What People Are Commenting
Schneider, Feminism & Talismanic Words
Good Thief
Dear Atila,
Salve Maria!
I very much appreciate that you published that story of a family's conversion upon the father hearing about St. Dismas. It is excellent that you chose to place it following my letter.
It is true that the very next line in that prayer I included concerns the same saint: Nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas... but like the thief I confess to You. Very encouraging!
In Jesu et Maria,
Pamela (Dr. Pamela Dettman)
Salve Maria!
I very much appreciate that you published that story of a family's conversion upon the father hearing about St. Dismas. It is excellent that you chose to place it following my letter.
It is true that the very next line in that prayer I included concerns the same saint: Nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas... but like the thief I confess to You. Very encouraging!
In Jesu et Maria,
Pamela (Dr. Pamela Dettman)
Poisonous Feminism
Fifty years of poisonous 'feminism' have warped the minds of Americans. We live in an age of masculine women and feminine men. Just the fact that Hillary can even be suggested as a possible contender for the presidency proves the point. Grown men (on either side) clamoring for a woman to lead them is further proof. The brainwashing is complete.
American men of 1950 would have the men of 2015 for breakfast.
Discouraging, to say the least. There are so few real American men left. The few, the proud, the remnant!
Fifty years of poisonous 'feminism' have warped the minds of Americans. We live in an age of masculine women and feminine men. Just the fact that Hillary can even be suggested as a possible contender for the presidency proves the point. Grown men (on either side) clamoring for a woman to lead them is further proof. The brainwashing is complete.
American men of 1950 would have the men of 2015 for breakfast.
Discouraging, to say the least. There are so few real American men left. The few, the proud, the remnant!
Queen of the Angels
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am very interested in the prayer to Our Lady Queen of the Angels that you have published on your website. I would like to promote the devotion among Australian Catholics.
Do you have any more information about the apparition or the Bernadine Sister Our Lady appeared to? Anything you can tell me would be of interest.
Many thanks for your beautiful website.
God bless,
G.I., Australia
TIA responds:
Dear G.I.,
Thank you for your compliments on our website.
We published all the information we have on this beautiful and efficacious prayer to Our Lady Queen of the Angels. You can find a commentary on the prayer by Prof. Plinio on our site here.
We offer a good quality holy card with the prayer on the back, which you can view and purchase in quantity here.
TIA correspondence desk
I am very interested in the prayer to Our Lady Queen of the Angels that you have published on your website. I would like to promote the devotion among Australian Catholics.
Do you have any more information about the apparition or the Bernadine Sister Our Lady appeared to? Anything you can tell me would be of interest.
Many thanks for your beautiful website.
God bless,
G.I., Australia
TIA responds:
Dear G.I.,
Thank you for your compliments on our website.
We published all the information we have on this beautiful and efficacious prayer to Our Lady Queen of the Angels. You can find a commentary on the prayer by Prof. Plinio on our site here.
We offer a good quality holy card with the prayer on the back, which you can view and purchase in quantity here.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Confidence
To Whom It May Concern,
I learned about "Our Lady of Confidence" from a book I am reading. Please can you tell me how I can get a picture of her for my home?
Thank you for your time in responding.
TIA responds:
In addition to the article on Our Lady of Confidence – Madonna della Fiducia or Mater Fiducia Mea – which we posted on our site here, we also offer a 4"x5.5" color postcard on good quality stock which you can find in our online bookstore here.
If you call the office between 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Standard time, Monday to Friday, you can order the card in the set of Beautiful Pictures of Our Lady (5 cards for $2.50), or simply ask for five cards of the one specific picture.
You also can find other reproductions of that painting here. You may choose one, enlarge it and place it in your home. The only problem is that these reproductions are not high resolution pictures.
We hope this is of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
I learned about "Our Lady of Confidence" from a book I am reading. Please can you tell me how I can get a picture of her for my home?
Thank you for your time in responding.
TIA responds:
In addition to the article on Our Lady of Confidence – Madonna della Fiducia or Mater Fiducia Mea – which we posted on our site here, we also offer a 4"x5.5" color postcard on good quality stock which you can find in our online bookstore here.
If you call the office between 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Standard time, Monday to Friday, you can order the card in the set of Beautiful Pictures of Our Lady (5 cards for $2.50), or simply ask for five cards of the one specific picture.
You also can find other reproductions of that painting here. You may choose one, enlarge it and place it in your home. The only problem is that these reproductions are not high resolution pictures.
We hope this is of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Talismanic Words
Dear TIA,
In addition to a reflection on the terrible Prayers of the Faithful often found in the New Mass that I have previously sent to you, I think that a word used in those prayers is really a modern buzz word or, as Dr. Plinio would say, a talismanic word, a loaded word; that word is "marginalized."
In the last couple of days I have been thinking that the modern Church makes great public show about taking care of the marginalized, In fact, what is being marginalized is what might be called (poorly -- there must be a better word) the "silent majority," the regular Catholics or even just regular people. The unfortunate, the odd, the weird, the evil, have become almost the center of the Church's focus, or at least of its public relations.
This mentality appears in that horrible synod of last October, when so much print and attention was given to unrepentant homosexuals and adulterers. (Let's not kid ourselves -- not that you would -- but no repentance is required). And I further thought that the phrase so often heard the last 50 years, the "fundamental option for the poor" falls into this category. How about some concern for the ordinary, even the vast middle class, the non-poor? Of course, when the Church now talks about "the poor," the subtext shouts out "socialism."
Anyhow, God bless the truly marginalized (if there are such...although, as noted above, the normal are being marginalized now), but so many are self-marginalized, like homosexuals. I am fed up with this kind of talk -- and I recognize what is really intended: Normalize the unrepentant, put guilt on those who attempt to follow the teachings of Our Lord, scorn the Church's traditional way of acting. And attempt to change the thought process of the faithful with the repeated use of these "talismanic" words. We have a very twisted Church right now, deliberately acting counter to the Faith.
In addition to a reflection on the terrible Prayers of the Faithful often found in the New Mass that I have previously sent to you, I think that a word used in those prayers is really a modern buzz word or, as Dr. Plinio would say, a talismanic word, a loaded word; that word is "marginalized."
In the last couple of days I have been thinking that the modern Church makes great public show about taking care of the marginalized, In fact, what is being marginalized is what might be called (poorly -- there must be a better word) the "silent majority," the regular Catholics or even just regular people. The unfortunate, the odd, the weird, the evil, have become almost the center of the Church's focus, or at least of its public relations.
This mentality appears in that horrible synod of last October, when so much print and attention was given to unrepentant homosexuals and adulterers. (Let's not kid ourselves -- not that you would -- but no repentance is required). And I further thought that the phrase so often heard the last 50 years, the "fundamental option for the poor" falls into this category. How about some concern for the ordinary, even the vast middle class, the non-poor? Of course, when the Church now talks about "the poor," the subtext shouts out "socialism."
Anyhow, God bless the truly marginalized (if there are such...although, as noted above, the normal are being marginalized now), but so many are self-marginalized, like homosexuals. I am fed up with this kind of talk -- and I recognize what is really intended: Normalize the unrepentant, put guilt on those who attempt to follow the teachings of Our Lord, scorn the Church's traditional way of acting. And attempt to change the thought process of the faithful with the repeated use of these "talismanic" words. We have a very twisted Church right now, deliberately acting counter to the Faith.

Posted May 5, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Bird’s Eye View of the News - (April 27, 2015)
I take issue with what Bishop Schneider is quoted as saying as follows. He states:
“For example: there is a norm in Sacrosanctum Concilium on liturgy that says: ‘No one in the Church – neither a priest, bishop, cardinal nor even pope – has the right to change by himself something in the liturgical celebration. He cannot change, take off or add anything.’ This is a very strong norm, which does not exist even in the Council of Trent.”
In 1570 St. Pius V, as a result of the Council of Trent, promulgated the “Mass of all times.” Also in 1570, St. Pope V issued a decree, Quo Primum, which states the Mass could never be changed. Latin Roman Catholic Mass Decree Quo Primum, St. Pius V, July 19, 1570, states:
"By this our decree, to be valid IN PERPETUITY, we determine and order that NEVER shall anything be added to, omitted from, or changed in this Missal. . .At no time in the future can a priest, whether secular or order priest, ever be forced to use any other way of saying Mass. And so as to preclude once and for all any scruples of conscience and fear of ecclesiastical penalties and censures, we herewith declare that it is in virtue of our Apostolic Authority that we decree and determine that this our present order and decree is to last in PERPETUITY and can never be legally revoked or amended at a future date. ... And if anyone would nevertheless ever dare to attempt any action contrary to this order of ours, given for all times, let him know that he has incurred the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."