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Aarti ritual in Strasbourg 1

Hindu ritual in a Strasbourg ‘beatification’

Now, many beatifications are being performed in local Churches and no longer at the Vatican. This follows the progressivist plan to belittle the role of the papacy and its central mission in the Catholic Church and to exalt the role of the Bishops. It is yet another way to promote democracy in the Church and sabotage the Papal Monarchy.

It has also provided another opportunity to promote "inculturation," which is, according to conciliar verbiage, the assimilation of the "values" of primitive local cultures into the ritual of the Mass.

On September 9, 2018, a ceremony for the beatification of Mother Alphonse-Marie Eppinger, the founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Divine Redeemer, was held in Strasbourg Cathedral. Mother Eppinger was from the region of Alsace, whose capital is Strasbourg.

During the Novus Ordo Mass celebrated on that occasion, a Hindu ritual – called Aarti – was inserted into the Mass after the Consecration. It was performed by three sisters of her Congregation who were dressed in Hindu garb – see the photos on this page. The Aarti ritual is part of a pagan homage "to give light" to idols. One can only wonder why this Hindu ritual was inserted in that ceremony, since there is no clear link between Mother Eppinger's life and Hinduism.

The only clear thing in the whole story is another pretext was found by the progressivist religious authorities to desecrate a Catholic Cathedral with a pagan ritual.

Aarti ritual in Strasbourg 2
Photos from a the video, first seen in Catapulta


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Posted September 30, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
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