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Huguenot Atrocities & Altar Boys
Huguenot Carnage
Dear TIA,
I have enjoyed reading many different articles on your website. I was (sad to say) surprised to read of the Huguenots' burning of Catholic convents in France.
Everything I read about the Huguenots in Catholic sources do not go into much detail about the atrocities perpetrated by these persons against Catholics. Very little is written, and that in a most mild way.
Since my husband's family comes from a very long line of Huguenots and an online family tree talks only of Catholic atrocities against Huguenots, my efforts to discover the truth - in order to defend it - have come up very short, indeed.
Can you offer any suggestions of resource materials in order to uncover the truth about this scourge upon Europe which especially harmed the eldest daughter of the Church?
Thank you for your excellent website.
In Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear Mrs. C.C.,
Thank you for your kind words about our website.
In his Nouvelle Histoire de France Illustrée, Albert Mallet reports that the episode which triggered the seven religious wars in France was an assault made by a Huguenot rabble on the Cathedral of Montpellier on October 20, 1561. The Protestant mob massacred some 50 Catholics dignitaries who had taken refuge there, looted the sacred objects and strongly damaged the edifice. When that first massacre was over, the Huguenots went on to pillage the Catholic convents and monasteries of the city.
On March 1, 1562, Catholics retaliated to that initial violence of the Huguenots when they killed about 100 Huguenots in the city of Vassy. Those two episodes mark the beginning of the seven religious wars in France. During those wars, every kind of violence was committed on both sides.
You may read online, in French, some confirmation of this here under the subtitle "les guerres de religion" (the wars of religion).
We hope this will be of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Altar Boys
Dear TIA,
Congratulations to Dr. Horvat for her clear instructions on the training of Altar Boys. There is of course, yet another crisis in the Novus Ordo caused by the introduction of girls as "altar servers." Boys are not going forward to serve at Holy Mass, as many boys of this age are embarrassed in the company of girls.
I have attended a few Novus Ordo ceremonies in recent years and I have been appalled at the standard of servers present. They have been predominantly girls. Most seem not to have been adequately trained, some seem to have no useful role,and most were guilty of some inattention. Not at all to be compared with the wonderful Altar Boys of old, who knew exactly how to behave and were competent in all they did.
With regard to the training of children in correct behavior in the House of Almighty God, Dr. Horvat is quite correct, when she states that good example is paramount. We are, after all, wretched sinners appearing before Our Lord, who has the power to punish us severely. We must enter the church with both fear and reverence and, of course, gratitude for the possibility of salvation which His Son has given us.
We also train children through clear and consistent instruction which is necessary to form good habits. We must also understand that punishment is necessary when standards are not met and rules not obeyed.
In my own young days the following rules applied. We entered the church with our mantilla firmly in place, or tied under our chin if young. Our hands had to be joined in prayer, our head bowed slightly and our eyes lowered. When we genuflected we counted to three with our knee firmly touching the floor. In our pew we were taught to remain still, gaze firmly fixed on the Tabernacle or the Priest. Glancing sideways or looking behind was strictly forbidden, as was all talking or whispering. We were trained in how to kneel and sit straight and how to adjust our skirt or dress.
The rules were simple and were enforced every time. Those who did not meet the standards required were punished in front of the class on our return to school. In this way we learnt of the importance placed by Holy Mother Church on The Real Presence.
Quite simply, those who do not accept in faith the Real Presence are not Catholics and will receive eternal punishment. This is what we must teach our children. We do not need to justify this to them or demonstrate its veracity in any way. This is an Act of Faith and we are called to accept it fully.
With regard to the teaching of our Faith, there is no substitute for good example, good habits, frequent visits to The Most Blessed Sacrament, prayer in the home and above all strict discipline.
Yours faithfully,
Mother Teresa
Nice article Dr. Horvat!
Many of my "nervous order" friends think Mother Teresa should be canonized. I think I'll send your article to them.
Horrible Piercing
Greetings Tradition in Action,
First, I would like to thank you for putting together such a good collection of articles on manners, customs, culture, and Catholic history in one place on online. The articles are often enlightening and strengthening for faith and action.
I do request, though, that you remove the horrible and disturbing pictures from the culture page, specifically the evil rock "musician" and the rather disgusting pierced face. I, of course, can see these types of images on many other websites, the news, magazines, or just walking in a town or city. Having a website of thought and reflection is helpful, and the images, while possibly appropriate at times within an article or through a specific link, are disconcerting when traveling the site and take away from the it overall.
Thank you,
"Dear friend, I promise you that if you practice this devotion and help to spread it you will learn more from the rosary than from any spiritual book." St. Louis De Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary
Posted September 9, 2010

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