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Elves, Linz’ Statue & TLM’s Rumors

Elf or Alien Youth

Dear TIA,

Re: The Next Step to the Demonic: Elf/Alien People

Well done, brilliant article! Well researched. Needs to be said. Scary but important for people to be aware of what's going on in this crazy evil, devil possessed world.

      Lord have mercy on us.



More Wicked than Pertinacious Heresy


Re: Linz Cathedral displays pornographic statue of Mary

People need to be burnt at the stake for this. I'm not the only one thinking this.

Actually this is at a more wicked level than pertinacious heresy. Just so utterly vile. And Francis "The Merciful" does nothing. He's already himself attacked Dear Mother of Sorrows.

Most wicked, effeminate "men"! Their time is MOST CERTAINLY COMING.



Time to Fight Back


Re: Linz Cathedral displays pornographic statue of Mary

More Catholics need to defend their faith in actions. They need to … of those blasphemous churchmen and all the insulted artists.

Don't sit back and watch them attack your Faith. Be activated by real actions. Time to fight back with all your mighty power that God has given you.



Vatican II Synagogue


Re: Linz Cathedral displays pornographic statue of Mary

The blasphemies of any Christian faith in the V2 SYNAGOGUE of the apostate Bergoglio can hardly be surpassed. (Die Blasphemien in der V2-SYNAGOGE des Apostaten von jeglichem christlichen Glauben Bergoglio sind kaum mehr zu ueberbieten)



Thirst for Scandals


Just when you think Francis can’t come up with anything that surprises anymore, he does it again. What the world needs now, he said at Trieste, is scandal. The scandal of Faith. I learned that we should avoid giving scandal and that Faith should teach us not to give scandal, which should be condemned. But no, now we have the "scandal of faith" being a good thing, and just what the world needs now.

His words contradict Scripture which warns us , “Woe to the world because of scandals! Woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh." (Mt 18:7)

It seems to me we have quite enough of scandal, and the world needs good morals and real faith... but I am just one of those post-Vatican II Catholics that clings to “ideologies.”

Great analysis of the document The Bishop of Rome! First detailed explanation of the document I have seen. Needs to be spread and talked about.



What to Do with a Bad Bible?


I have a New American Bible from the ‘70s (published by Thomas Nelson) that I want to discard. Is it okay to place this version of the bible in the regular household trash???

Thanks for your help!


TIA responds:


The wise recommendation of the Church regarding inconvenient ugly statues or bad books that Catholics want to discard because the statues are not of an appropriate style or the books contain errors is the following:
  • The statues, especially those that were blessed, should be respectfully reduced to dust so that they cannot be recognized and suffer profanation; after they are reduced to dust, they should be buried in the ground;

  • The books should be burned or shredded so that no one can be harmed by their content.
So, applying the rule of the books to your bible, we see that it is not good to throw it into the trash, but to burn or shred it.


     TIA correspondence desk


Exorcism against Satan & the Rebellious Angels

Good evening,

I saw on your website that you are selling "Exorcism against Satan and the Rebellious Angels" prayer cards.

However, per the former Prefect of the Faith, Pope Benedict, it is stated that the faithful are not allowed to recite this prayer.

Could you please clarify this?

     Thank you,


TIA responds:

Good evening S.G.,

Thank you for your comment about the exorcism we posted inviting laymen to say it.

We have responded to an analogous objection in length here. As one of our readers notes, "The only one to benefit from this allegedly prohibition is the Devil."

Another similar error is that only priests can give blessings. We also put this error to rest here and here by demonstrating the validity of superiors – e.g. parents, teachers, etc. – giving blessings to inferiors – e.g. children, students, workers, etc.

We hope this clarifies your doubt.


     TIA correspondence desk


Rumors on Banning TLM Denied

Dear TIA,

A friend from France recently sent me a new report from Tribune Chrètienne issued on July 1, putting an end to the rumors that a new Vatican document will soon be released which would completely ban the Traditional Mass.

The news report is quite clear and to-the-point. I don’t need to explain it. You may read it below. I translated it into English.

Keep up the good work.


Vatican Denies All the Rumors about
an Imminent Interdiction of the Traditional Mass

Many Vatican sources have denied the rumors circulating since mid-June which say that a document banning the celebration of the Mass according to the rite used before Vatican Council II is being prepared by the Congregation of the Divine Worship.

This speculation of a total interdiction of the Mass according to the ancient rite by the Vatican has been spread for many days. Initially launched on June 17 by the traditionalist blog Rorate Caeli, reputable for trustworthy information, the rumor quickly spread, reaching the point of assigning the day [for release] as July 16 – anniversary of Traditionis custodes in 2021 – for the launching of the papal document that severely limited the use of that rite.

However, according to many Vatican sources consulted by La Croix, no such document is actually being prepared by the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in charge of the liturgy. “It is nothing but gossip,” deplored a high Vatican official, rejecting those affirmations as “fantasies.” Another source affirmed that the rumors are totally “unfounded.”

Notwithstanding, for the moment the Vatican has chosen to not issue an official denial. “The denials would give them [the rumors] an unjustifiable attention,” explained a Vatican spokesman, stressing the policy of not commenting on such rumors.

La Croix has learned from many sources that these rumors could come from wrong interpretations of Roman decisions concerning specific communities or institutes: for example, the case of the Missionaries of Divine Mercy in South France, whose ordinations were indefinitely suspended at the request of Rome. Presently the Vatican is examining the status of this diocesan community to determine if it is convenient to allow them to celebrate according to the ancient rite, a permission that became obligatory since Traditiones custodes.

The publication of the 2021 motu proprio has raised clear tension among the French traditionalists, some of whom are blatantly opposed to what they considered to be an about face from the permission to celebrate the old rite given by Pope Benedict XVI

Posted July 9, 2024


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