XVI condemns ecumenism and religious liberty - Forgotten Truths - February 16, 2008
catholicTurning the Other Cheek & the Children of Hope  -  What People Are Commenting - February 15, 2008
catholicThe Natural and Unnatural Decline of the Clan - Different ways to loose vitality in a clan and in an area - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio - February 13, 2008
catholicValidity of the New Mass, Jesuits & Homosexuality  -  What People Are Commenting - February 12, 2008
catholicWriting Letters  -  The letter you write reflects your appearance, taste and character - Manual of Civility - Dr. Marian Horvat - February 11, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Cardinals and Bishops wear Jewish yarmulkes - February 10, 2008
catholicRed, White and Blue  -  How these colors came to represent the French crown and nation - Hugh O'Reilly - February 9, 2008
catholicPope Appeases Rabbis with New Prayer  -  A reader sends thoughts on the new Good Friday Prayer - What People Are Commenting - February 8, 2008
catholicProper Behavior for Visits - Part II  -  Making conversation, and being the courteous host and guest - Manual of Civility - Dr. Marian Horvat - February 7, 2008
catholicMoscow Warns of a “Looming War of Civilizations” -  At a Madrid Forum, it criticizes US action against Islamic militants - Toby Westerman - February 6, 2008
catholicAn Apology from Stephen Hand to Atila Guimarães and Marian Horvat  -  The journalist steps back from his attacks against the TIA Resistance - February 5, 2008
catholicLuther Thought He Was Divine  -  His revolution set off an avalanche of sensuality and pride - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 4, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - An immoral circus Mass in France - February 3, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Ottaviani praises the UN and a Universal Republic - February 2, 2008
catholicChurch Annulments Mock the Martyrdom of St. Thomas More -  A new moral doctrine ruling Catholic marriages - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - February 1, 2007
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Nine - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - February 1, 2008
catholicAnother Rebuff from the Russian Schismatics -  Benedict XVI ignores Fatima to achieve the utopia of a Pan-religion - Margaret C. Galitzin - January 31, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Eight - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 31, 2008
catholicEcumenical Chapel at St. Paul Outside the Walls - Part II -  A decision that is against Catholic doctrine - John Vennari - January 30, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Seven - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 30, 2008
catholicQuestions & Requests on Our Lady of Good Success and Our Lady of Good Counsel  -  What People Are Commenting - January 29, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Six - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day - January 29, 2008
catholicJesuits - High or Low Speed?  -  Guimarães analyzes tendencies in the Order when the new General was elected - Bird's Eye View - January 28, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Five - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 28, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Blasphemous performance at a Catholic church in Lucerne - January 27, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Four - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 27, 2008
catholicIt Can Be Wrong to Turn the Other Cheek - Fr. Victor Cathrein teaches that at times it is necessary that the aggressor be punished - Forgotten Truths - January 26, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Three - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 26, 2008
catholicProper Behavior for Visits - Manual of Civility  -  Dressing, acting and speaking appropriately when visiting - Dr. Marian T. Horvat - January 25, 2008
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Two - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day - January 25, 2008
catholicEcumenical Chapel at St. Paul Outside the Walls -  How Benedict XVI is advancing his ecumenical agenda for 2008 - John Vennari - January 24, 2008
catholicPray the Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Invitation, Introduction and Day One - Novena from January 24 to Febrary 2, her feast day. Are you short on time? Pray the short novena - January 24, 2007
catholicSelf-Deception and the Train from China -  A China-Europe railway: fruit of the Russia-China communist alliance - Toby Westerman - January 23, 2008
catholicBomba Dancing & the Conversion of the Jews  -  What People Are Commenting - January 22, 2008
catholic Luther: No, Absolutely No  -  The appalling blasphemies of the heresiarch - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 21, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Hindu dancers at the Wurzburg Cathedral - January 20, 2008
catholicThe Investiture of the Knight  -  A night of prayer, a day of festivities and proof of prowess - Hugh O'Reilly - Stories and Legends - January 19, 2008
catholicThe Unfounded Haste of JPII in Approving Evolution  -  Evolution is not proved by science, it is mere speculation - Lyle Arnold, Jr. - January 18, 2008
catholicJanuary 18, The Chair of St. Peter - Prof. Plinio distinguishes between fidelity to the person of the Pope and to the infallible teachings of the Church - January 17, 2008
catholicNEW PAGE - Do's & Don'ts in Photos - Do Protect Ladies from the Rain  -  Prince Felipe of Spain demonstrates how to be a gentleman - Alexis Reyes - January 16, 2008
catholicPadre Pio, Goat at the Vatican Manger & Hate Mail  -  What People Are Commenting - January 15, 2008
catholicJanuary 14, St. Felix of Nola - How to admire the marvelous in the lives of saints depicted in The Golden Legend - Prof. Plinio - January 14, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Catholic Bishop celebrates Hanukkah - January 13, 2008
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Cardinal Ottaviani gives up and accepts Progressivism - January 12, 2008
catholicTraveling - Manual of Civility  -  What to do and what to avoid - Dr. Marian Therese Horvat - Formation of Youth - January 11, 2008
catholicEco-Terrorist, Hindu & Atheistic Outrage against TIA Stances  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - January 10, 2008
catholicNarco-Terror Army Threatens U.S. -  Marxist Venezuela offers vital support to the Colombian drug trade - Toby Westerman - January 9, 2007
catholicNaked Natives, Aborted Children & Art Work  -  What People Are Commenting - January 8, 2008
catholicThe State of Mind that Generated the Revolution - The revolted spirit rejects sacrality, grandeur and respectability - Prof. Plinio - Organic Society - January 7, 2008
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - A Disco Mass in Vienna - January 6, 2008
catholicIt is Advisable to Terrify Sinners - St. Alphonsus of Liguori establishes for the priests of his Order a powerful ceremony to convert sinners - Forgotten Truths - January 5, 2008
catholicThe Mathematical Curve of Progressivism -  Reaching saturation point on the progressivist errors of Vatican II - Lyle J. Arnold Jr. - January 4, 2007
catholicThe Talmud, the Vatican's Nativity & Sola Scriptura  -  What People Are Commenting - January 3, 2008
catholicClans and Human Types - The healthy development of human types in families, regions, areas and countries - Prof. Plinio - Organic Society - January 2, 2008
catholicA “Revisionist” Vatican Nativity Scene  -  An unconventional scene that places the birth of Jesus in Nazareth, not Bethlehem - Margaret Galitzin - January 1, 2008

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