
Social - Political Issues

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catholic St. John Bosco on the Cause of the Revolution
Moderates: sympathy for the Revolution, hatred for the CR

catholic Biden Awards George Soros the Medal of Freedom
Honoring Soros thus confirms “conspiracy theories” are true

catholic Inclusive Capitalism - Measuring a Company's Obedience
Self-managing Socialism through the B Lab Impact Assessment

catholicInclusive Capitalism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Council for Inclusive Capitalism
                   An in-depth look at this 'novelty'

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Inclusive Capitalism & Pan-Religion
                   A new socialist set of moral values

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Standardized Metrics & Environment Reporting
                   Inclusive Capitalism penalizing corporations

catholic Catholics & The Comfort Zone
Return to unity by becoming counter-revolutionary

catholic From the Hell of Putin’s Gulag
A freed critic reports the horror of Putin's Russia

catholic Modern Pathology Affects Youth & Children
Unable to concentrate or think, quick to deny the existence of God

catholic Agitation, Frenzy & Psychological Unbalance
How psychology is used to control the masses

catholic The Proof of Censorship Is … Censored
A report reveals massive government pandemic censorship

catholic New Documentary Warns of Beijing’s Influence in Hollywood
China is buying up American movie industry

catholicMoscow's Fifth Column

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Russia is Fooling Traditionalists
                  Playing the same old game of beguiling the right

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   An Insider's View
                  A pro-Russian speech exposes the manipulation of conservatives

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The German-Russian Young Leaders Conference
                  Carefully cultivating a dependent Europe

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Dugin’s Poisonous Ruse
                  Putin's prophet of Russia supremacy

catholic The Great Cloud of Disrepute
Loss of trust escalates after the insane pandemic lockdowns

catholic Misinformation Is a Word We Use to Shut You Up
A dishonest means to intimidate & crush dissent

catholic FBI Director Faces Impeachment for Targeting Catholics
'He uses his power to target one political class'

catholic The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm
 There are many indicators that a new world order is impending

catholic Judge Orders Fauci to Cough It Up
 Scholars filed lawsuit against Federal Government

catholicThe Psychology of Totalitarianism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Psychology of the Times Is Crucial
                   Mass formation makes people willing to sacrifice everything

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Historical Context for Mass Hypnosis
                   The Covid narrative works to implant global totalitarism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   A Fanatic Solidarity with the Collective
                   Is one of the main fruits of mass hypnosis

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Push Back against Transhumanism & Technocracy
                   We must resist the radical dehumanization of our society

catholic The Council for Inclusive Capitalism Is the New World Order
 The one world empire is not a conspiracy theory but a reality

catholic Defeating the American Military from Within
'Woke' policies sabotage recruitment & encourage the enlisted to leave

catholic The Mass Betrayal of Trust
With the corruption linked to Covid Americans lost trust in everyone

catholic Most of Us Agree: U.S. Democracy Is 'At Risk of Extinction'
Widespread pessimism and growing distrust… Where will it end?

catholic Is Hyperinflation on the Horizon?
Will we repeat the mistake of the German Reichsbank?

catholic From 2 Weeks to 2 Years, the Main Casualties Are Liberty & Truth
A series of lies to control the people

catholic How Reliable Are the Fact-Checkers?
Behind the scenes we find Soros & Gates, again

catholicFrontline Doctors Stand Up to Authoritarian Public Health Officials
Protesting huge barriers to early treatment & proven therapies

catholicDanser Encore - The Anti-Lockdown Anthem Taking the World by Storm
An organic resistance or a controlled opposition?

catholic The Anti-Lockdown Movement Is Large & Growing
More & more people awaken from the disease panic

catholicNever Lockdowns, Never Again
Amidst reopenings, a world still in chains

catholic What’s Up with the Great Reset?
Using the pandemic to advance the One World Order agenda

catholic Tyranny During Its Reign Is Unrecognized by Its Victims
Hygiene Socialism imposed by Fauci and Bill Gates

catholic Radio Maria Director calls Epidemic a ‘Plan of the Devil’
Francis responds with a NYT editorial slamming protesters

catholic Denmark: Street Protests Made Parliament Halt Mandatory Vaccine Law
The coercive measure is stopped cold after a nine day protest  

catholic Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests Unreliable & Quarantines Unlawful
Response to the decision is a total media blackout 

catholic It Was a Mistake to Close Schools, UK Study Concedes
An arbitrary edict to deprive families of liberty & change mentalities

catholic Blacks of Yesteryear and Today
Don’t be ‘useful tools’ for the leftist hate-driven agenda

catholic Behind the WHO’s Lockdown Mixed-Messages
China-made WHO director relentlessly enforces the China plan

catholic Emancipation from Lockdown in Florida
Gov. DeSantis signs a good-sense executive order

catholic ‘Saint Louis Forever’ Surrenders after Two Months
Saving the historic statue: A victory, a retreat, a new call to action

catholic The Captive Mind & America’s Re-Segregation
Americans should step up now & stop the statue-bashing and looting

catholic When Will the Madness End?
People only recover their senses slowly, and one by one

catholic The Lies behind the George Floyd Case
New evidence available reveals an objective picture of the scene

catholic Prof. Walter Williams Slams Claims of American ‘Systemic Racism’
Famed economist says the civil rights struggle is over and won

catholic The True Agenda of the WHO
A New World Order modeled after China

catholic Saving the Planet as People Perish
Virus & climate change used to make a World Order led by China

catholic Closer to the One World Order Utopia
The spelll over coronavirus is starting to break

catholic The Cattle Stampede
Analyzing the coronavirus panic - who wins & who loses

catholic Freud – His Doctrines & Errors
Prof. Plinio analyzes Freud's doctrine shortly after his death in 1939

catholic Stalinism in Brazil - I
An overview of its early terrorist character

catholic Stalinism in Brazil - II
From Prestes to Lula, mirroring the Russian scenario

catholicThe ‘Orthodox’ Masquerade

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Church of ‘Patriarch’ Kirill Unveiled
                   Stalin persecutes & infiltrates the Russian Schismatic Church

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   ‘Patriarch’ Kirill, an Agent of KGB
                   The Kremlin manipulates religion to favor Communism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The Union of the Three ‘Orthodox’ Ukrainian Churches
                   Fear the Ukrainian people could convert spurs the action

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Head of Latvian ‘Orthodox’ Church Is a KGB Agent
                   From the recently released files of Latvian National Archives

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -  Church's Complicity with the Bolshevik Revolution
                  ‘Orthodox’ Fr. Gapon declares: 'We no longer have a Czar!'

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -  Rasputin Was Supported by the ‘Orthodox’ Church
                  How he entered St. Petersburg society & the palace

catholicRemoving Statues of Columbus
A tireless campaign to denigrate civilization & promote tribalism

catholicBasics on the European Union

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   How & Why the European Union Was Born
                   A plan to blend all the nations into a new reality

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Asphyxiating the Organic Growth of the Nations
                   Coercing member compliance to globalist goals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Will Brexit Have a Domino Effect?
                   A conservative counter-attack from many who want out

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   The Poster Boy of an Ailing Europe
                   Sacrifices the noble and his family had to endure

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -  German Dictatorship & the European Union
                  Controlling the EU with its political power & economic might

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -  German Elections & the European Crisis Point
                  Merkel's bitter win reveals a sick Europe and failing EU

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -  Pointing toward a More Socialist Europe
                  How the people were formed to accep their sacrifices

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 8 -  Europe's Direction & Woes
                  Reactions against the tyrannical EU rule are growing

catholic Conservatives Have to Become the Resistance
A still undrained government swamp

catholicThe Barbarism of the West Causes Tribalism
A prediction confirmed by the world around us today

catholic Why the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam
Saving the earth through a green Socialism...

catholic Defunding the Marxist Madrassas
Overpriced universities that teach and promote Communism

catholic ‘Queer Communism’ Finds Its Voice
Pompeo tries to clean CIA of communists and homosexuals

catholicWill the Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up?
Communist influence in the civil rights movement

catholicObama’s Soros-funded Pro-Dope Policy in Peril
Nomination of Gen. John Kelly causes disarray among drug supporters

catholicSoros’ Make-Marijuana-Legal Plan
Media & celebrities glorify pot and drug abusers

catholicSoros, Drugs & the Media
Drug crisis driven by popular shows & legal pot

catholicChanging the Past – Destroying the Mind
Youth set adrift in the waters of ignorance, propaganda & lies

catholicLepanto, Putin & the Next U.S. President
The need for prayer & Heaven's intervention at a crucial moment in History

catholic Communists Mobilize for Hillary Clinton
Endorsements the liberal media conveniently ignore

catholicThe Red Guards Are Green
Pushing Communism through climate change and curriculum

catholicObama, Academia Celebrate Latest Perversions
'Queer Beyond Repair' lecture series promotes every moral atrocity

catholicPope's Marxist Bias in U.S. Campaign Signals New Global Order
Bernie Sanders speaks at Vatican conference

catholic Empty the Prisons Bill Now on Fast Track
A ‘bipartisan’ effort: Forget the victims & release the criminals

catholicThe Purge Has Begun
Chaplains punished for calling homosexuality a sin

catholicWorkers of the World, Unite!
SImilarities between the papal speech in Bolivia & the Communist Manifesto

catholicFrancis, the Popular Movements and the Hammer & Sickle
Bergoglio is doing everything he can to encourage social revolution

catholicFrancis Holds the Symbols of Communism
The Pope wears a medal with the hammer & sickle and poses holding them

catholicEx-Communist Spy: We Created Liberation Theology
In an interview to CNA former secret police chief of Romania tells the story

catholicInequality Matters
Old Marxist arguments blame wealth for existence of poverty

catholicFrancis Condemns Death Penalty
Against constant Church teaching, Francis calls for mercy for criminals

catholicLa Pira: A Catholic Communist

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   What Giorgio La Pira Expected from the Council
                   A golden age without war in a world enlightened by the Church

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   He Was the Link between the Vatican & the Kremlin
                   An agent to rehabilitate Communism in the West

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   What Was La Pira Doing behind the Iron Curtain?
                   He went to prepare the Schismatics to accept the Pact of Metz

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Giorgio La Pira's Preferential Option for the Jews
                   Collaborated with Jules Isaac opening the doors for Nostra aetate

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Promoting Accusations of Anti-Semitism against the Church
                   Advocated the "innocence" of the Jews in the death of Our Lord

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   A Secret Group of Montini's Disciples Planned a Socialist Italy
                   De Gasperi, Fanfani, Moro and Andreotti were part of Montini's group

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   The Draconian Socialist Activity of the ‘Humble’ La Pira
                   La Pira stirred up the people against the industries of Florence

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 8 -   Helping Communist Interests at Vatican II
                   Economic and diplomatic initiatives to favor the Soviet Union

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 9 -   Moving in for Industry Takeovers
                   La Pira joins forces with a communist trade union

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 10 -   An Aggressive Enemy of Private Property
                     Under the pretext of helping the poor La Pira promoted Socialism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 11 -   In 1934, His ‘Mass of the Poor’ Prepared the Novus Ordo Missae
                     A trial balloon for the new Mass made under Montini's orientation

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 12 -   An Agenda Similar to Communism’s
                    A dictatorship over every aspect of the citizens’ lives

catholicThe Slum Priests of Archbishop Bergoglio
Connections between slum priests, communists & guerilla

catholicThe Social Classes

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Differentiations & Participation in Society
                   Pagan, modern & medieval ways of incorporating functions in society

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Duties & Privileges of the Clergy
                   For the most sacrified class, the greatest privileges

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The Balanced Courage of the Medieval Knight
                   The courage of the noble & that of the mercenary troops

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Military Condition, Soul of the Medieval Nobility
                   Sacrifices the noble and his family had to endure

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -  Intellectual Class, City & Country Workers
                  How the people were formed to accep their sacrifices

catholicBelloc vs Sarda y Salvani: Conflicting Views on Liberalism
Belloc never rejected his liberal stance

catholic Medieval Paternalism & Progressivist Neo-Slavery
Comparing the medieval guilds to the modern labor system

catholicA New and Intrusive Ecclesiastical Communism
Church supported initiatives leading to a new world order

catholicLiberalism, Socialism, Feudalism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Discussing Liberal & Socialist Democracies
                   Tragic abuses appeared in the 19th century liberal democracy

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Socialism Exploits Liberalism’s Flaws
                   The free market leads to price wars, monopolies and worker strikes

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The Fiasco of Socialism & Basics on Catholic Authority
                   No incentives in Socialism - Man's need for authority

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   The Principle of Subsidiarity
                   A Catholic solution that surpasses Liberalism and Socialism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Subsidiarity & Feudalism
                   How life developed under the principle of subsidiarity

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   The Medieval Family & Subsidiarity
                   The role of primogeniture in family adventure

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   The Role of Local Authorities & Customs
                   Subsidiarity gave a voice to the people & customs the force of law

catholic  How Reactionary!
  Revolutionary lies about how the workers lived in the past

catholic  Thoughts on Structuralism
  A movement that opens the door to Tribalism

catholic  A Biased Charity in the Denver Archdiocese
  Homeless are 'the ones God loves the best'

catholic  Distributism Is Not Catholic
  Dictating social norms based on Marxist principles

catholic  Hammering the Myth of Dorothy Day
  Book review of The Catholic Worker Movement

catholic  Partners in Crime
  The Vatican adds its support to the gun control agenda

catholic  Are We All Gramscians Now?
  Gramsci's Socialism enters and destroys the Church

catholic  Folie à Deux - Madness by Two
  The illicit marriage between the Socialist State and the Progressivist Church

catholic  Fulton Sheen, a Fan of Teilhard de Chardin
  Book-review of Footprints in a Darkened Forest

catholic  A New 'Inalienable Right' of Man
  Benedict XVI: Health care is a natural right

catholic  Is Nazism a Movement of the Left or the Right?
  A healthy opposition to the Jewish propaganda doesn't lead to the "false right"

catholic  Sheen’s Co-Ownership Is Opposed to Catholic Teaching
  Analysis of the Archbishop's speech on property

catholic  Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s Flaws in Rhetoric
  His mistaken support of a self-managed enterprise

catholic  Tribalism or Self-Management: the Next Step after Communism
  The Green Movement moves the Revolution to a more radical egalitarianism

catholic  Color Variations in Communism - Part 1
  Maneuvers of psychological warfare change according to necessity

catholic  Color Variations in Communism - Part 2
  How supposed divisions in Communism favor its victoy

catholic  The Royalty of Christ the King
  Why Christ must reign over man in the spiritual and temporal spheres

catholic  Belloc: An Admirer of Mussolini & Fascism
  In a travel journal, Belloc reveals what ‘traditionalists’ are concealing

catholic  Distributism, another Name for Socialism
  The testimony of communist Bernard Shaw helps define Distributism

catholic  Evaluating the Distributist League
  A letter by its ex-secretary identifies leaders and objectives of Distributism

catholicSocialism and Gnosis

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Poverty: Which One is Evangelical? Which One Gnostic?
                   How the progressivist idea of poverty favors the Revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Material Goods Are Glorified in the Parables
                   Social inequality and private property are also evangelical

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -  Salaries and Investments Are Praised in the Gospels
                  Demolishing progressivist myths about economy

catholic  Defining the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’
  Establishing parameters to understand these fluid terms

catholic  The Socialist Perspective
  Is Socialism the solution for today's economic crisis?

catholicHilaire Belloc, the Liberal

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   ‘Only Ill-Informed Catholics Condemn the French Revolution’
                   His admiration for the French Revolution, condemned by the Popes

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   ‘As a Catholic, I Am Strongly Attached to Rousseau’
                   His praise for the anti-Catholic Social Contract of Rousseau

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The French Terror Was ‘Just and Honest’
                   He tries to justify the Terror of the French Revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   ‘Louis XVI Was aTraitor who Needed To Be Executed’
                   The egalitarian approach of the ‘conservative’ leader

catholic  The Crusade of the 21st Century
  Resistance to Progressivism and the fight against chaos

catholic  Vatican II Turnaround on the Church-State Relationship
  Benedict XVI praises laicism on his trip to France

catholic  Gramsci's Influence on the Academia and Media
  Multiculturalism leading to chaos and totalitarianism

catholic  What Will It Take to Stop Trade with China?
  Trade with Communist China is immoral, imprudent, and bad policy

catholic  Evangelical Poverty Is Not a Virtue for All
  McNabb’s utopia contradicts Church teaching on the evangelical counsels

catholic  In Favor of the Death Penalty
  An eye-witness to Alexander Robillard's execution

catholic  The Shell Game of Distributists
  A dishonest tactic to not stop spreading bad authors

catholic  St. Thomas against Distributism
  Giving families equal properties destroys the Natural Order

catholic  On Common Property: Arthur Penty vs. St. Thomas Aquinas
  Penty's interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles clashes with Catholic teaching

catholic  Why Are Distributist Leaders Misleading People about Capitalism?
  Odou asks why the social papal Encyclicals are being partially presented

Eric Gill, the Corrupt

blank.gif - 807 Bytescatholic   Eric Gill, the Pedophile Founder of Distributism   Graphic photos
        Exposé of the morally corrupt character of one of the fathers of Distributism

blank.gif - 807 Bytescatholic   Other Moral "Pearls" of Eric Gill    Graphic photos
        A detailed profile of Gill's macabre sexual perversions

blank.gif - 807 Bytescatholic   Eric Gill, a Precursor of Vatican II    Graphic photos
        The radical progressivist agenda of Gill on liturgical reforms of the Mass

catholic  Good Science, Bad Science
   St. Albert's method compared with the close-mindedness of evolution theorists

catholic  The Fallacy of Roe Vs. Wade
  The Scott Peterson guilty verdict is a case in point

catholic  Approval of the War and Other Issues
  Lessons from the 2004 elections

catholic  A Distributist Manifesto Strongly Spiced With Communism
   A critique of the Distributism: A Manifesto by Arthur Penty

catholic  Arch. Burke Now Approves Voting for Those Promoting Baby Killing
  Doubts about the Prelate's change of stance

catholic  Socialism and Distributism in Catholic Clothing
  A critique of an Arthur Penty's book and its consequences for Distributism

catholic  The Vatican Pulls a Kerry - Flip-flops on Heretical Politicians
  The flimsy Vatican stance against pro-death politicians

catholic  False Liberty
  How false liberty is being accepted today

catholic  The Waning Authority of the Church in the Temporal Sphere
  An analysis of the lack of influence of the Catholic Church in civil affairs

catholic  Christendom… or Neo-Tribalism?
  A return to paganism at Los Angeles Youth Day?

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