Fatima Issues
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The Consecration of Russia
As May starts and the 100th anniversary of Fatima approaches, we see that the Consecration of Russia still has not been achieved according to the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima.
There have been plenty of excuses why it has not been accomplished such as it would upset the Russian “Orthodox” Church, Russia would get angry and start World War III, and it is an impossible request to honor. The real reason the consecration has not taken place is the loss of faith. The Bishops did not believe there would be peace in the world if they follow the instructions of Our Lady of Fatima. If they really believed, they would have found a way.
Our Lady of La Salette said, "The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the Devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."
Can you imagine if every Catholic Bishop in the world on the same day and even perhaps at the same hour would have a special service to consecrate Russia in their jam-packed Cathedrals throughout the world? There would be no mistake and the world would know that Russia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the manner required by Our Lady of Fatima. The promised conversion of Russia and the resulting changes would become obvious, and then that conversion would spread to other countries. A very simple plan that became too difficult even to try.
In 1931 the Bishops of Portugal consecrated their country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They promised again in 1936 to re-consecrate Portugal if their country was spared the horrors of the Spanish Civil War. Our Lady obliged. Again in 1938 the Bishops renewed their national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On February 4, 1939 seven months before the declaration of war, Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva and told him that war was imminent, but then added:
"In this horrible war, Portugal would be spared because of the national consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Bishops." Portugal escaped World War II completely as the Mother of God promised, proof that she will provide the world a period of peace if her wishes are honored.
Our Lady said to the three children, "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and it will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted the world." In August 1931 Our Lord spoke to Sister Lucy and told her "Make it known to my ministers that if they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of my request, that they will follow him in misfortune…"
King Louis XVI lost his monarchy exactly 100 years to the day of the initial request by St. Margaret Mary to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Three years later the King was beheaded. Will the Pope be killed as foretold in many prophecies? Will Rome lose its authority like the King lost his?
Later Our Lord, complaining to Sister Lucy, said: "They did not want to heed my request. Like the King of France they will repent and do so, but it will be late. Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer."
We know from the words of both Our Lady and Our Lord that Russia will be consecrated. The obvious question is when it will happen. There is strong evidence to indicate that the time is late, if the St. Malachy prophecy is true and if we apply to Fatima the 100 years used for the Kings of France.
The consecration would have been much easier in the days of Pius XI. If you read the words of Our Lord carefully there is an extra requirement. Repent! Surely, the Pope will have much to suffer when he confesses for the heresies of Vatican II, the sins of not obeying the wishes of Our Lady, the destruction of the Holy Mass and the list goes on and on. How can Russia be consecrated without this admission?
Can we even imagine the reaction of the Catholic world when such a confession takes place? It might be something like the vision of little Jacinta of Fatima. Lucy wrote one day Jacinta called out to her if she had seen the Holy Father, and said:
"I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people, some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him.”
In four more years we will have the 100-year anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima and of the command Our Lady gave to the Pope to consecrate Russia. If the consecration is not made in these years, perhaps we will see the chastisement come against the Papacy, such as the one that fell over the King of France.

Our Lady looks sadly at a world that has disregarded her command
Our Lady of La Salette said, "The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the Devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."
Can you imagine if every Catholic Bishop in the world on the same day and even perhaps at the same hour would have a special service to consecrate Russia in their jam-packed Cathedrals throughout the world? There would be no mistake and the world would know that Russia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the manner required by Our Lady of Fatima. The promised conversion of Russia and the resulting changes would become obvious, and then that conversion would spread to other countries. A very simple plan that became too difficult even to try.
In 1931 the Bishops of Portugal consecrated their country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They promised again in 1936 to re-consecrate Portugal if their country was spared the horrors of the Spanish Civil War. Our Lady obliged. Again in 1938 the Bishops renewed their national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On February 4, 1939 seven months before the declaration of war, Sister Lucy wrote to Bishop da Silva and told him that war was imminent, but then added:
"In this horrible war, Portugal would be spared because of the national consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Bishops." Portugal escaped World War II completely as the Mother of God promised, proof that she will provide the world a period of peace if her wishes are honored.

The atomic explosion in Nagasaki could have been avoided had Pius XI heeded Our Lady's order
King Louis XVI lost his monarchy exactly 100 years to the day of the initial request by St. Margaret Mary to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Three years later the King was beheaded. Will the Pope be killed as foretold in many prophecies? Will Rome lose its authority like the King lost his?
Later Our Lord, complaining to Sister Lucy, said: "They did not want to heed my request. Like the King of France they will repent and do so, but it will be late. Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer."
We know from the words of both Our Lady and Our Lord that Russia will be consecrated. The obvious question is when it will happen. There is strong evidence to indicate that the time is late, if the St. Malachy prophecy is true and if we apply to Fatima the 100 years used for the Kings of France.
The consecration would have been much easier in the days of Pius XI. If you read the words of Our Lord carefully there is an extra requirement. Repent! Surely, the Pope will have much to suffer when he confesses for the heresies of Vatican II, the sins of not obeying the wishes of Our Lady, the destruction of the Holy Mass and the list goes on and on. How can Russia be consecrated without this admission?
Can we even imagine the reaction of the Catholic world when such a confession takes place? It might be something like the vision of little Jacinta of Fatima. Lucy wrote one day Jacinta called out to her if she had seen the Holy Father, and said:
"I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people, some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him.”
In four more years we will have the 100-year anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima and of the command Our Lady gave to the Pope to consecrate Russia. If the consecration is not made in these years, perhaps we will see the chastisement come against the Papacy, such as the one that fell over the King of France.

Posted May 1, 2013
