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Tradition In Action

Progressivist Popes & Prelates

Progressivist Popes & Prelates

Francis I

catholicCan We Say Pope Francis Is a Communist?
He has the same ideas & same symbols of communists & is praised by them

catholicIs Pope Francis a Mason?
He is a member of the Rotary & close to Masonry; see here, here, here & here

catholicDo You Believe Francis Is a Partisan of Liberation Theology?
Yes, we do; you can check for yourself here, here, here, here & here

catholicWhat Do You Think about the Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium?
TIA's view of on this document is clearly set out here, here, here & here

catholicWhat Is Your Take on Laudato Si'?
An overview of its contradictions can be found here

catholicWhy Does the Pope always End His Speeches with Que Asi Sea?
In Spanish it is customary for Bishops to end their sermons this way

catholicCould You Send Me a Photo of the Pope's Cross?
Yes, you can view the strange pectoral cross here

Benedict XVI

catholicDoes It Make Sense to Say that Pope Ratzinger Had Evil Eyes in 1960?
Yes, if one considers the eyes as a symbol of a new concept of the Papacy

catholicWhy Did You Misquote Benedict on Evolution?
There was no misquote, the text you sent was further analyzed here

catholicIs the Pope Making Satanic Hand Gestures? - Another Similar Question
We believe he made those gestures by chance

catholicWill Benedict XVI Oppose a New Assisi?
We believe he will follow the same path followed at previous Assisi meetings

catholicWhy Is the Pope Using Confusing Language on Indifferentism?
It is a progressivist 'dialectical' method to advance his agenda

catholicCould You Clarify the Vatican's 'Clarification' on Condoms?
Its comments only confirms our analysis of this topic, here & here

catholicWill You Sign the Petition to Support Benedict XVI?
No, the language is ambiguous & the sources compromised

catholicWhy Won't You Admit the Pope Only Gives Communion on the Tongue?
You are assuming too much; the news report only says it is his preference

catholicWhy Do You Criticized Benedict for Passing by Homos in the WYD?
His route was carefully planned & approved by the Catholic authorities

catholicWas the Pope Praying to Convert Muslims?
Your question is answered in The Pope at the Mosque - A Scandal

catholic Did Pope Benedict Betrayed the Chinese of the Catabombs?
Yes, he did; read the answer

catholicTo What Degree Is Benedict's Church Still Catholic?
It is Catholic, but inflicts suffering on Our Lord as in the Passion

catholicCould You Comment on the Instruction about Summorum Pontificum?
It is a disciplinary document reaffirming that a hybrid Mass is on its way

catholicWhat about Pope Benedict's New Humanism?
Here is how Humanism is understood by Progressivism

catholicWhat Do You Think about Deus Caritas Est?
Our answer is here: Any Disinterested Carnal Love Leads to God

catholicIs the Photo of Ratzinger Wearing a Suit Objective?
It was published by a credible magazine without any denial

John Paul II

catholicCant' We Assume that after Paul VI the Popes Were Simply Ignorant?
No, because they all faithfully fulfill the agenda of Progressivism

catholicAre the Miracles of JPII Authentic?
We believe neither was he a saint nor were his 'miracles' authentic

catholicDid John Paul II Have Girlfriends & Father Children?
He had close relations with women; we have no evidence he had children

catholicCould JPII's Immoralities Just Be Tricks of the Devil?
They took place many times & he should be aware of them

catholicWas Karol Wojtyla Jewish?
We do not have a definitive answer at present

catholicWhat about the Luminous Mysteries?
They sabotage praying the Rosary by making it more difficult; read also here

catholicWhat Did Card. Wojtyla Say About Dialogue with Unbelievers?
At Vatican II he said the Church must adapt her language to them

catholicWhere Is the Proof the Pope Kissed the Koran?
You can find it here, in the news report by FIDES

catholicWhere Is the Proof JPII Is Covering for Pedophilia?
There is evidence that he did, as you can read here

Paul VI

catholicWas Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?
Montini was bad throughout his entire reign & had no need for a replacement

catholicIf Paul VI Was so Bad, How Can You Explain Humanae Vitae?
The theoretical teaching of H.V. was not applied in practice

catholicDoes Paul VI Use of the Rational Make Him a Follower of Judaism?
It is, at the least, a very strange thing for a Catholic Pontiff to do

catholicCan You Prove Paul VI Said He Sounded the Apocalipse Trumpets?
Yes we can; here is the photocopy of the Jean Guitton's interview to Avvenire

catholicDid the Pope Give His Tiara to the U.N.?
He sold it & gave the money to the poor; he gave his cross & ring to the U.N.

catholicDid Paul VI Impose or Proposed the Novus Ordo?
In theory, he proposed; in practice he imposed

catholicWhat Stopped the Beatification of Paul VI ?
His alleged homosexuality was the obstacle

catholicWas Montini a Homosexual?
An Italian noble & professor testified that he was; read it here

catholicPaul VI's Homosexuality: Rumor or Reality?
Evidence exists - read it to check for yourself if it is solid


catholicWho Declared John XXIII Blessed?
It was John Paul II who beatified him

catholicWas John XXIII a Freemason?
There are reasons for suspicion, but not certainty

catholicWas John XXIII Initiated into Freemasonry in Paris?
We would appreciate solid evidence supporting this; so far we don't have it

catholicCan You Prove that Paul VI & John XXIII Were Not Freemasons?
The onus of proof falls to the accuser & not vice-versa

Other Popes

catholicDid Pope St. Pius V Really Have a Vision of Lepanto?
Sources backing up the miraculous knowledge of Lepanto's victory

catholicWhat Are the Sources for the Heresy of Pope Liberius?
They are documents by St. Athanasius, St. Hilary & St. Jerome

catholicWhy Did St. Pius X Affirm Card. Newman Was Good?
Newman was ambiguous, read more here; probably Pius X was misinformed

catholicWhy Did St. Pius X Support Card. Rampolla?
He lacked full control over the Roman Curia, infiltrated by modernists

catholicWere Pope Pius XI & Pius XII Jewish?
We do not know & lack the time to make a proper study

catholicWas Pius XII a Good Pope?
Dr. Carol Byrne shows he established the bases for the New Mass

catholicCan You Substantiate the Errors of Pius XII?
Here are six progressivist initiatives that he took

catholicHow Can You Judge the Pope?
A Catholic is forbidden "to judge" the Pope only when he intends to depose him

catholicWhy Aren't You Softer on Papal Scandals?
Because we are committed to expose the Revolution in its entirety

catholicWhen Does a Heretical Pope Become Invalid?
When a considerable number of faithful makes his authority inefficacious


catholicWas Newman Really a Liberal?
We posted a series documents proving that he was; more here

catholicCould You Explain How Newman Was a Pre-Modernist?
He was one of the leaders against the dogma of Papal Infallibility

catholicAre the University Centers Named after Newman or Neumann?
After English Card. John Henry Newman for his concessions to Protestantism

catholicHow Dare You Attack Card. Ottaviani? You Are Wrong.
Card. Ottaviani accepted Vatican II & promoted the U.N.

catholicWhy Do You Attack Card. de Lubac since He Was Good?
We expose the point that earned him a condemnation from the Holy Office

catholicHow Could the Bishops Have Accepted Vatican II?
Either from conviction or fear of losing their careers

catholic Is Card. Müller a Heretic & Automatically Excommunicated?
Here are the cases of automatic excommunication according to Canon Law

catholicIsn't It Horrible that Arch. Nichols Offered Flowers to Hindu Deities?
Yes, it is an important landmark of inter-faith dialogue in England

catholicCan I Defend the Faith When Philippine Bishops Dialogue with Muslims?
Yes, you can. First, resist the Bishops, then, try to convert the Muslims

catholicHow Can You Say that Arch. Lefebvre Was Contradictory?
There are many proofs that are being admitted even by the SSPX heads

catholicHow Can You Say Arch. Lefebvre Said the New Mass?
Fr. des Lauriers affirms that he did from April 1969 to December 1970

catholicWas Bishop Sheen a Progressivist or a Traditionalist?
He was a progressivist, read here & here

catholicWhy Do You Attack Bishops Dancing When David Gave the Example?
David was not a Bishop, but a layman. Bishop should never dance

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