What People Are Commenting
The Pope's Concession to Protestants
The Nativity Story
Dear TIA,
Ave Virgo Maria!
After reading your review on The Nativity Story, I simply cannot understand the reaction of the U.S. Bishops. I read in our local paper that after the U.S. Bishops saw a preview screening Nov. 14 in Baltimore at their fall general meeting, there was unanimous approval.
This statement in particular shocked me - "Oh, it was a fantastic experience," said Auxiliary Bishop Edward M. Grosz of Buffalo, NY, who specializes in Mariology. "It was a beautiful reflection on Mary and a very sound Marian approach - to Mary in the plan of salvation."
If Bishop Grosz is a specialist in Mariology, he should know that the perpetual virginity of Our Lady (before, during and after birth) was taught by the Church by Councils and the Creed, and also by the Church Fathers. So, how can he call this movie a "very sound Marian approach" when it openly denies her perpetual virginity?
I'm just a simple lay woman, but it wasn't hard for me to find proof of this doctrine. I just went to The Catholic Encyclopedia which clearly states that the virginity of our Blessed Lady was defined under anathema in the third canon of the Lateran Council in 649. This definition included - and I quote -
"that the supernatural influence of the Holy Ghost extended to the birth of Jesus Christ, not merely preserving Mary's integrity, but also causing Christ's birth or external generation to reflect his eternal birth from the Father in this, that 'the Light from Light' proceeded from his mother's womb as a light shed on the world; that the 'power of the Most High' passed through the barriers of nature without injuring them; that "the body of the Word" formed by the Holy Ghost penetrated another body after the manner of spirits."
This is Catholic doctrine. What is wrong with the supposed Mariologist Bishop Brosz and also the rest of the Bishops? Surely they know this.
It is also Catholic tradition. In The Mystical City of God (The Incarnation", the Ven. Maria de Agreda gave this account of the Nativity, manifested to her by Most Holy Mary:
"The Sun of Justice, the Only-begotten of the eternal Father and of Mary most pure, beautiful, refulgent and immaculate (was born) leaving her untouched in her virginal integrity and purity and making her more godlike and forever sacred; for He did not divide, but penetrated the virginal chamber as the rays of the sun penetrate the crystal shrine, lighting it up in prismatic beauty." (pg. 399)
"The two sovereign princes, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, were the assistants of the virgin on this occasion. They stood by at proper distance in human corporeal forms at the moment when the Incarnate Word, penetrating the virginal chamber by divine power, issued forth to the light, and they received Him in their hands with ineffable reverence. In the same manner as a priest exhibits the sacred host to the people for adoration, so these two celestial ministers presented to the divine Mother her glorious and refulgent Son." (pg.403)
The Mystical City of God has received many imprimaturs, and has been approved by 32 Popes. It was a favorite book of Pope Pius X, who always recommended that clergy and the lay people read it.
I wish our present Pope would make this kind of good recommendation also, but it doesn't seem likely. Even though he didn't attend the premiere showing of The Nativity Story at the Vatican on November 26 because he was in Turkey, he had already previewed and approved the film. How can that be? Is the Pope just making bad concessions to the Protestants? Why doesn't he uphold Catholic doctrine as the good shepherd of his flock? Allowing the movie to be showed at the Vatican was a great dishonor to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will mix up many Catholics on Catholic teaching when the head of the Church approves such a film.
Enough said, I guess. I was just so outraged I had to write. Again, thanks for your good review.
Please continue your good work,
Posted January 2, 2007

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