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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Passionist College 01

Passionist high school celebrates anniversary

You are in Argentina, in the city of Limache in the central Province of Cordoba. The Passionist high school is celebrating its anniversary in 2009. Instead of sermons stressing how to be worthy of Heaven, for which the Passionist Order was once well known, you see in the advertisement poster above a bold invitation to enjoy earthly life under the aegis of immorality.

Below, continuing the festivities, a week later a Passionist poster features an almost naked woman who welcomes the attendees for another night of sin.

It is yet another Catholic institution that has become a competitor of night-clubs. A consistent by-product for the youth of the adaptation of the Church to the modern world. This was one of the most important messages of Vatican II, continuously encouraged in the WYDs.

No news that the Bishop of the area had raised moral objections.
Passionist College 02
Photos from  Catapulta

Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted May 27, 2012

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