
Ecology & Environment

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catholic Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Cause Massive Decline in Human Well-Being
Cutting easy energy will impoverish millions

catholic 1,500 Scientists & Professionals Oppose Net-Zero CO2 Policy
They declare: "There is no climate emergency"

catholic The Climate Cult & Europe’s Energy Crisis
The cut of Russian gas brings a crisis to Europe

catholic Is the Green Energy Climate Cabal Crumbling?
After Russia cut gas supplies to Europe, countries are rethinking 'green'

catholic Veganism & the Destruction of God’s Created Order
Church teaching on the correct man - animal relationship

catholic People Not Embracing Climate Change Are Spreading ‘Misinformation’
New attacks on the growing anti-wind & anti-solar movement

catholic Why Are the Starlings Dying in Rome?
Thousands drop from the sky on New Year's Eve 2021

catholic Revolutionary Agenda of the Amazonia Synod
Prediction: 'Nothing will be as it was before' in the Church

catholic Global Warming Is Fake Science, Promoted by Biased Scientists
Climate doom theories are not objective

catholic Animals Are Not Children
Unbalanced pet lovers out of sync with the Church teaching

catholic The 2018 World Water Forum

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Waters of Discord
                  Green Revolution takes a new focus at World Water Forum

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Enforcing the Agenda 2030
                  To achieve the One World Order

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   An ‘Inclusive’ Concept of Sanitation
                  Recyling human waste for food and fertilizer

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Heading toward an Indigenous Spirituality
                  Promoting tribalism and rights of rivers

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   An Anti-Hierarchical Fanaticism
                  Hatred for inequalities marks the entire Forum

catholicWhy the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam
Saving the earth through a green Socialism...

catholicUNESCO’s Rights of Animals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   There Is No Equality between Man & Animals
                  Setting premises for analyzing UNESCO's Rights of Animals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   It Is Not a Crime to Kill Animals
                  UNESCO falsely affirms the right to life of animals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Values Inverted between Man & Animals
                  The life of every animal must be protected by man

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Today’s Over-Protection of Animals
                  Motivated by a revolutionary revolt against pain

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Final Goals of the Declaration on Animal Rights
                  A monstrous industrial civilization or the extinction of mankind

catholicObama Celebrates Slave Labor Day in Red China
Rights for fish & a phony climate Accord

catholicThe Red Guards Are Green
Pushing Communism through climate change and curriculum

catholicParis 2015 Conference: ‘The Planet Is in Crisis’
The same failed predictions have been repeated for the last eight years

catholic Extremist ‘Warmist’ Advisors for the Pope's Encyclical
An unholy alliance with the UN global warming agenda

catholic Six Contradictions in Laudato Si'
Francis intrudes temporal sphere against spiritual mission of Pope

catholicNASA Group Warns Pope Francis on His Encyclcal
Apollo scientists assert that global warming is unproven

catholic Who Is Inspiring Francis on Ecology?
Liberation Theology leaders called to help write his Encyclical

catholic Top Scientists Start to Examine Fiddled Global Warming Figures
Scholars putting to rest lack of seriousness of climate change propaganda

catholic Do Not Throw the Bread of Children to Dogs
Intimacy with animals is degrading to humans

catholicFrancis & Climate Change

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Who Am I to Judge Your Carbon Footprint?
                  Francis steps into the global warming debate on the wrong side

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Lack of Scientific Evidence for Climate Change
                  Global warming propaganda benefits the communist agenda

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Rations, Fines & Big Brother Surveillance
                  World media, grant foundations and pope promote Climate Change

catholicRecord CO2 & Record-Breaking Crops Disprove Global Warning
Data show a greening of the globe

catholicDo Pets Go to Heaven?
They have no conditions to enjoy Heaven

catholicGlobal Warming Scare Declared Over - Part 1
Au contraire, scientists recognize a period of global cooling

catholicGlobal Warming Scare Declared Over - Part 2
Scientists reveal data that demolish the myth

catholicAgain! Massive Fudging on Global-Warming Temps
More data showing fraud by global warming advocates

catholic Gore's Forecasted of ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic by 2013 Collapses
Instead the Arctic ice cover expands 50%

catholic Climate Scientist Predicts 20 More Years of Global Cooling
Dr. Don Easterbrook proves global warming is a complete fiasco

catholic‘No Global Warming for 16 Years’

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   No Significant Sea Level Changes since 1993
                  English scientist and politician enters the debate

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Skewing Data to Favor Global Warning
                  Partisans of climate change commit fraud in scientific reports

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Climategate: Tailored Data to Fit the Global Warming Agenda
                  Promoting a bogus scare

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Global Warming Storyline Suits Marxism
                  Analyzing the roots of the Kyoto Protocol

catholicAl Gore's Climatological ‘Meltdown’
His profanities against those who disagree with global warning

catholicEverything in Nature Speaks of God and His Moral Law
The lessons man can find in the serpent, the falcon and the vulture

catholicThe Green-Buddhist Language of the Holy See
The Vatican congratulates Buddhists on the ‘feast’ of Vesakh

catholicInternational Mother Earth Day: Tribalism, Marxism & Pantheism
Know about the new Declaration on Earth Rights

catholicDon't Kiss Animals
Doing so degrades a man to the level of an animal

catholicClimate Change Calls for a Reengineering of Religions
Prince Philip hosts ecological-religious preparation for Copenhagen talks

catholicTribalism or Self-Management: the Next Step after Communism
The Green Movement promotes a more radical egalitarianism

catholicMother Earth Day
Liberation Theology leaders manipulating the ecological agenda

catholicHow Man Should Act over His Natural Environment
Criteria to consider in developing land preserving God's plan for nature

catholicErroneous Arguments on Global Warming
31,000 scientists reject the alleged harm caused by carbon dioxide

catholicEcology: The New Ideal for Religious Orders
Under the pretext of saving the poor, Liberation Theology sprouts again

catholicProgressivism Is Becoming Green
Pope and Bishops enter a new ecological game

catholicThe Hermeneutics of Watermelons
Pope leads Church's first ecofriendly youth-fest in Loreto

catholicHumanizing Animals
Arguments on the Catholic position about animals

catholicAre Ducks Animals or Divinities? A Violent Face of the Green Movement
The lunacy of the eco-terrorism, which pretends animals should not be eaten

catholicYou Should Have Compassion for Ducks
A covert eco-terroist explodes over our position on animals

catholicAmerica’s Broken Psyche
Intolerance for killing ducks ... tolerance for killing babies

catholicAnimals Rights Gone Wild
A reader responds to the eco-terroist on animals

catholicHeated Reactions on Animals
Readers offer input on the correct position on animals

catholicThe Way America Eats: A New Tendency Sprouts
Leaving aside processed food, and starting to enjoy organic fresh food once again

catholicQuestions on Ecology
The behind-the-scene of ecology - Good and bad

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