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La Voix du Clairon
The Voice of the Bugle

Song of the Vendée

La Voix du Clairon is a song commemorating a stand taken by French Catholics fighting for the Monarchy in the Vendée. A mansion known as the Penissiere defended by the Chouans was attacked by the revolutionary French National Guard.

One of the Vendée warriors continuously sounded his bugle from the start of the fight until the very end, when the Guards succeeded in setting fire to the mansion. Only when the burning manor collapsed on top of the 8 remaining defenders did the bugle cease.

This song glorifies that bugle to commemorates the bravery of those warriors, and to call the French counter-revolutionaries to have the same heroism in their fight for the return of their King.


Toi qu'ont terni la poudre et la poussière,
O vieux clairon, ô glorieux témoin,
Resté muet depuis la Pénissière,
Parle bientôt : la France en a besoin ;
Car elle boit la honte à coupe pleine,
Car c'est l'enfer qui la tient sous sa loi.
Pour qu'elle s'arrache à ce joug fait de haine,
Cuivre sacré, lance un appel au Roi.
Pour qu'elle s'arrache à ce joug fait de haine,
Cuivre sacré, lance un appel au Roi.

Comme les flots de la mer débordée,
Que tes accents qu'on entendra partout,
Vibrent bien haut du fond de la Vendée.
Dis aux Français : "Il en est temps, debout.
"Quand je sonnais dans le manoir en flammes,
"Jusqu'à la mort tous luttaient sans effroi.
"Eh bien. Je sonne… Affermissez votre arme,
"Et priez Dieu de nous donner le Roi,
"Eh bien. Je sonne… Affermissez votre arme,
"Et priez Dieu de nous donner le Roi."

English translation:

You who 've been tarnished by powder & dust,
O old bugle, O glorious witness,
You who remained silent since the Penissiere,
Speak now: France needs you;
Because she is drinking the full cup of shame,
For it is this hell that holds her under its law.
So that she might tear off this hateful yoke,
Sacred copper, send you appeal to the King.
So that she might tear off this hateful yoke,
Sacred copper, send your appeal to the King.

Like the waves of an overflowing sea,
Let your tones be heard everywhere,
Vibrating loudly from the depths of the Vendée.
Say to the French men: "It is time, arise.
"When I blew in the mansion that was in flames,
"All fought without fear to the death
"Well. Now I sound again... Steady your arms,
"And pray God gives to us the King,
"Well. Now I sound again... Steady your arms,
"And pray God gives to us the King."

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