
Formation of Children & Youth

Formation of Children

catholic Modern Pathology Affects Youth & Children
Unable to concentrate or think, quick to deny the existence of God

catholic The Bad Spirit of Spontaneity & Optimism in Movies - 2  
Rare to find a Hollywood film without these revolutionary faults 

catholic Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective -1  
Romanticism & egalitarianism in Hollywood films

catholicPhysical Education for Girls

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Physical Education for Girls
                  A gradual slide into immodesty in dress & masculine attitude

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Women’s Callisthenics: How the Cult to the Body took Root?  
                  A growing defiance to "old" notions of feminitity

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Compulsory Phys Ed for Girls & Sports for Women - Part 3 
                    A breeding ground for equality & feminism that ends in lesbianism

catholic Communist Curriculum for American Children  
Schools are priming children to embrace LGBT insanity

catholic The Training & Discipline of Children  
A manual of practical advice for Catholic parents

catholic Doctors Sue Biden over ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care Mandate  
Increasing legal challenges to insane government overreach

catholic Barbie 2023: Feminist Ideology Dressed in Pink & Frills  
Barbie leaves Barbieland & enters the real world

catholic What Should a Young Lady Do after She Graduates?  
Practical suggestions for safeguarding purity & pursuing industry

catholic Lego Catechism Degrades our Holy Faith  
The cartoon Catechism of the Seven Sacraments destroys piety & reverence

catholic Talking Tom and Friends: Not an Innocent Conservative Show 
Like most children's TV, it fosters virtual reality, vulgarity & vice

catholic Discipline & Suffering in the Life of Little Nellie 
The value of suffering & punishment for little children

catholic How Can I Help My Effeminate Son? 
Practical advice to keep your son from becoming a mama's boy

catholic The Not-So-Innocent World of Pokemon
Invitations to the occult, pantheism & transgenderism

catholic Good Books for Catholics to Read
Children & adults will profit from these recommended works

catholic Talking Animals in Children’s Books
The good folklore & fairy tales cultivate the sense of the marvelous

catholic How to Fight the ‘Toy Mentality’ with Babies at Mass
Dealing with the tendency of adults to make babies the center of attention

catholic What to Do: A Daughter at Loyola & a Son at Home?
Suggestions for dealing with older children without a strong CR formation

Where Are Teens Going? -  Graphic photos
A promotional video for the formation of youth

Gender Ideology Harms Children
Encouraging confusion is child abuse, states American Pediatrians College

The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth -  Graphic photos
A shameless show of modern morality & immodest imagery

catholicSatanism Coming to Public Schools
'Educatin' for Satan' & black masses in the name of religious liberty

catholicWhat Is the Catholic Doctrine on Dance?
Church teaching on good & bad dancing, and criteria for parents

catholicRocking Horses for One Generation after Another
Nourishing the taste for excellence & the marvelous

catholic The Accelerating Sexual War on Children
Tax-funded coalition calls for homo sex-ed from grades K-12

catholic Don't Know Much about History
Schooling makes students incapable of following the U.S. reality

catholicTargeting Our Teens - Part 1
Moral vs. amoral fashions

catholicTargeting Our Teens - Part 2
The price paid for permissiveness

catholic Statistics Confirm Homosexuality Harms the Youth
94% of HIV cases tied to homosexual acts

catholicA Man’s Future Relies on What He Received as a Child
St. Alphonsus Liguori on the education of children - Part 1

catholicDiscipline, Correction & the Fear of God
St. Alphonsus Liguori on the education of children - Part 2

catholicGive Good Example & Watch Your Children’s Companions
St. Alphonsus Liguori on the education of children - Part 3

catholicWhat Happened to the Titles Mr. and Mrs.?
The counter-revolutionary duty to retain titles of respect & courtesy

catholicShould Boys with Feminine Tendencies Be Corrected?
Correction is not only good but necessary for their proper formation

catholicThe U.S. Says Goodbye to Cursive Writing
Texting and keyboarding replace a refined and disciplined art

catholicAdvantages of Conquering One’s Shyness
An inspiring example of St. Bernadette's sang-froid & fearlessness

catholic Virtues & Traditions of a Healthy Family
Imbuing children with good family traditions prevents bad laws

catholicThe Sex-Education Nightmare
Immoral curriculum in Catholic schools destroys the innocence of children

catholic The Bald Barbie
L'Osservatore Romano promotes a bald and feminist Barbie

catholicThe Friend of Books
Medieval Bishop de Bury describes the priceless value of books

catholicHome-schoolers: Booming and Successful
Study estimates two million home-schooled - and more expected

catholicNatal Science Confirms Catholic Teaching on the First Nine Months
A mother's emotions play a role in shaping her baby’s psyche

catholicModernization, Brutalization, Primitivism
The masculinization of women starts in early childhood

catholicThe Basics of the Introduction
Regaining the lost art of making introductions in society

catholicIsabella of Castile’s Childhood: A Model for Catholic Families
A good moral formation helps her stand strong against a corrupt environment

catholicTraining the Palate in France
Comparing U.S. and Parisian preschool menus ...

catholicA Bishop’s Delicate Reproof of a Guest
From an Italian Treatise on Politeness addressed to a young nobleman

catholicCatholic Funeral Etiquette

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Condolences, the Wake and the Funeral Mass
                Contrast between Catholic and Protestant funeral ceremonies

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Courtesies Paid to the Family of the Deceased
                Civil, military and religious customs

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The Mourning Period
                  Its duration and the required colors

catholicGetting the Ball Rolling on Hats
Hat etiquette - When should a man remove or tip his hat?

catholicTable Manners Reveal a Man’s Culture
Know how to recognize and handle the silverware and glasses at a formal dinner

catholicOther Essential Table Manners
General table rules for all times and all places

catholicWriting Letters - Appearance, Content and Form
The letter you write is a mirror of your appearance, taste and character

catholicProper Behavior for Visits - Part 1
Dressing, acting and speaking appropriately when visiting

catholicProper Behavior for Visits - Part 2
Making conversation, and being the courteous host and guest

What to do and what to avoid

catholicA Youth's Relations with His Superiors - Part 1
The teacher, the religious superiors and the civil authority

catholicA Youth's Relations with His Superiors - Part 2
The special treatment owed by youth to the elderly

catholicProstrations in Catholic Eastern Rites
An argument against the Muslim-style prostrations of the Children of Hope

catholicMuslim-Style Adoration for Catholic Children
Strange postures and egalitarian spirit under the pretext of Eucharist devotion

catholicThe Family Milieu
The respect children should have for their home, parents and siblings

catholicLet’s Not Forget the Greeting
The different forms of greeting should be known and observed

catholicA Sacral Greeting, the Blessing
Children should ask for their parent's blessing each morning and night

catholicThe Value of Distinction
A man of distinction does not follow the revolutionary fashions

catholicThe Braggart
He speaks pompously on every topic, but no one can bear his company

Sacrificing one's own inclinations to please others and lead them on the Catholic pathway

It is essential to order, a demand of charity, a duty of civility and good manners

Youth should strive to have the qualities of the loyal man

catholicGood and Bad Curiosity
Good curiosity enriches the mind; idle curiosity destroys a man's character

catholicHome-Schooling: Necessity and Feasibility
Catholic principles for home-schooling

catholicHomosexuals Brainwashing Our Children - Must-See Video!
Homosexual activists teaching in elementary schools tolerance of their sin

catholicDiscretion in Words and Actions
The importance of being discreet in everyday life

catholicThe Voice - Speaking and Conversing
Do's and don't's regarding conversation

catholicThe Art of Governing the Hands and Feet
What a well-bred man should do with his arms and legs; the handshake

catholicThe Smile – The Laugh – The Grimace
Maintaining composure and avoiding hilarity in customs

catholicCleanliness and Good Hygiene
Good customs keep one healthy of body and soul

catholicThe Eyes and the Gaze
The importance of reading faces and maintaining custody of the eyes

catholicThe Importance of Order in Professional Life
Disorder in public services and business is a primary cause of ruin

catholicOrder and the Spirit of Order
Indispensable for a man in his private as well as social life

catholicHow Does a Mother Teach Obedience to Young Children?
She needs to exercise the necessary firmness

catholicThe Proper Way to Sit, Walk, and Stand
Basic postures expected from a well-bred young man

catholicA Man’s Bearing Reflects His Education and Virtue
Why a Catholic never forgets his dignity - in company or alone

catholicA Manual of Civility for Youth
Civility and urbanity in customs predispose minds toward wisdom

catholicLesbian Batwoman Comes 'Out of the Closet’
DC Comics presents a new scandalous model for our children

catholicDecreed: The End of the High School Education
No more exit exams for graduating seniors in California

catholic"Sex Week" at Yale
Promoting openly promiscuous behavior at universities

catholicThe Culture of Bratz Dolls
Now, even dolls are encouraging bad customs in girls

catholicWhy are These Teens Screaming?
The hysteria for rock stars is now found in papal audiences

catholicThe Era of the Child
Is it right for our concern about children to dominate everything?

catholicElectronic Eye to Track Children
Transforming the thinking child into a robot

catholicHalloween: A Return to Paganism?
The eve of All Saint's Day becomes unholy

catholicSecret Spells Barbie and the Tendential Revolution
Occult and feminist models in dolls will influence a girl's behavior

catholicThe Nefarious Power of Television
Why invite a wicked and immoral guest into your home?

catholicChildren of Mixed Marriages & Indifferentism
Different faiths and practices produce religious relativism

catholicChoosing a University and the Catholic Extended Family
Think twice before sending your youth to far away universities

catholicA Father's Good Advice to His Daughter on Human Respect
Apply Catholic Morals and your children will benefit

catholicWhat's Wrong with This Picture?
Lack of respect for the property of others is becoming common in children

catholicNourishing an Appetite for the Marvelous
The marvelous or silliness in childhood will influence one's life

catholicIs Harry Potter a Model for Your Children?
A way to familiarize children with the occult

catholicChoosing Spouses: A Growing Problem
Helping you to help your children

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