What People Are Commenting
Lessons from the
Institute of the Good Shepherd
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You Will Become What I Am
Since an agreement between the Vatican and SSPX is now on its way and the priests of this organization are telling their followers that they are accepting the accord “in order to convert Benedict XVI and the Vatican,” it seems quite opportune to remind those followers that several other traditionalist associations made similar agreements with the Vatican and, in the initial steps of the process, they told their grassroots similar stories.
One of these organizations was the Institute of the Good Shepherd in France, founded in September 2006. Today, this Institute is forced to comply with every progressivist orientation the Vatican tells it to take. The letter below is an eloquent example of how any legitimate intent to maintain the Tradition of the Church is strangled by the increasingly grasping embrace of today’s progressivist Vatican.
The Editor - A.S. Guimarães
to the Institute of the Good Shepherd
Letter from the Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission
To the Institute of the Good Shepherd in France
March 23, 2012
Generally speaking, it is necessary to develop the founding charisma of the Institute by thinking more on the future than on the past. To prepare for the next General Chapter, it will be useful to meditate on Christ as Pastor.
Anyone who wants to develop the characteristics of a society of apostolic life must avoid any form of individualism. For this, it would be good to enter into contact with other societies of apostolic life capable of helping in this meditation on communitarian life.
Regarding the Seminary of Courtalan, the evaluation is positive, but it would be suitable to include the teaching of the present day Popes and of Vatican II. The pastoral formation should be made under the light of Pastores dabo vobis and the doctrinal formation should include a careful study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
To resolve the question of the establishment of the seminary [in other places], unless it is just an extension of the Courtalan seminary itself, the French Conference of Bishops can be asked to suggest the names of the dioceses where it can be installed.
Rather than maintaining a critique of Vatican Council II, even a “serious and constructive” one, the efforts of your teachers must point out the transmission of the integrity of the patrimony of the Church, insisting on the hermeneutics of renewal in its continuity and using as support the integrity of Catholic doctrine expounded by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
To improve the functioning of the Counsel and to prepare for the General Chapter, it would be suitable to ask the advice of a canonist. The names of Rev. Fathers Pocquet de Haut-Jussé and Le Bot, OP are suggested. A monthly meeting of the Counsel seems opportune.
It is desirable to carefully discern the vocations coming from Brazil, as well as to reflect upon the reception of the Institute priests in the different dioceses. It is important that the Bishop accepts and valorizes the special charisma of the Institute for the good of the whole diocese and, at the same time, that the priests of the Institute, with a spirit of communion, insert themselves in the ensemble of the ecclesial life of the diocese.
The creation of an economic Counsel will help St. Eloi parish to better conform juridically with the other parishes of the Archdiocese of Bordeaux.
The Angelus school in the Diocese of Bourges must pay more attention to the General Superior. We recommend that it seek to acquire diocesan recognition.
Monsignor Guido Pozzo
Taken from Radio Cristiandad
Entry of Monday April 16, 2012