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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Hilarion Alfeyev 1

Communist Pope kisses KGB agent

Above you see Pope Francis kissing Hilarion (Ilarion) Alfeyev, former foreign relations director of the Moscow patriarchate who today is the Budapest metropolite. The meeting took place at the Papal Nunciature in Budapest on April 29, 2023.

Below first row, at that same encounter Francis kisses the icon hanging from Hilarion's neck. Second row, on May 3, 2023, Francis repeats the same gesture to honor the present day foreign relations director of the Moscow patriarchate, metropolite Anthony of Volokolamsk.

We sustain that both religious representatives of the Russian Schismatic Church are KGB agents.

Indeed, it is solidly demonstrated that patriarch Kirill is a KGB agent (code-named Mikhylov) at the service of Communism. Regarding the new generation of prelates in which Hilarion and Anthony are included, there is the assumption that Kirill would never have chosen for that important position persons who would not be faithful to the same orientation. Besides, the Russian Schismatics in exile have a website in which they affirm:

The nexus between Russia’s intelligence and religious establishments survived the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union and the KGB’s reorganization into the FSB, according to Moscow-based political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin.

“Our church leaders are connected to the FSB and their epaulettes stick out from under their habits,” Oreshkin said. “They provide Vladimir Putin’s policy with an ideological foundation.”

If someone would complain that we called Francis a communist Pope, we would answer saying that to call him a communist is a understatement. This is so well known that it has even inundated the world of cartoons.

Hilarion Alfeyev and Anthony of Volokolamsk
Photos from the Vatican News

Posted June 4, 2023


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