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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

CArd Angelo Gabnasco gives communion to transgenders

Card. Bagnasco gives Communion to transgenders

Above, you see Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Conferecne of Bishops, giving Communion to two transgenders of Genoa. The Mass was said for the soul of Fr. Andrea Gallo, who defined himself as a "sidewalk priest" - referring to his work for the 'marginalized' - or an "angelically anarchic" priest. In practice, this meant a communist priest, who not only favored free-lovers, homosexuals and transgenders, but also defended feminism, pacifism and drug addicts among other causes.

One of the two transgenders spoke at the Mass, below second row, thanking Gallo for having integrating him/her into the Church.

In the third, fourth and fifth rows below, you see Gallo holding a rainbow-colored flag and wearing symbolic rainbow mantles as a public manifestation of his support for the homosexual agenda.

In the sixth row, Fr. Luigi Ciotti is delivering an inflamed panegyric of Fr. Gallo's life at that same funeral Mass of May 25, 2013. Indeed, he was chosen to speak because of the very close relationship the two priests shared in the causes they defended.

In the seventh row, Cardinal Bagnasco reads a prepared sermon.

As the coffin left the Church, eighth row, the communist friends of Gallo, with raised arms and clenched fists, sang the communist song Chiao Bella, which the priest used to sing often inside the Church at his Masses.

In the ninth row, you see Gallo at a communist demonstration with his clenched fist and wearing a red scarf.

The tenth row pictures Gallo's coffin leaving the church and heading toward the cemetery. The two symbols chosen to define him were his red scarf and the rainbow flag...

In the last row, Francis embraces and kisses Card. Bagnasco upon receiving him at the Vatican.

Fr. Andrea Gallo favor to homosexuals
Fr. Andrea Gallo Mass - communist song

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Posted June 15, 2014

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