What People Are Commenting
Terrorists, Refugees & a Place for St. Joseph
Obama to Receive More Immigrants
Please, read this news report (Nov. 18, 2015), which shows the fruits of our liberal policy of receiving immigrants.
At Least 15 US ‘Citizen Terrorists’ Are Also Legal Immigrants
Rachel Stoltzfoos
Dozens of the U.S. citizens arrested in recent years on terror-related charges are immigrants admitted to the United States legally who later obtained citizenship.
More than 70 U.S. residents have been publicly arrested and charged with conspiring to help, attempting to help, or actually helping terror networks such as Islamic State in recent years. At least 15 of them received U.S. citizenship after being admitted to the country legally, including one of the Boston bombers.(RELATED: U.S. Refugee Chief Didn’t Know Boston Bombers Were Refugees)
Here are five examples.
Two immigrants from Pakistan who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship were convicted of plotting to detonate a bomb in New York City in 2012, and were sentenced to a combined 55 years in prison.
Federal prosecutors accused a Somalian immigrant who became a U.S. citizen of plotting to “go to a military base in Texas and kill three or four American soldiers execution style.” The man had trained with a terrorist group in Syria and was told to return to the U.S. and carry out an act of terror.
An immigrant brought by his family from Kuwait at a young age and later approved for U.S. citizenship killed four Marines in a shooting rampage at two military centers in Chattanooga, Tenn., in July.
A woman born in Saudi Arabia who obtained U.S. citizenship and taught pre-school in Queens, N.Y., was arrested on terror charges in April. She and a friend also living in Queens pledged allegiance to Islamic State and considered bombing a police funeral. FBI raids on their apartments turned up bomb-making materials, including propane tanks and a pressure cooker, in addition to bomb recipes and jihadi literature.
An immigrant from Ghana who obtained U.S. citizenship was arrested in June and charged with conspiring to support a terrorist group after investigators allegedly found he was plotting a terror attack on New York City landmarks in the name of Islamic State.
The Obama administration has ignored a request from Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions for detailed immigration histories of 72 U.S. residents arrested in the past year on terror-related charges.
Original here.
Please, read this news report (Nov. 18, 2015), which shows the fruits of our liberal policy of receiving immigrants.
Rachel Stoltzfoos
Dozens of the U.S. citizens arrested in recent years on terror-related charges are immigrants admitted to the United States legally who later obtained citizenship.
More than 70 U.S. residents have been publicly arrested and charged with conspiring to help, attempting to help, or actually helping terror networks such as Islamic State in recent years. At least 15 of them received U.S. citizenship after being admitted to the country legally, including one of the Boston bombers.(RELATED: U.S. Refugee Chief Didn’t Know Boston Bombers Were Refugees)
Here are five examples.
Two immigrants from Pakistan who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship were convicted of plotting to detonate a bomb in New York City in 2012, and were sentenced to a combined 55 years in prison.
Federal prosecutors accused a Somalian immigrant who became a U.S. citizen of plotting to “go to a military base in Texas and kill three or four American soldiers execution style.” The man had trained with a terrorist group in Syria and was told to return to the U.S. and carry out an act of terror.
An immigrant brought by his family from Kuwait at a young age and later approved for U.S. citizenship killed four Marines in a shooting rampage at two military centers in Chattanooga, Tenn., in July.
A woman born in Saudi Arabia who obtained U.S. citizenship and taught pre-school in Queens, N.Y., was arrested on terror charges in April. She and a friend also living in Queens pledged allegiance to Islamic State and considered bombing a police funeral. FBI raids on their apartments turned up bomb-making materials, including propane tanks and a pressure cooker, in addition to bomb recipes and jihadi literature.
An immigrant from Ghana who obtained U.S. citizenship was arrested in June and charged with conspiring to support a terrorist group after investigators allegedly found he was plotting a terror attack on New York City landmarks in the name of Islamic State.
The Obama administration has ignored a request from Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions for detailed immigration histories of 72 U.S. residents arrested in the past year on terror-related charges.
Original here.
Islam Must Go!
Islam's greatest foe, the Roman Catholic Church, has been hogtied and thrown into the well during Vatican II by the Modernists who hijacked Rome.
Satan owes the liberals a big thank you.
It is my contention that if we killed every single Muslim in the radical category, thousands of new radicals would automatically replace them from the ranks of the 'moderate' Muslims. Islam must be shown for what it is to the millions who have been hypnotized by it and are held captive by it for fear of death.
It was never a 'religion,' it has always been a murderous political cult.
The greatest weapon we have to eliminate Islam is the Roman Catholic Faith.
Pray the Rosary to convert these sad souls, they have been lost for 1400 years.
Remember Lepanto!!
Islam's greatest foe, the Roman Catholic Church, has been hogtied and thrown into the well during Vatican II by the Modernists who hijacked Rome.
Satan owes the liberals a big thank you.
It is my contention that if we killed every single Muslim in the radical category, thousands of new radicals would automatically replace them from the ranks of the 'moderate' Muslims. Islam must be shown for what it is to the millions who have been hypnotized by it and are held captive by it for fear of death.
It was never a 'religion,' it has always been a murderous political cult.
The greatest weapon we have to eliminate Islam is the Roman Catholic Faith.
Pray the Rosary to convert these sad souls, they have been lost for 1400 years.
Remember Lepanto!!
Look Who These Immigrants Are
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
Although this video about the refugee crisis in Europe is long, it is worth watching. There are some very crude parts in it, but I've decided to forward it anyway.
To watch click here.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
Although this video about the refugee crisis in Europe is long, it is worth watching. There are some very crude parts in it, but I've decided to forward it anyway.
To watch click here.
In Maria,
We Suffer from the Lack of Beauty
Re: Virgin of Lepanto
Suggest you explore this site.
In aesthetics, there is pain from the lack of beauty around all of us now... We are in a 'miserablist’ world and Church.
Re: Virgin of Lepanto
Suggest you explore this site.
In aesthetics, there is pain from the lack of beauty around all of us now... We are in a 'miserablist’ world and Church.
The Relatives of St. Joseph
Dear TIA,
I go to your web-site every day and read your “Latest Updates” among other posted items. I find your “Latest Updates” very helpful in my walk in becoming a Traditional Catholic gentleman as handed down to us originally from Jesus and through the Apostles.
I was wondering if you can help me with a question I’ve pondered about, and researched, but just cannot find an answer. It’s not some huge theological issue but something that I have wondered about for some time.
St. Joseph was ordered by a decree from Caesar Augustus to register in his home town. Since St. Joseph was of the family of David he left Nazareth with his wife Mary and journeyed to Bethlehem to register. After arriving in Bethlehem the Holy Family could not find anywhere to stay, until they found a stable where Jesus was born.
My question is: if St. Joseph came from Bethlehem, why couldn’t he find relatives who would allow them to stay with them? It only seems logical that St. Joseph would have family members within Bethlehem who realizing he was kinfolk, and with a wife great with child, would put them up. I realize the prophecies of Jesus’ birth needed to be fulfilled, but on a human level, why couldn’t St. Joseph find any relatives to stay with?
Dominus vobiscum – the Lord be with you
TIA responds:
Dear R.T.,
Thank you for being a regular reader of our website. We are proud to be able to help you on your way back to the correct Catholic position.
We do not know whether St. Joseph had any relative or close friend in Bethlehem who could have hosted him and Our Lady. If he had, what probably happened is that their houses were already filled with other guests since that census obliged a large number of people to travel to their home cities in Judea. This hypothesis is confirmed by the Gospel (Lk 2:7). The persons whose doors St. Joseph knocked on to ask shelter did not say that they did not want to host him; they said that the places were already taken.
For today’s American, accustomed to his large house where he can always find a place for someone else to sleep on a folding bed, a reclining chair or just a sleeping bag on the floor, it may be hard to understand. However, if you consider how small the Holy House of Nazareth was (28 ft x 12.5 ft and 13.5 ft high), which you can see today in Loreto, you will realize how small the dwellings were at that time.
The Holy House of Nazareth was the house where Our Lady was born, which she inherited from her parents, St. Joaquim and St. Anne, who were relatively wealthy. It is the same house where the Holy Family – St. Joseph, Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ – lived. So, we can see that this house, although very small, was not that of a poor family, but of a family in good standing at that time. Thus, if even families in good standing had small houses, this explains the difficulty St. Joseph had to find a place to stay with his relatives or friends in Bethlehem, if he actually had any.
We hope this may help you to resolve your doubt.
TIA correspondence desk
I go to your web-site every day and read your “Latest Updates” among other posted items. I find your “Latest Updates” very helpful in my walk in becoming a Traditional Catholic gentleman as handed down to us originally from Jesus and through the Apostles.
I was wondering if you can help me with a question I’ve pondered about, and researched, but just cannot find an answer. It’s not some huge theological issue but something that I have wondered about for some time.
St. Joseph was ordered by a decree from Caesar Augustus to register in his home town. Since St. Joseph was of the family of David he left Nazareth with his wife Mary and journeyed to Bethlehem to register. After arriving in Bethlehem the Holy Family could not find anywhere to stay, until they found a stable where Jesus was born.
My question is: if St. Joseph came from Bethlehem, why couldn’t he find relatives who would allow them to stay with them? It only seems logical that St. Joseph would have family members within Bethlehem who realizing he was kinfolk, and with a wife great with child, would put them up. I realize the prophecies of Jesus’ birth needed to be fulfilled, but on a human level, why couldn’t St. Joseph find any relatives to stay with?
Dominus vobiscum – the Lord be with you
TIA responds:
Dear R.T.,
Thank you for being a regular reader of our website. We are proud to be able to help you on your way back to the correct Catholic position.
We do not know whether St. Joseph had any relative or close friend in Bethlehem who could have hosted him and Our Lady. If he had, what probably happened is that their houses were already filled with other guests since that census obliged a large number of people to travel to their home cities in Judea. This hypothesis is confirmed by the Gospel (Lk 2:7). The persons whose doors St. Joseph knocked on to ask shelter did not say that they did not want to host him; they said that the places were already taken.
For today’s American, accustomed to his large house where he can always find a place for someone else to sleep on a folding bed, a reclining chair or just a sleeping bag on the floor, it may be hard to understand. However, if you consider how small the Holy House of Nazareth was (28 ft x 12.5 ft and 13.5 ft high), which you can see today in Loreto, you will realize how small the dwellings were at that time.
The Holy House of Nazareth was the house where Our Lady was born, which she inherited from her parents, St. Joaquim and St. Anne, who were relatively wealthy. It is the same house where the Holy Family – St. Joseph, Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ – lived. So, we can see that this house, although very small, was not that of a poor family, but of a family in good standing at that time. Thus, if even families in good standing had small houses, this explains the difficulty St. Joseph had to find a place to stay with his relatives or friends in Bethlehem, if he actually had any.
We hope this may help you to resolve your doubt.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted November 19, 2015
“Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks” - photo below
Islam is a religion of peace, but only 30 Muslims turned out to protest the bloody ISIS attacks in Paris last week.
A small group of around 30 French Muslims from Bangladesh joined mourners in the Place de la Republique in Paris to protest the bloody ISIS attacks.
Approximately 10-15% of Paris population is Muslim or at least 224,000 people. Only 30 felt moved enough to protest the ISIS massacre.
Read more here.
Gary Morella
A meager showing of Muslims to mourn the Paris massacre