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Lesser Known Aspects of
Gabriel García Moreno

Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
Today I was given the opportunity to comment on a great fighter for the Catholic cause, a man who has not yet been canonized, although I believe he will be one day and about whom there is a very interesting posthumous story. This warrior is the former President of Ecuador, Garcia Moreno, whose figure to this day divides the country.

He was so admirable and combative that even after his death he was a sign of contradiction. Thus you see the great valor of this man.

Gabriel Garcia Moreno

Gabriel Garcia Moreno
(December 24, 1821 – August 6, 1875)

If he had lived in a time of war, this great battler would certainly have joined the Order of the Teutonic Knights of Saint Mary. Even under the conditions in which he lived, he was a great fighter. Let us look at some facts from a biography:

“Gabriel Garcia Moreno was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on December 24, 1821, into an aristocratic, but impoverished, family.”

It is the condition in which Our Lord wanted to be born: a Prince but poor.

“He entered a Franciscan seminary, leaving however after some time. He then became a pragmatist and set out to become a great man.”

A “pragmatist” is a neologism that was used here. In other words, a practical man turned – with excessive attachment – toward having a career, a career-man, if you will.

“To return to his studies and make up for lost time, he shaved his head and locked himself in a room where he studied without leaving until his hair grew back.”

For those wanting to pass the entrance exams, here is the formula...

“During that period of his life, he left off the practice of practically all religious life, which he only resumed later. He studied law, and became a lawyer. He became, in addition, a great chemist, an excellent horseman, fencer, perfect shooter and parlor man.”

garcia moreno young man

A firm determination & virile uprightness in his youth

I draw your attention to this aspect, because many biographies of Garcia Moreno that you read will not give due emphasis to these aspects: He was excellent at riding, fencing and shooting. They focus on other accomplishments and place these in the shadows. But these are precisely the trainings that show his warrior soul.

Furthermore, he became an excellent man of the salons, for which his aristocratic background had already prepared him. There is a long conspiracy to attenuate or eliminate from the biographies of saints and men eminent for their virtue anything that represents their combative streak.

“He finished his studies and married a rich young woman several years older than he, then went to Paris to study chemistry and geology and that was where his conversion took place.

“Once he was conversing with some fellow students and the subject turned to religion. Several of them began to attack the Catholic Religion. Garcia Moreno defended the truth with great ardor.

“At one point, one of the opponents said to him point blank: ‘Well then, you defend religion very well, but do you practice it? How long has it been since you confessed?’

“Surprised and forced to face his own spiritual reality, it took only a moment for Garcia Moreno to take a decision and reply: 'You are right, but this argument is only valid today; tomorrow it will no longer have any effect.'”

horseman gabriel garcia

An excellent horseman, fencer & soldier

Is he or is he not the fencer? Did he respond immediately to the thrust or not? Was the shot successful or not? Take a good look at the components of this repartee. We find a logical, coherent man, who makes immediate resolutions, whose profile had been prepared in exercises that favor such a reaction.

“Returning to his spiritual life, Garcia Moreno made the decision to practice it in its entirety, becoming a champion in the defense of the Church and in the fight against Freemasonry.”

Fighting to defend the Church – there were many people in his time who were doing that. I am not exactly from Garcia Moreno's time, I was not born around 1821, but for many of those who are younger here, it may seem to be the same thing... because I was born in 1908. I have met many such persons who might say, for example: “I am going to give a talk against the heretics proving that they are wrong.”

“Against which heretics?”

The reply: “Against the Donatists, those heretics from North Africa before the barbarian invasion…”

This is very convenient! But fighting the enemies of one’s own time, those who are alive, who respond with blows, that is what fighting is.

“Entering political life, he was elected President of Ecuador.”

This is another thing that many think a pious man should not do because of dangers to the spiritual life, etc. So, what should a godly man do? Basically, just be a sacristan... But no, Garcia Moreno entered political life and won a high public position.

concordat gabriel garcia moreno

President Garcia Moreno ratified
a concordat with Pius IX in 1862

“He exercised this mandate several times, having to face numerous revolutions. He was even arrested and suffered several attacks on his person, from which he emerged unharmed.”

He is a warrior, he is a knight of the Order of the Teutonic Knights of Santa Maria!

“As President, he promulgated a law that forbade Freemasonry and either expelled from the country all proven Freemason and he took away the political rights of Freemasons. He officially consecrated Ecuador to the Heart of Jesus, as desired by Pius IX, and promoted the reform of the clergy and religious orders.”

That is, he intervened to facilitate this reform for Pius IX.

“He gave the members of the ckergy the option between following the reform as set out by the Holy See or leaving the country. For these measures he received the strong support of Pius IX. His was the only government in the world that protested against the invasion of Rome by the troops of Garabaldi, who destroyed the papal sovereignty."

Note well, he was the only one who protested!

“He was assassinated on August 6, 1865. When he learned of his death, Pius IX ordered a monument to be built in the Vatican honoring the martyred President.”

Do you know how Garcia Moreno negotiated a concordat with Pius IX? He sent an ambassador to the Holy See with some blank signed sheets of paper and the following instruction: "Present it to Pius IX to fill out as he wishes.” This is the Concordat...

How did Garcia Moreno die?

“It was August 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration. At 6 a.m. he went as usual to the Dominican Church to hear Mass and received Communion, prolonging his thanksgiving until 8 a.m. …

Garcia MOreno, assinated by order of Freemasonry

Brutally assassinated by order of the Freemasons on August 6, 1875

garcia moreno
“He crossed the street and started climbing the side stairs of the Government Palace. The assassins Andrade, Moncajo and Cornejo followed him. Some passers-by were walking on the porch.

“Garcia Moreno had only taken about eight steps onto the porch when Rayo, whom the others had not seen coming, shouted: 'Die, tyrant!' and drew out a large machete from under his cloak. When Garcia Moreno turned around, he was struck by a strong blow to the head. Rayo shouted again: 'Finally, your day has come, bandit!'

“The President ran toward one of the Palace entrances, his face covered in blood. Andrade rushed ahead of Moreno, waited for him at the door and struck him in the chest with his revolver, as he was unable to fire.

“García Moreno, wounded and stunned, retreated and called out again for help. A mulatto who was passing by overpowered Rayo while he shouted: 'You are killing the President!“

Rayo gave him so many punches, and he defended himself the best that he could. Astonishing, considering the blood that covered his face...

“Moreno reached the end of the porch, seeking support on a column. Rayo pushed him hard and he fell from the stairs to the street.

body discovered

The President's body, hidden for fear of the Masons, was discovered on April 12,1975

"Seeing him there, the criminals exclaimed: ‘¡Viva la patria! We have killed the tyrant!’

“Other conspirators arrived and as they fired their revolvers they cried out for “Liberty!’ Finally Andrade managed to shoot Moreno head on, injuring him. Rayo frees himself from the mulatto and throws himself at Moreno again. He tried to pull out his revolver, but Rayo's gun hit his right hand, cutting off his little finger.

“Rayo stabs him numerous times, from which he defends himself as best he can. Staggering, blinded by the blood that covered his face.”

What a colossal resistance!

“A shocking spectacle! The smell of gunpowder, screams, confusion, disorder. Rayo, filled with hatred, ran towards Garcia Moreno, already in his agony but attempting to rise up on his elbows, and unleashes a strong blow on his head, all the while hurling insults: 'Tyrant of liberty! Lover of Jesuits! Die!' Witnesses heard the martyr murmur with difficulty: 'God does not die!'”

What a beautiful response! What a marvel! He begged God in the name of King David for mercy & restoration to the throne.

“A worker rebuked Rayo. At that moment Garcia Moreno raised one of his hands and Rayo chopped it off. A witness will later say that he actually stepped on the dying man. “Finally, Moreno’s head fell back onto the stones. Then, the assassins waved their hats in the air and cheered for Liberty and the Republic. And they returned to the barracks waiting for the rebellious troops of Sánchez.”

Of course the “liberals” of Ecuador will celebrate this act, praising the murderer as an extraordinary man, etc.

Here we have a relic of Garcia Moreno: It is a true gem, authenticated by the novitiate of Saint Ignatius and the Curia there. It is a fragment of Garcia Moreno's bloody shirt. So we will pray the evening prayers in praise of Garcia Moreno, asking Our Lady for his canonization and for him to give us his fighting and combative spirit. Afterwards, whoever wants may kiss the relic.

sacred heart consecration

Ecuador was the first nation to solemnly consecrate itself
to the Sacred Heart on March 25, 1874


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted August 5. 2024

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