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Photo of the Week

Bishop Brian Mascord ordains a new Deacon 1

Australian Bishop ordains a new Deacon

On August 28, 2020, Bishop Brian Mascord of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, above, went to the city of Milton to ordain a new Deacon, Mr. Justin Stanwix, last row, below. The singularity of the ceremony is that the Bishop invited an Aboriginal to perform pagan rituals preceding the ordination.

Philip Butler is the Australian of Aboriginal descent whom we see in the photos on this page. His participation constituted basically three acts:

First, he explained from the podium that he would perform a "welcome to the country" ritual according to the Australian pagan beliefs.

Second, he sang and danced in front of the Altar, clacking two boomerangs and invoking the "protection of the air, the earth and the ocean," followed by the call for "the spirits of animals to look after all and keep us safe."

Third, he assisted at the ceremony seated in the first row, and when Bishop Mascord walked through the assembly sprinkling Holy Water, he followed him with a smoking basket of herbs, blowing the smoke over the attendees to "drive away evil spirits."

We see that Paganism and its correspondent Animism are entering the Conciliar Church liturgy, following the orientation given by the Amazonian Synod and by Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia.

We wonder when explicit homage to the Devil, which is also what takes place  in the Aboriginal cults, will be accepted in the Novus Ordo Masses.

Bishop Brian Mascord ordains a new Deacon 2 Bishop Brian Mascord ordains a new Deacon 3 Bishop Brian Mascord ordains a new Deacon 4
Photos from the video and Falsa Igreja Catolica


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Posted September 13, 2020

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.