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Maxima in San Francisco

Don't promote the LGBT agenda

In the picture above, we see Queen Maxima of the Netherlands enthusiastically greeting drag performers outside a bar in San Francisco's Castro District during her four-day visit to the United States in September 2022.

Then, she stepped into Twin Peaks Tavern to "pay her respects" to the first "gay bar" to openly proclaim itself as such. Meeting at a table with a group of homosexual rights activists, she told them: "We must lead by example. We must ensure that equality is universal, so that everyone can feel at home."

Doing this Queen Maxima, a Roman Catholic, disrupted the normal policy of the Dutch Royal Family, which habitually maintains a distance from homosexuals and their agenda.

In the past the royalty and nobility strove to be models of high moral standards and the practice of virtue. It is sad to see the example of Queen Maxima in San Francisco, which gives a completely opposite example by her promotion of this vice against nature.

Don't promote the LGBT agenda

Elaine Jordan

maxima in Castro district

Queen Maxima, in magenta at right, sits with ‘gay’ activists in Twin Peaks Tavern
in the Castro District of San Francisco


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted July 24, 2023

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