Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Effusive papal greetings to Buddhists
During his public appearance last Wednesday, May 30, 2012, Pope Ratzinger asked two Buddhist monks to join him at the central podium in St. Peter's Square, above. There he effusively greeted them with a warm two-handed handshake. This public display was clearly a means to give prestige to this Pantheist religion, and to send to all present the implicit message that Catholics may likewise extend a welcome to Buddhism.Wth this gesture, Benedict was maintaining a 40-year-old "tradition" of the Conciliar Church. Indeed, on March 22, 1972, Paul VI received at the Vatican the Buddhist guru Sri Chinmoy, below, also giving him a warm two-handed handshake.
On that occasion the Pope told Chinmoy: "Your message and mine are the same. When we both leave this world, you and I, we will meet together."
Since both have already died, this quite credible prediction of Paul VI may have been fulfilled. One is free to surmise, therefore, the place where they are together. Perhaps it is not too cool...
Photos from l'Osservatore Romano & Internet

Posted June 3, 2012