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Ardor Guerrero (Himno de Infantería)

Hymn of the Spanish Infantry

Ardor Guerrero (The Ardor of Warriors) is the hymn of the Spanish Infantry, written in 1907. The song calls to mind days past, when nobility, bravery and loyalty to the Cross and to one’s Fatherland were virtues that were upheld and cherished.

The hymn shows Spain’s spirit of valor: “To see you [my Fatherland] feared and honored, happily your children will face death.” It is a stirring example of dedication to an ideal, contrary to the mediocre ways of the revolutionary world. It proudly presents the vigilant spirit of combat under the banner of the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ardor Guerrero is here interpreted by the Banda de Musica Academia Auxiliar Militar (The Auxiliary Military Academy Band).

Listen to Ardor Guerrero

Spanish Lyrics:

Ardor Guerrero vibre en nuestras voces.
Y de amor patrio henchido el corazón.
Entonemos el Himno Sacrosanto.
Del deber, de la Patria y del Honor. ¡Honor!

De los que amor y vida te consagran.
Escucha, España, la canción guerrera,
Canción que brota de almas que son tuyas,
De labios que han besado tu Bandera.

De pechos que esperaron anhelantes
Besar la Cruz aquella
Que forma con la enseña de la Patria
El arma con que habrán de defenderla.

Nuestro anhelo es tu grandeza
Que seas noble y fuerte.
Nuestro anhelo es tu grandeza
Que seas noble y fuerte.

Y por verte temida y honrada
Contentos tus hijos irán a la muerte.
Y por verte temida y honrada
Contentos tus hijos irán a la muerte.

Si al caer en lucha fiera
Ven flotar
Victoriosa la Bandera,
Ante esa visión postrera
Orgullosos morirán.

Y la Patria, al que su vida
Le entregó,
En la frente dolorida
Le devuelve agradecida
El beso que recibió.

El esplendor y gloria de otros días
Tu celestial figura ha de envolver,
Que aún te queda la fiel Infantería
Que, por saber morir, sabe vencer.

Y volarán tus hijos ansiosos al combate
Tu nombre invocarán.
Y la sangre enemiga en sus espadas
Y la española sangre derramada
Tu nombre y sus hazañas cantarán.

Y éstos que en la Academia Toledana
Sienten que se apodera de sus pechos
Con la épica Nobleza Castellana
El ansia altiva de los grandes hechos,
Te prometen ser fieles a tu Historia,
Y dignos de tu honor y de tu gloria.

English Lyrics:

The ardor of warriors vibrates in our voices,
And our heart swells with patriotic love.
Let us intone the Sacrosanct Hymn.
Of duty, of the Fatherland and of Honor. Honor!

Of those who devote love and life to you.
Listen, Spain, to the warrior song,
A song that springs from souls that are yours,
From lips that have kissed your Flag.

From breasts that eagerly hope
To kiss that Cross which,
With the insignia of the Fatherland, forms
The weapon with which they must defend it.

Our longing is your greatness
That you be noble and strong.
Our longing is your greatness
That you be noble and strong.

And to see you feared and honored,
Your children happily will face death.
And to see you feared and honored
Your children happily will face death.

If they should fall in a fierce battle,
And they see floating
The flag victorious,
Before that last vision
Proudly they will die.

And the Fatherland, for which
He delivers his life,
On his wounded forehead
[The Fatherland] gratefully returns
The kiss It received.

The splendor and glory of days past
Your celestial figure envelops,
Still you have your faithful Infantry
Who, by knowing how to die, know how to win.

And eagerly your children will fly into combat
They will invoke your name.
And with enemy blood on their swords
and with Spanish blood shed,
They will sing your name and your deeds.

And those who in the Academy of Toledo
Feel their breasts overpowered
By the epic Castilian Nobility,
The lofty desire for great deeds,
They promise to be true to your History,
And worthy of your honor and glory.

lyrics and music Ardor Guerrero

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Ardor Guerrero

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