

catholic Francis Kisses an Imam's Hand - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  September 15, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Las Lajas - September 16 - What do the serious Mother & the smilling Child mean? - Prof. Plinio - September 15, 2024
catholic Arch. Fulton Sheen Pushes Vatican II Reforms - Progressivist Document of the Week   - September 14, 2024
catholicThe Seven Sorrows of Our Lady - September 15 - Suffering is the highest gift God reserves for the elected ones - Prof. Plinio - September 14, 2024
catholicRatzinger’s Anti-Scholastic Legacy - An attempt to break with the Real Presence - Dialogue Mass  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - September 13, 2024
catholicExaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 - A feast to humiliate the enemies of Our Lord - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 13, 2024
CatholicDates, Carmelites & Chinese Priests  - What People Are Commenting - September 12, 2024
catholicThe Rosary Crusade that Freed Austria from Communism -  On the Holy Name of Mary feastday - Elizabeth Lozowski - September. 11, 2024
catholic The Holy Name of Mary - September 12 - Her name represents all her virtues - New Feast Day of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 11, 2024
CatholicOtherkins, Topless & Finger Blessing  - What People Are Commenting - September 10, 2024
catholic St. Anne in the Old & New World - The popular pilgrimage sites in Britanny& in Quebec  - Catholic Virtues -   Rita Stewart  - September 9, 2024
catholic Blessings for Topless Natives - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  September 8, 2024
catholic An Unexpected Confession Due to Our Lady   - One small devotion to Mater Dolorosa saves a hardened sinner -  Alphonsus Liguori - September 7, 2024
catholicNativity of Our Lady - September 8 - Her birth announced the fall of Paganism and the coming of Redemption - Prof. Plinio - September 7, 2024
catholic Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil -  Graphic photos - The angel, demon & god identities -  Therese M. Parker - September 6, 2024
catholicOur Lady of Covadonga - September 7 - She demanded everything from her soldiers to win an impossible battle - Prof. Plinio - September 6, 2024
CatholicDistributism, New Apopstasy & Maccabees  - What People Are Commenting - September 5, 2024
catholic From the Hell of Putin’s Gulag -  A freed prisoner reports the horror of Putin's Russia - International Affairs - Vladimir Kara-Murza - September 4, 2024
New Reel - Harvard: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - September 4, 2024
CatholicFingerprint, Hats & Amazon Rite  - What People Are Commenting - September 3, 2024
catholicThe Mission of the Golden Voyager -  A triumphalist celebration of Satan at the Paris Olympics - Bird's Eye View -  Atila Guimarães - September 2, 2024
catholic Syncretist Afternoon in Panama - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  September 1, 2024
catholic The Fate of Herod Antipas & Salome  - How God punished them for beheading St. John the Baptist - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - Aug. 31, 2024
catholic Cell Phone Radiation Is Damaging - Phones are more dangerous than they want us to know - Transhumanism & AI - Olivia Cook  -  August 30, 2024
CatholicInconsistent Trads, Abel’s & Cain’s Races  - What People Are Commenting - August 29, 2024
catholic Fr. Ochoa & His Work on Our Lady of Good Success  - New data on the prophecies - Marian Horvat & Salwa Bachar  -  August 28, 2024
CatholicBreastfeeding, Reptilians & Vatican Apostasy  - What People Are Commenting - August 27, 2024
catholicPatriarchal Innocence - Did the souls of the first fathers conserve traits of Paradise? - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio  -  August 26, 2024
catholic Francis Depicted Approving Homo Couples - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  August 25, 2024
catholic The Bog Down in the Valley (The Rattlin' Bog) - A lively Irish folk song & memory challenge - Folk Songs - August 24, 2024
catholic Military Leader Demands Putin Ousting -  He presents a different picture from what Putin paints - International Affairs - Belle Carter - August 23, 2024
CatholicPilgrim Priest, Nursing in Public & Knock  - What People Are Commenting - August 22, 2024
catholic Modern Pathology Affects Youth & Children  -  Unable to concentrate, quick to deny the existence of God - Social Issues - Fernando Siqueira - August 21, 2024
catholicThe Immaculate Heart of Mary - August 22 - What does its triumph promised at Fatima mean? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 21, 2024
CatholicHuge Impact, Confessions & Silent Invasion  - What People Are Commenting - August 20, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Knock - August 21 -    A series of articles analyzing unknown aspects of this apparition - Gregory Johnson -  August 20, 2024
catholic Facts about Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira - A response to doubters of the apparitions - Marian Horvat & Salwa Bachar  -  August 19, 2024
catholic Pagan Lions at the Religious Education Congress - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  August 18, 2024
catholic How the Animals Mourned the Coming Death of Our Lady  - Even the light of the sun & stars was dimmed - Stories & Legends - Mary of Agreda - Aug. 17, 2024
catholic Ukraine’s Offensive in Kursk -  In a surprsie attack Ukraine invades Russia - International Affairs - Belle Carter - August 16, 2024
CatholicMilley, Apokatastasis & Margaret Sanger  - What People Are Commenting - August 15, 2024
catholic The Bad Spirit of Spontaneity & Optimism in Movies - Rare to find a film without these faults  - Marian Horvat & Elizabeth Lozowski - August 14, 2024
catholicAssumption of Our Lady - August 15 - All the joys she had were crowned with the Assumption - Prof. Plinio - August 14, 2024
CatholicThe Terror, Debauchery & Punishment  - What People Are Commenting - August 13, 2024
catholicScholasticism vs Personalism & Subjectivism - Ratzinger, part of a current that attacked Thomism - Dialogue Mass  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - August 12, 2024
catholic Papal Homage to Sr. Jeanningros  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  August 11, 2024
catholicProfanities Deserve God's Vengeance - St. Alphonsus: 'Immodest words have severe consequences' - Forgotten Truths - August 10, 2024
catholicMaking the Terror of the French Revolution Official -  A beheaded Marie Antoinette & the masked horseman - Bird's Eye View -  Guimarães - Aug. 9, 2024
New Reel - Iran: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - August 9, 2024
CatholicNeeded Protests, Euthanasia & Women Doctors  - What People Are Commenting - August 8, 2024
catholicMilley: U.S. Military Will Become Robotic - One third of its forces could be robot-soldiers by 2039 - Transhumanism & AI - Olivia Cook  -  August 7, 2024
CatholicChastisement, Slovakia & Mary Magdalene  - What People Are Commenting - August 6, 2024
catholic Lesser Known Aspects of García Moreno - A great battler, fencer, parlor man & sign of contradiction - Historic Personalities - Prof. Plinio -  August 5, 2024
catholic Transfiguration of Our Lord - August 6 - Fr. Alvarez - Transfiguration of Our Lord - August 6 - Fr. Sretenovic - August 5, 2024
catholic New Franciscans in Brazil  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  August 4, 2024
catholicOur Lady of the Snow - August 5 - Legends speak to us of the power of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 4, 2024
catholicSt. Alphonsus de Liguori on Profanity in Speech - 'These mediators of Satan who speak obscenely impel others to sin' - Forgotten Truths - August 3, 2024
catholic Don't Promote the LGBT Agenda - Queen Maxima of the Netherlands greets homos in San Francisco -  Dos & Don'ts - Elaine Jordan - August 2, 2024
CatholicAct of Reparation & Papal Silence  - What People Are Commenting - August 1, 2024
catholic Our Lady Queen of the Angels, August 2 - A needed devotion today when the Devil reaches the apex of his power - Prof. Plinio - August 1, 2024
New Reel - Tokyo: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - August 1, 2024
catholicOlympic Games 2024: A Sodomite 'Last Supper' -  Undoing the organizers' new version of the event - Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - July 31, 2024
CatholicBlasphemy’s Reparation & Vatican Poll  - What People Are Commenting - July 30, 2024
catholic Charlemagne Discovers the Relics of St. Anne - 2 - A miracle reveals an underground crypt that guarded this great treasure  -  Rita Stewart  -  July 29 2024
catholic Blasphemous Homo Parody at Olympic Games 2024  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  July 28, 2024
catholic Urbs Aquensis  -  "City of Aachen," a majestic hymn to Charlemagne, the greatest of the Kings & Emperors - Hymns & Songs  - July 27, 2024
catholic St. Peter’s Sword - How to be a true counter-revolutionary - Catholic Virtues -  Fernando G. Siqueira  -  July 26 2024
CatholicOutage Dry Run & France’s Consecrations  - What People Are Commenting - July 25, 2024
catholic After Denial Israel Now Admits Killing Jewish Hostage -  Hannibal Directive allows killing Jewish citizens - International Affairs - Richard Brown - July 24, 2024
New Reel - Trains: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - July 24, 2024
CatholicFraud in Mexico & Sanctifying Cultures  - What People Are Commenting - July 23, 2024
catholic Mary of Agreda: Her Influence on Fr. Serra & California - He followed her counsels from the City of God - American History - Marian Horvat -  July 22, 2024
catholic Sant'Egidio Preschool Has the Rainbow Colors - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  July 21, 2024
catholic The Great Miracle of the 813 Martyrs of Otranto  - Primaldo's body remained standing until all were beheaded - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - July 20, 2024
catholic St. Louis de Montfort: Doctor, Prophet & Apostle  -  He preached Our Lady's victory in our days - Theology of History - Prof. Plinio - July 19, 2024
CatholicPro-‘Gay’ Trump & Assassination Attempt  - What People Are Commenting - July 18, 2024
catholicRatzinger’s Spurious Pretexts for Rejecting Scholasticism - 'Too rigid & far removed from the real world' - Dialogue Mass  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - July 17, 2024
New Reel - Taxi Drivers: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - July 17, 2024
CatholicSt. Anthony’s Seal, Sterilization & Rampant Lion  - What People Are Commenting - July 16, 2024
catholicOur Lady of Humility, July 17 - The miraculous painting in Italy - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 16, 2024
catholic Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective - Romanticism & egalitarianism in Hollywood - Marian Horvat & Elizabeth Lozowski - July 15, 2024
catholicOur Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 - Link between the Fatima & Carmel apparitions - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 15, 2024
catholic Mary Holding a LGBT Flag - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  July 14, 2024
catholicNEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Did Our Lady of Good Success Predict Vatican II? - Explained by Atila Guimarães - Questions & Answers Series -  July 12, 2024
Catholic Fourth of July, New Heaven & Perpetrator  - What People Are Commenting - July 11, 2024
catholic The Efficacy in Heaven of Good St. Anne  - The more we love St. Anne, the more we please her Daughter - Catholic Virtues -  Rita Stewart  -  July 10 2024
New Reel - French Art Students: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - July 10, 2024
Catholic Elves, Linz’ Statue & TLM’s Rumors  - What People Are Commenting - July 9, 2024
catholic Did Ven. Mary of Agreda Bilocate to California? - Documented accounts of a flying friar & a teaching sister - Marian T Horvat, PH.D. -  July 8, 2024
catholic Linz Cathedral displays porno statue of Mary - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  July 7, 2024
catholic The Consequences of One Bad Painting  - The artist must suffer Purgatory until his immoral work is destroyed - Stories & Legends - Fr. Schouppe - July 6, 2024
catholic The Next Step to the Demonic: Elf- Alien People - The fae, elf and alien identities - Secret Forces -   Therese M. Parker - July 5, 2024
catholic Fourth of July Homage - TIA's prayers in the perspective of World War III   - July 3 & 4, 2024
New Reel - British Fishermen: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - July 3, 2024
Catholic Extreme Unction & Tuskegee Airman  - What People Are Commenting - July 2, 2024
catholicThe Bishop of Rome -  The new Vatican document is an ecumenical blueprint for destroying the Papacy - Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - July 1, 2024
catholicThe Visitation of Our Lady - July 2 - Magnificat, a canticle that is an artistic work of logic - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 1, 2024
catholic Indian nuns in syncretist worship - Church Revolution in Pictures - June 30, 2024
catholic The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord - July 1 -   The meaning of the effusion of blood He poured out for us - Prof. Plinio - June 30, 2024
catholicThe Catholic Must Stand Alone to Uphold the Truth - St. Basil: Make no compromises to bring heretics into communion - Forgotten Truths - June 29, 2024
catholic Bernhard Büter: Local Martyr to Hitler’s Regime - A small criticism he made of Hitler caused his death - Historic Personalities - Hans G. Rolfes -  June 28, 2024
Catholic Emeralds, Sapphires & La Blanche Hermine  - What People Are Commenting - June 27, 2024
catholic The Implicit Knowledge of Innocence - Explicit knowledge grows from the peduncle of the implicit - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio  -  June 26, 2024
New Reel - Hunters: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - June 26, 2024
catholicOur Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27 - Analysis of the symbolism of this classical picture - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 26, 2024
Catholic No Vaccine, WWW & Stocking Pills  - What People Are Commenting - June 25, 2024
catholic Impending Israel Offensive in Lebanon -  Preparing to do in Lebanon what it did in Gaza - International Affairs - Cassie B. - June 24, 2024
catholic Pope Receives Comedians - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  June 23, 2024
catholicCurse of the Monks of St. Martial - A historical example of a strong Catholic curse against enemies - Forgotten Truths - June 22, 2024
catholic NATO Shares Defense Tech with Ukraine -  Advanced weaponery & more intelligence assistance - International Affairs - Richard Brown - June 21, 2024
Catholic WWIII, Crusades & Kalergi  - What People Are Commenting - June 20, 2024
catholic Agitation, Frenzy & Psychological Unbalance -  How psychology is used to control the masses - Social-Political Issues - Fernando Siqueira - June 19, 2024
New Reel - Spanish Military: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - June 19, 2024
Catholic Cabrini, Coming WWIII & Third Secret  - What People Are Commenting - June 18, 2024
catholic A Fan of Barbarism - Book Review of How the Irish Saved Civilization - Phillip Mericle - June 17, 2024
catholic The Dancing Card. Tagle  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  June 16, 2024
catholic The Holy Emulation between Two Great Saints  -  Thomas Aquinas & Bonaventure compose a Corpus Christi Mass - Hugh O'Reilly - June 15, 2024
catholicA Feminist Rendition of the Great Mother Cabrini - A false portrayal with fictitious scenes - Movie Review - Christina Herath & Rita Stewart - June 14, 2024
Catholic Biological Weapon & Becoming Catholic  - What People Are Commenting - June 13, 2024
catholic Germany Approves New Plans for War -  Including compulsory conscription & food rationing - International Affairs - Cassie B. - June 12, 2024
Catholic Nuclear Fleet, Milley & Precious Blood  - What People Are Commenting - June 11, 2024
catholic Memorial of the Wise & Immaculate Heart of Mary, June 12 - How Our Lady practiced the virtue of wisdom - Prof. Plinio - June 11, 2023
catholicBenedict XVI Had No Use for Scholasticism - From his youth, Ratzinger embraced the New Theology - Dialogue Mass  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - June 10, 2024
catholic Is 'Tucho' Fernandez a 'Gay'? - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  June 9, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Sorrows Quells an Indian Uprising  -  At the founding of MIssion San Gabriel in Los Angeles - Fr. Francisco Palou - June 8, 2024
catholic Compulsory Phys Ed for Girls & Sports for Women  - A ground for feminism that ends in lesbianism - Marian Horvat & Elizabeth Lozowski - June 7, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Sunday - June 8 - Our Lady appears to a simple farmer & tells him 'Do not work on Sunday' - New Feast of Our Lady - June 7, 2024
Catholic Protestants in Hell, Suenens & Charismatics  - What People Are Commenting - June 6, 2024
catholic Feast Days of Our Lord - Sacred Heart of Jesus - June 7 -  Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Sacred Heart Devotion - Prof. Plinio - June 6, 2024
catholic St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Expiatory Victim - Her Little Way is a great & simple path for everyone - Catholic Virtues - Prof. Plinio - June 5, 2024
Catholic Sacred Heart Flag & Valid Sacraments  - What People Are Commenting - June 4, 2024
catholic Vatican-China Conference in Rome Endorses Communist Ideology -  Rome endorses demands of Chinese Communists -  Marian T. Horvat - June 3, 2024
catholic Francis Meditates with Buddhists - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  June 2, 2024
catholic Ave Verum Corpus  -  "Hail True Body", a chant meditating on the True Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist - Hymns & Songs  - June 1, 2024
catholic Worse than the Heretics -  Even Copts are more conservatives than the Vatican on blessing homo couples - Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - May 31, 2024
Catholic Sgt. Miller, Baby Boss & Adoration  - What People Are Commenting - May 30, 2024
catholic Queenship of Our Lady, May 31 - The heavenly Queenship of Mary requires her earthly Queenship - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 30, 2024
New Reel - Manila, Philippines: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - May 30, 2024
catholic U.S. Accused of Targeting Russian Nuclear Radar -  Russian warning system hit by possible US weapon - International Affairs - Cassie B. - May 29, 2024
catholic The Holy Eucharist - Corpus Christi - May 30  - The marvelous means Our Lord chose to remain with men on earth -  Prof. Plinio -  May 29, 2024
catholic The Origin of the Feast Corpus Christi - May 30  - A devotion that comes from the 13th century -  Gregory Johnson -  May 29, 2024
catholic Ecologist Fury & Middle-of-the-Road Anger -  What People Are Saying - Hate Mail - May 28, 2024
catholic Women’s Callisthenics: How the Cult to the Body took Root - A defiance to "old" notions of feminitity - Marian Horvat & Elizabeth Lozowski - May 27, 2024
catholic Verona's Communist Cry - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  May 26, 2024
catholic A Shining Cross Prepares the Indians to Accept the Gospel  -  A miracle assists the Franciscan friars in California - Fr. Francisco Palou - May 25, 2024
catholic The Eerie World of AI Imagery - Sacral & sublime images vs. the strange & eerie AI art - Art & Architecture - Christina Herath - May 24, 2024
Catholic Shrinking Church & Papal Veto  - What People Are Commenting - May 23, 2024
catholic Our Lady Help of Christians, May 24 - How do we know that a help comes from Our Lady? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 23, 2024
catholic Life, Vitality & Relational Entities - The gift of God that is a principle and should serve order - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio  -  May 22, 2024
Catholic Covid Concerto & Blessing Causes Flooding  - What People Are Commenting - May 21, 2024
catholic The Proof of Censorship Is… Censored -  A report reveals massive government censorship - Social-Political Issues - Jeffrey A. Tucker - May 20, 2024
catholic Pope Promotes Tribalism - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  May 19, 2024
catholic The Noble Origin of the Austrian Flag  -  Inspired by the battle deeds of Duke Leopold V - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - May 18, 2024
catholic The ‘Maladie Catholique - Progressivists attempt to undermine Morals via Psychiatry - Dialogue Mass  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - May 17, 2024
Catholic Christ the King & Douay Rheims  - What People Are Commenting - May 16, 2024
catholic The Insane ‘Otherkin’ Identity & the ‘Furry’ Frenzy - People are identifying as non-humans and animals -  Therese M. Parker - May 15, 2024
CatholicSouls in Limbo & Morality in Ireland  - What People Are Commenting - May 14, 2024
catholic Timely Considerations on the Fatima Message -  Today's dissolution makes the Chastiment practically inevitable - Prof. Plinio - May 13, 2024
catholic Lesbian 'Marriage' in Chicago - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  May 12, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Fatima, May 13 - What should the content of the Third Secret be? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 12, 2024
catholic Sub Tuum Praesidium  -  An ancient & universal hymn to Our Lady with special indulgences - Hymns & Songs  - May 11, 2024
catholic Our Lady of the Abandoned Ones, May 12 - Miraculous origin of a devotion from which we all benefit - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 11, 2024
catholic The Wedding Ring: An Ancient Tradition - From one bridal ring in the past to a ring for each spouse -  Elizabeth Lozowski - May 10, 2024
Catholic Knights of Columbus & Mussolini in Heaven - What People Are Commenting - May 9, 2024
catholic Russia & U.K. Exchange Threats -  A nuclear threat issued over Ukrainian use of U.K. missiles - International Affairs - Ethan Huff - May 8, 2024
Catholic Chicken Mass, SSPX & the Curious Dr. Krah - What People Are Commenting - May 7, 2024
catholic The Blessings & Symbolism of the Easter Egg - Mysterious origins & rich diverse development in Christendom - Rachel Lozowski - May 6,  2024
catholic Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii - May 7  -  The devotion of the Rosary blooms again in Italy - Feast Day of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - May 6, 2024
catholic Chicken Mass in Germany - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  May 5, 2024
catholicGood Curses & Bad Curses - Pope St. Gregory the Great on legitimate cursing - Forgotten Truths - May 4, 2024
catholic Sliding into Chaos & War -  The end of the constituted order in international affairs - Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Guimarães - May 3, 2024
Catholic Centuries-Old Revolution, Wish & Nudism - What People Are Commenting - May 2, 2024
catholicMicrosoft AI Releases Misleading Deepfake Tech - Certain to increase confusion & general skepticism -  Ethan Huff  -  May 1, 2024
Catholic Modern Culture: Satanic Cult - What People Are Commenting - April 30, 2024
catholicDisney’s Wish (2023): Gnostic & Occult Symbols - 3 - Disney reveals its dark side - Movie Review - Salwa Bachar & Isabel Camacho - April 29, 2024
catholic Inconveniences of a Papal Kiss  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  April 28, 2024
catholicWho Are the Infidels & the Heretics? - Dom Prosper Guéranger defines each one - Forgotten Truths - April 27, 2024
catholicAI-Generated Deepfakes Influencing Public Opinion - Deepfakes are poised to cause absolute chaos - Transhumanism & AI - Laura Harris  -  April 26, 2024
CatholicNagasaki, Hindu Blasphemies & Disease X  - What People Are Commenting - April 25, 2024
catholicDisney’s Wish (2023): Mimicking God & Catholicism - 2 - Parody of Church symbolism - Movie Review - Salwa Bachar & Isabel Camacho - April 24, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano, April 25 & 26 - Psychological analysis of Our Lady & the Child in that picture - Prof. Plinio - April 24, 2024
CatholicSinger Nun, Scorzelli Cross & Viral Reel - What People Are Commenting - April 23, 2024
catholic Communist Curriculum for American Children - Schools are priming children to embrace LGBT insanity -  Formation of Children - S.D. Wells - April 22, 2024
catholic When a Nun Leaves the Convent...  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  April 21, 2024
catholic The Holy Face Miracle of the Year 1849 - The features of Christ on Veronica's Veil take on life - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - April 20, 2024
catholic The Monstrous ‘Gender Spectrum’ Theory - Acceptance of complete fluidity between the sexes -  Therese M. Parker - April 19, 2024
CatholicChivalry, Head Covering & New Canonizations - What People Are Commenting - April 18, 2024
catholicDisney’s Wish (2023): Gnostic Initiation for Children - Its doctrine encourages youth to revolt - Movie Review - Salwa Bachar & Isabel Camacho - April 17, 2024
CatholicUniversities, Bad Omens & Harmless Eclipse - What People Are Commenting - April 16, 2024
catholic Francis Upends Catholic Education - It must stop being 'elitist' to fight exploitation - Consequences of Vatican II - Phillip Mericle - April 15, 2024
catholic Rock Priest Burned to Death in Zaragoza  -  Graphic photos  - Church Revolution in Pictures  -  April 14, 2024
catholic St. Bernard of Clairvaux: To Jesus through Mary - The "royal way" to Our Lord is through His Most Holy Mother - Forgotten Truths - April 13, 2024
catholicJapanese Companies Warn: AI Can Make Social Order Collapse - Raising the alarm over growing misuse of AI -  Ramon Tomey  -  April 12, 2024
CatholicManuals, Antichrist & Scott Atlas - What People Are Commenting - April 11, 2024
catholic China Is Building up Its Arsenal to Invade Taiwan by 2027 - Navy officer testifies to China's intent & preparations -  Laura Harris - April 10, 2024
CatholicSSPX Pedophilia & Akita’s Antichrist Pope - What People Are Commenting - April 9, 2024
catholicSudden Demise of ‘Manualist Tradition’ after Vatican II - Ratzinger's behind the scenes role in masterminding Vatican II  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - April 8, 2024
catholic The Polish Twirling Priest  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  April 7, 2024
catholic ‘It Is Sin that Makes Nations Miserable’ - St. Alphonsus de Liguori: Do not ignore God's warning of Chastisement - Forgotten Truths - April 6, 2024
catholic The Practice of Perfection & Christian Virtues - Fr. Alphonsus Rodriguez SJ offers sound counsel - Book Reviews - Christine Herath - April 5, 2024
catholic How to De-Modernize My Life? -  TIA gives advice on marriage & the home - Manners, Customs, Clothing - TIA correspondence desk - April 4, 2024
catholicThe Great Lesson of Easter: Christus Resurrexit! -  His victory over death extends to His immortal Church - About the Church - Prof. Plinio - April 3, 2024
CatholicFr. Sardá y Salvany, YouTube & Bad Omens - What People Are Commenting - April 2, 2024
catholic Francis Overrules the 2024 Synod -  He transfers its agenda to 10 Study Groups -  Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - April 1, 2024
catholic Crucem Sanctam Subiit  -  Listen to a Templar Eastern chant announcing Christ's victory over death - Hymns & Songs  - March 31, 2024
catholic Easter Greetings - TIA greets its faithful friends, donors & readers - March 30, 2024
catholic Why Saturday Is Dedicated to Our Lady - She was the only one who believed in His Resurrection - Prof. Plinio - March 29, 2024
catholic Tenebrae Liturgy of Holy Saturday - Common Liturgy - Complete Liturgy  -  The ceremony with songs by selected choirs - March 29, 2024
catholic Honoring Our Lady at Holy Saturday- Listen to Stabat Mater Dolorosa  -  A hymn singing the sorrows of Our Lady during the Passion - March 29, 2024
catholic Good Friday - Common Liturgy - Complete Liturgy - Follow the ceremony with songs by selected singers & choirs - March 28, 2024
catholic Good Friday Preparation   -  Three scenes to contemplate & special graces to request - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 28, 2024
catholic Maundy Thursday - Common Liturgy - Complete Liturgy - Follow the ceremony with songs by selected singers & choirs - March 27, 2024
catholic The Passion Vigil: Watching with Christ - Altars of repose, Calvary chapels & penitents mark the night - Catholic Customs - Rachel Lozowski - March 27, 2024
catholic Holy Week - Follow the ceremonies on our page  -  Holy Wednesday or Spy Wednesday - March 27, 2024
CatholicDances, Hydrogels & the D.C. Capitol - What People Are Commenting - March 26, 2024
catholic The Silence of the Bells on Holy Thursday - Wooden clappers replace the bells in churches - Catholic Customs - Rachel Lozowski - March 25, 2024
catholic Skateboarding Priest in California  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  March 25, 2024
catholic Annunciation of the Angel & Incarnation of the Word, March 25 - Two mysteries related to Holy Slavery to Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - March 24, 2024
catholic Deus Meus, Eripe Me de Manu Peccatóris  -  Psalm 70 Gregorian chant, sung during Tenebrae for Maundy Thursday - Hymns & Songs  - March 23, 2024
catholic De Profundis: The Prayer of the Afflicted Soul - A well-argued plea calling on the mercy & honor of God - Lent - Prof. Plinio - March 22, 2024
CatholicSolar Eclipse, Gallicanism & Francis’ Book - What People Are Commenting - March 21, 2024
catholic The Glorious History of the Mandatum  - The Washing of the Feet ceremony on Holy Thursday - Catholic Customs - Rachel Lee Lozowski - March 20, 2024
New Reel - Irish Farmers: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - March 20, 2024
CatholicKorean Priests, Heart Failures & Cork’s Memories - What People Are Commenting - March 19, 2024
catholic New Documentary Warns of Beijing’s Influence in Hollywood -  China is buying up American movie industry - Ramon Tommey - March 18, 2024
catholic Dancing Priest Ordinations in Korea  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  March 17, 2024
catholic'God Is Merciful for a Season & Then Chastises' - St. Alphonsus de Liguori: Do not presume on God's mercy - Forgotten Truths - March 16, 2024
catholic The Destruction of Men & Women - Terms & procedures in the transgender revolution -  Therese M. Parker - March 15, 2024
CatholicManuals, Borders & Ramadan - What People Are Commenting - March 14, 2024
catholicBurning Manuals: Knowledge of the Faith under Attack - Progressivists destroy the books that form traditional priests -  Dr. Carol Byrne - March 13, 2024
New Reel - Mexico City: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - March 13, 2024
CatholicMandatum & Two Glorious Saints - What People Are Commenting - March 12, 2024
catholic Bella Dodd & Communism in America - Book Review of The Devil & Bella Dodd - Tesa Becica - March 11, 2024
catholicOur Lady of Pity of Garaison - March 12  -  She asks a chapel to be built on an infested swamp - Prof. Plinio - March 11, 2024
catholic Blasphemous Art Expo in Carpi, Italy -  Graphic photos Church Revolution in Pictures  -  March 10, 2024
catholic Mandatum Novum Do Vobis  -  "A New Commandment I Give to You", antiphon for Maundy Thursday's Washing of Feet - Hymns & Songs  - March 9, 2024
catholic The Joy that Comes from Penance  - The Penitential Psalms invite the sinner to confide in God's mercy - Catholic Virtues - Prof. Plinio - March 8, 2024
CatholicJewels of New Orleans & Brideshead Revisited - What People Are Commenting - March 7, 2024
catholic The Revolutionary New Interior of Notre Dame - Minimalist, miserablist, Masonic: Not Catholic - Art & Architecture - Rita Stewart - March 6, 2024
New Reel - Los Angeles: Then & Now  - Cultural Reels by Knights of Elias - March 6, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Nazareth - March 6 - When only a remnant remains faithful, she restores everything from it - Prof. Plinio - March 5, 2024
CatholicChrist & Satan – Politics & Prophecies - What People Are Commenting - March 5, 2024
catholic Can Catholics Dance? -  There are strict limits to what is legitimate - Manners, Customs, Clothing - TIA correspondence desk- March 4, 2024
catholic 'Gay'- like Poster for Seville's Holy Week  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  March 3, 2024
catholic St. Brigid Restores the Sight of Sister Dara - She wanted to share the great beauty of nature & God's creation - Hugh O'Reilly - March 2, 2024
catholicGoogle’s Image Generator is Full-Blown Communist - AI refuses to depict Communism negatively - Transhumanism & AI  -  Cassie B.  -  March 1, 2024
Catholic Transfiguration, Psychic & Angry Toddler - What People Are Commenting - February 29, 2024
catholic The Conciliar Church Marries Freemasonry -  Prelates & grand masters meet in Milan -  Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - February 28, 2024
CatholicKnights of Elias & Gigantic Manifestation - What People Are Commenting - February 27, 2024
catholicGlobalists’ Transhumanism toward a Dystopian Future - Preparing society to merge with machines - Transhumanism & AI  -  Belle Carter  -  February 26, 2024
catholic Bergoglio Receives 'Dove' Rabbis  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  February 25, 2024
catholic Progressivist Document of the Week -  Archdiocese of Milan welcomes Freemasonry  - February 24, 2024
catholic How Does Grace Invite a Sinner to Convert? - Lent calls us to consider the seriousness of sin & its consequences - Prof. Plinio - February 23, 2024
CatholicDavies, Re-Consecration & Income Taxes - What People Are Commenting - February 22, 2024
catholic Dugin's Poisonous Ruse -  Putin's prophet of Russian supremacy - Social-Political Issues - Phillip Mericle - February 21, 2024
CatholicApathetic Youth, Dolan’s Hero & Modesty - What People Are Commenting - February 20, 2024
catholic Chinese Agents Cross the Border to Attack the U.S. -  A surge of suspicious Chinese 'migrants' - International Affairs - Cassie B. - February 19, 2024
catholic Trans Prostitute's Funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  February 18, 2024
catholic Will Ye No Come Back Again - A Scottish Jacobite song & lament for the Catholic cause - Folk Songs - February 17, 2024
catholic Lent: Sinners Comes to Church to Make Penance - The difference between the medieval & modern Lenten spirit - Catholic Virtues - Prof. Plinio - February 16, 2024
CatholicU.S. under Attack & Bergoglio’s Bistro - What People Are Commenting - February 15, 2024
catholic KGB Russian Orthodox Church - A substantial dossier showing its links with Communism - Fitzpatrick Informer - February 14, 2024
CatholicAgenda 2030, St. Joan of Arc & Tattoos - What People Are Commenting - February 13, 2024
catholic The Death of King George V: A Stimulus for Euthanasia? -  His murder - no longer shocking to an amoral public -  Marian T. Horvat - February 12, 2024
catholic Francis Pushes for Women's Ordination  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  February 11, 2024
catholic The Mantle of St. Brigid  - It stretches miraculously to win the land the Abbess requested - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - February 10, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11 - Lessons about suffering, miracles of generosity & resignation - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 10, 2024
catholicThe Secretary of Seminaries - Bishop of Seminaries reveals anti-traditionalist bias & progressivist formation -  Dr. Carol Byrne - February 9, 2024
CatholicInsurance Changes & Satanic Disney - What People Are Commenting - February 8, 2024
catholic Wars & Rumors of Wars -  The world is a powder keg ready to explode -  Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - February 7, 2024
CatholicTomoe, Fr. Yasuda & Google’s Microchip - What People Are Commenting - February 6, 2024
catholic Lourdes & Universal Mediation of Mary - February 11 - Her suplication is omnipotent - New Feast Day of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - February 5, 2024
catholic Pope Brings the Chinese Dragon to Life  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  February 4, 2024
catholic Hé Garçon, Prends la Barre - A French sailors’ song on the heroism & glory of the Navy - Folk Songs - February 3, 2024
catholic Border Chaos Precipitates Constitutional Crisis -  Biden fomenting disaster for his own ends - International Affairs - Peter Reihm - February 2, 2024
CatholicGerman & French Farmers & Heretical Popes - What People Are Commenting - February 1, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Good Success & the Purification - February 2 - Understanding these invocations in relation to our fight - Prof. Plinio - February 1, 2024
catholic The Training & Disciplining Children - A manual of practical advice for Catholic parents -  Formation of Children - Carmel Francis - January 31, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Nine - To be said on February 1 - Posted January 31, 2024
CatholicHell, 10K Immigrants a Day & Cardross - What People Are Commenting - January 30, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Eight - To be said on January 31 - Posted January 30, 2024
catholicU.S., Canada & China Meet to Shape AI Policy - Secret collaboration while they boast to compete in AI - Transhumanism & AI  -  Laura Harris  -  January 29, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Seven - To be said on January 30 - Posted January 29, 2024
catholic Anglicans Profane a Roman Basilica  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  January 28, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Six - To be said on January 29 - Posted January 28, 2024
catholic St. Leocadia Rises from Death to Praise St. Ildephonsus - For his defense of the virginity of Our Lady - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly - January 27, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Five - To be said on January 28 - Posted January 27, 2024
catholic The Vow of King Louis XVI - To consecrate France to the Sacred Heart if he were restored to power - Gregory Johnson - January 26, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Four - To be said January 27 - Posted January 26, 2024
CatholicFetal Cosmetics & Apparitions of Zeitoun - What People Are Commenting - January 25, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Three - To be said January 26 - Posted January 25, 2024
catholic Do Teach Your Children to Greet Guests - The Count of Paris receives President Macron -  Dos & Don'ts in Photos - Elaine Jordan - January 24, 2024
catholic Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Two - To be said January 25 - Posted January 24, 2024
Catholic Living Lucy, Shakespearean Idiot & Missals - What People Are Commenting - January 23, 2024
catholic Novena to Our Lady of Good Success  -  Invitation, Introduction and Day One - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day. Are you short on time? Start the short novena - January 23, 2024
catholic Brazilian Catholics Miraculously Defeat the Dutch Protestants -  Our Lady & the battle of Tabocas -  World History - Ivan Rafael de Oliveira - January 22, 2024
catholic Pope Francis: 'I like to think that Hell is emptyChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  January 21, 2024
catholic Memorare  -  "Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary," a popular prayer to Our Lady - Hymns & Songs  - January 20, 2024
catholicCCP Robots to Dominate the World - China is already replacing human workers with robots - Transhumanism & AI  -  Belle Carter  -  January 19, 2024
catholic Our Lady of the Miracle - January 20 - How she converted the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 19, 2024
CatholicEnthusiasm & Germany Preparing for War - What People Are Commenting - January 18, 2024
catholicThe Vital Principle & Organicity - Revolutionary & organic ways to have a government of the people - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio  -  January 17, 2024
CatholicMuddy Mass, O.L. of Bethlehem & Florida Furniture - What People Are Commenting - January 16, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Peace - January 17 - True peace demands a means to defend order against those who want to destroy it - Prof. Plinio - January 16, 2024
catholicThe Wonders of Christmas Night - The nearness of Heaven brings new marvels to the earth - Rachel Lozowski  -  January 15, 2024
catholic Muddy Bike Mass in Brazil  Church Revolution in Pictures  -  January 14, 2024
catholic St. Salvius Returns to Earth from Paradise - God orders him to go back to be the Bishop of Albi - Stories & Legends - Hugh O'Reilly -  January 13, 2024
catholicFrancis: No-No to ‘Rigidity’ in Seminaries  - Admission blocked for ‘rigidity’ that leads to 'clericalism'  -  Dr. Carol Byrne - January 12, 2024
CatholicBronx Bishop, Almighty God & Wojtyla - What People Are Commenting - January 11, 2024
catholicNEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem, California's Oldest Marian Statue - by Dr. Marian Horvat -  January 10, 2024
New Reel - Part 26: The Death of Mother Mariana  - Our Lady of Good Success Reels by Knights of Elias - January 10, 2024
CatholicPorno-Theology, Pedo-SSPX & Akita - What People Are Commenting - January 9, 2024
catholic Doctors Sue Biden over ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care Mandate - Increasing legal challenges to insane Government overreach - January 8, 2024
catholic Our Lady of the Privileges - January 9 - She comes to the monk's aid   - Prof. Plinio - January 8, 2024
catholic The Bronx Rapper Bishop  -   Church Revolution in Pictures  -  January 7, 2024
catholic Our Lady of Prompt Succor - January 8 - She protected Americans in the Battle of New Orleans - Marian Horvat, Ph.D. - January 7, 2024
catholic Pius IX Condemns the Modern Italian State - He excommunicates those who usurped the Papal States - Forgotten Truths - January 6, 2024
catholic Catholicism in Sri Lanka  -  Its history, devotions, special saints & customs -  World History - Christina Herath - January 5, 2024
catholic Epiphany of Our Lord - January 6 - Representation of fidelity in different eras of History - Prof. Plinio - January 5, 2024
CatholicNetanyahu, St. Hubert’s Mass & TIA’ Pix - What People Are Commenting - January 4, 2024
catholicThe Holiest Night: Blessings for Animals & Land - The grandeur of Christmas is felt even in the farmyards - Rachel Lozowski  -  January 3, 2024
CatholicSame Sex Nativities & Virgin Marriages - What People Are Commenting - January 2, 2024
catholicThe Fatal Mockery of Fiducia Supplicans -  Rejects logic & abuses authority to promote an abomination -  Bird's Eye View - Atila Guimarães - January 1, 2024

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