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Historicism Is Not Catholic

After seeing Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI declaring themselves partisans of evolution in almost everything, from the creation of the universe to the interpretation of Scriptures and the dogma, it seems quite opportune for Catholics to remember the opposite teaching of other Popes on these matters.
Below our reader can find a short but very conclusive text of Pius XII that speaks for itself on this evolutionist and historical approach to religion, Scriptures, philosophy, morals and other fields, which is called historicism.

Pius XII

The term ‘historicism’ indicates a philosophical system that acknowledges change and evolution in the whole spiritual reality, in the understanding of the truth, in religion, and in morality. As a consequence, it rejects everything that is permanent, eternally valid and absolute. Such a system is certainly irreconcilable with the Catholic conception of the world.


Blason de Charlemagne
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Speech to the International Congress of Historical Sciences,
September 7, 1955, in Discorsi i Radiomessagi di Sua Santità Pio XII,
Editrice Vaticana, vol. 17, p. 212

Posted August 20, 2011
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